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Explore the importance of discerning between genuine spirituality and perverted manifestations, highlighting the need for clarity and authenticity in spiritual practices. Discover the significance of sanctifying the Lord in your hearts and being ready to share your faith with others with humility and confidence. Dive into the essence of hope and the power of preaching the Gospel with conviction and truth. Learn how to distinguish between true spiritual revelations and deceptive practices, and embrace the transformative message of genuine spirituality. Join us in uncovering the depths of divine wisdom and navigating the path to spiritual enlightenment.
PresentingThe Message I Peter 3:8-15 The Second Part
CONFERENCES 93 Many people seeing the meeting, say, "It's a telepathy. The man is Simon, the sorcerer, and something like that." Why? When you see a spiritualist or a devil act, it's only a perversion of a real genuine thing that God has. 94 And men ought to know enough, spiritual enough, to be able to discern between what's right and wrong. Did you ever hear of a spiritualist casting out devils, healing the sick, and preaching the Gospel? "And by their fruits they are known." They got some little stand over in a corner somewhere, and read the palm of Presenting the Message 2
your hand, guess at four or five things, and a dozen of it be wrong. That's a perversion, trying to draw people's minds, away from the real, genuine Holy Spirit, where we can set together in Heavenly places, and Christ reveal to us what we should do. The churches ought to be that way. We got a great thing. I believe that it's not represented just right. It'll sell itself if it's perfectly represented right. Now, I think there's many of these Methodists, these Baptists, and Presby-terian, would like to have This. But it's the way we present It to them. 63-0608 Presenting the Message 2
LIFE 36 It's because that she turned her thoughts from Christ unto what that psychiatrist was a moving her mind. And that's what we're here for this morning, is to move your mind, and your thinking from the things of the world unto the things of God which is eternal. And that's what preaching is for is to pervert the thinking to a higher, and better, and to the place where Christ is, until you become converted, then your mind reaches for those things which are above. 57-0602 Presenting the Message 2
INVESTMENTS 2 Our Heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful for this time again that we can stand to present the Gospel to this city, Chicago, as it's upon the hearts of these people here, these Christians, to see their people saved. Father, we know that no man can come unless You've drawed him first. And we believe that, every foreordained seed that lays in this city now, there is no way to keep them from receiving the Light of the Gospel. You'll watch over it, to be sure it gets there. You present the Message, and I believe that You are able, Presenting the Message 2
I PETER 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Sanctify:(Gr.) hagiazoo To acknowledge to be venerable or hallow; to separ-ate from profane things and dedicate to God, to consecrate. Answer: (Gr.) aplologia A verbal defence, speech in defence of something. A reasoned statement or argument. Presenting the Message 2
I PETER 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Hope: (Gr.) elpis An expectation of good, hope; and in the Christian sense, joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation. Presenting the Message 2
HOW.THE.ANGEL.CAME.TO.ME 15 (Kingdom of Heaven), a man went forth and cast the net, and when he drawed the net in, (that's the Gospel) he had some fish in there. He had some crawfish in there, some turtles, some snakes… had everything in there. As long as the Gospel net was over them, they all looked the same. But when he lifted the net, he just noticed, just like a revival... The preacher throws the Gospel net; he pulls everything up here he can. First thing you know, the old turtle looks up, "There ain't nothing to it." Presenting the Message 2
And here he goes right back to the mud puddle, frog, too… "There's nothing to it. Somebody stepped on my toes. There ain't nothing by hypocrites up there. But there's some fish in there too. So, it ain't my business. I just throw the net in the pond and pull it. God takes out what's fish. God takes the fish. I have nothing to do with it. I don't keep His books. He knows who's who. But it's us to preach the Gospel. That's up to God to do the saving. 53-1107 Presenting the Message 2
I.AM.THE.RESURRECTION&THE.LIFE 62 She (Mary) young, beautiful, Jewish maiden fell down unto His feet, "Lord." That's what He was. There's your title. "Lord, if Thou would have been here, my brother would not have died.“ All darkness, doubts, fears, everything had passed away; she was with Jesus. She knew if God was in His prophet, God was in His Son. And that was God's Representative then. God has one major representative on the earth at a time. He had one Elijah, then Elisha come. You know Who His major Representative is today? The Holy Spirit; that's His Representative. 52-0810 Presenting the Message 2
BELIEVING.GOD 234 Now, Satan, I know you're holding this people, dark, gloomy, hideous thing holding over them, saying, "Well, I'll make a try at it." But I want to speak to you. I stand in their place, between them and God this morning. I stand as a servant of Almighty God. My sins are gone through the Blood of Jesus Christ by Divine faith that I have in Him as the Son of God. And I claim, and the Bible claims first, and I speak as the Bible, that He spoiled every power that you ever had at Calvary. Presenting the Message 2
And the Bible claims that His disciples are to carry this commission that He had here on earth to the end of the age. And I am His disciple; therefore, this morning I come as a represent-tative, a representative of Jesus Christ in His actions. I am sent in His place. And whenever I call over the person, your power will break, and the person will be free and go out of here and get well. I challenge you in the Name, the Name of Jesus Christ, in His Blood I stand. 52-0224 Presenting the Message 2
GOD.PERFECTING.HIS.CHURCH 36 He was standing there doing the work of God, presenting the Gospel in the very manifestation that God spoke by His prophet said He would do it. And when the Pharisees, scholars, come along, they actually believed that. But because that they wouldn't be popular, why, they couldn't accept it. Nicodemus expressed it for the whole group of them. "We know You're a Teacher comes from God...” We know it, the Pharisees. And then they said, "Oh, He's a devil." They tried to black it out after they had received and knowed that He was the Messiah. But to be popular and to stay in their own church ranks, they despised Him, and cast Him out, and called Him a devil. 54-1204 Presenting the Message 2
MATTHEW 13:4-7 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: 5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: 6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: 8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Presenting the Message 2
SHALOM 50 You don't find that genuineness in man. You don't find it in women. The women in our day don't seem to have that ladylike they once had. They're just like they want to, something won't let them do it. It seems like there's a heaviness. I feel sorry for her. She's so caught in such a web of Hollywood, and the advertisements in television, radio, newspaper, with modern dress and the way other women meet her. Seems to be that they just can't pull away from; our young people, our old people, our middle age. 64-0112 Presenting the Message 2
Marketing to Children • In 1990 $100 million was spent on advertising to children in America. • In 2000 that figure had increased to $2 Billion. • In 2019, 4.2 billion will be spent. • In 2019, teenagers will spend approx. $160 billion on fast food, and consumer goods. Presenting the Message 2
Report of the APA Task Force on Advertising and Children …Compounding the growth in channels for advertising targeting children has been another development: the privatization of children's media use. A recent study found that a majority of all U.S. children have televisions in their bedrooms. Many children also have unsupervised access to computers, meaning that much of the media (and advertising) content that children view is in contexts absent parental monitoring and supervision. Presenting the Message 2
These two trends—the growth in advertising channels reaching children and the privatization of children's media use—have resulted in a dramatic increase in advertising directly intended for the eyes and ears of children. It is estimated that advertisers spend more than $12 billion per year to reach the youth market and that children view more than 40,000 commercials each year. These figures represent dramatic increases over those from the 1970s. Presenting the Message 2
A variety of studies have found a substantial relationship between children's viewing of tobacco and alcohol ads and positive attitudes toward consumption of such products. Children find many such commercials attractive (e.g., Joe Camel, Budweiser frogs) and consequently have high brand awareness of such products and positive attitudes toward them. These products and their characters have been found to be featured in programming and publications frequently viewed by minors, and reviews of this research (including the Surgeon General's analysis) conclude that advertising of them contributes to youth smoking and drinking. Presenting the Message 2
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Child: (Heb.) na'ar a boy, lad, servant, youth, retainer, servant, retainer Presenting the Message 2
…in the way he should go: (Heb.) peh 1a) mouth (of man) 1b) mouth (as organ of speech) 1c) mouth (of animals) 1d) mouth, opening of a well or river, 1e) extremity, end Presenting the Message 2
ONENESS 70 I don't believe there's any marriage can be what it ought to be without a union between husband, wife and God. They'll bring up children in the world, make them illegitimates, give them cigarettes, whiskey, play cards in their sight, liquor… No matter how loyal they are to their marriage… The very thing of not leading them to Christ was the wrongest thing they could ever do besides the other: not to lead them to Christ. • 62-0211 Presenting the Message 2
Fences of Protective Discipline • People: Who holds your child’s heart? • 2. Media: Who captures their imagination? • Ps. 101:3 • 3. Appetites: What controls their desire? Phil. 4:8-9 • 4. Influences: Who sets their course? Col. 3:1-4 (Mentors) Presenting the Message 2
WHAT.HOUSE.WILL.YOU.BUILD.ME 32 And Bro. Green, God has sent him in here and opened us up a church of like precious Faith that we believe in, we ought to be very grateful to God, and attend every service, take every place that we can. And if we are asked and called on, to pray, to seek, to do, let's be soldiers, just anxious to do it. 33 Keep the Message honorable, and live the right kind of life. Don't let no smut come upon It. We're living too late now. We're too late in the hour. Let's live It clean. Presenting the Message 2
Or, my life, your life, all of our lives needs to be picked up, before God. 34 Our young people just ride around, from place to place, from show to show, and drifting further and further away from God. Now, that's the truth. I see it in my children, and I see myself getting to a place... You've got to assemble ourselves together, to worship God; the Bible said so, "When we see this day approaching, that much more come together." If there is only two people here, you be one of them. 65-1121 Presenting the Message 2
Or, my life, your life, all of our lives needs to be picked up, before God. 34 Our young people just ride around, from place to place, from show to show, and drifting further and further away from God. Now, that's the truth. I see it in my children, and I see myself getting to a place... You've got to assemble ourselves together, to worship God; the Bible said so, "When we see this day approaching, that much more come together." If there is only two people here, you be one of them. 65-1121 Presenting the Message 2