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Learning. Knowledge Creation. SELF. Prasad Kaipa CEO Advisor & Coach. Purpose: Developing a reflective mindset Deeper appreciation for your natural genius These two would be very useful in becoming an effective leader at work and life outside work. OVERVIEW. Ground rules.
Learning Knowledge Creation SELF Prasad Kaipa CEO Advisor & Coach
Purpose: Developing a reflective mindset Deeper appreciation for your natural genius These two would be very useful in becoming an effective leader at work and life outside work. OVERVIEW
Ground rules Confidentiality, Safety, Authenticity Openness, Stretching, Interactions Interruptions, Trust
Intro Sheet Most Favorite Food, Drink. Your Nickname. Three Passions Outside Work. People / Character You Admire the Most.
Introduction • Find a creative way to hold the ‘intro sheet’ on your chest so that your hands are free. • Next 10 minutes, meet everybody in the room with your intro sheet on your chest. • Go…
Getting to know. • How did you feel? • Did your feelings change with time? • Was there any surprises? Discoveries? • What was common? What was different? • What did you learn about others in the room? • About yourself?
"The road to your dreams Can only be found With one foot in eternity And the other on shaky ground." -----Rick Tarquinio Roadmap…
Organizational Behavior Individual Behavior Mindset Leadership Knowledge Changes Aha +/- Changes in Behavior Process Energy Awareness Time
Transformation vs. Change • Awareness is instant. Practice takes time & energy • Facilitator's role: provide deep awareness and process to channel it, provide new distinctions and tools to pay attention • Change happens when: you take action based on the new learning and awareness acquired in the workshop • When you teach it to others and role model it, you develop other leaders in the organization
Transformation Experience/ Conceptual Understanding Awareness (in an Instant) Attention Action Reflection Behavior change
What do you remember from it? Did you take any actions based on that session? What happened? Reflecting on the Receptive Mindset Session
How would you define it? Not jumping to conclusions Have the ability to step out of day to day activities and looking in from outside Seeing things through others eyes Pausing for thought Ongoing continuous review Accepting that you are not always right Reflective Mindset
How would you define it? Thoughtful To detach yourself from the issue, from the moment Being objective Considering the unusual Internalising -making it meaningful Holistic Comparing things against past experience Engaging with yourself and Being subjective Responses from the Previous Group
Activity vs. Action distinction Which of the two -- Activities or actions – produce meaningful results? What do you engage on a day to day basis? Actions or activities? What percentage? How do you make actions to be effective and strategic? What keeps you busy day after day? Activities or Actions? Activity vs. Action
Reception to Reflection Cycle Awareness Reflection Attention Action
Shadow Cycle Past Knowledge Navel Gazing Tunnel Vision Activities
Intellectual Property Business Results Skills & knowledge Competence CapabilityCapacity Strategy + Culture + Leadership = Results and IP IQ & Action Mindset Strategy Culture (X10) EQ & Receptive Mindset Choice & Reflective Mindset Leadership (X100)
Journey from Reception to Reflection • Reception increases awareness of the box you are in. • Paying attention to receptivity of others and opportunity in front of you makes you choose right action. • Taking appropriate action at the right time will allow you to produce effective results • Reflection on the whole process gets you to step out of the current box and lead!
Become aware of who is reflecting (gain role clarity) Where are you reflecting from? (What perspective are you bringing) What are you reflecting on? (what is the content that you are focusing on?) 3 Keys to Reflective Mindset
Self is not your identity or your ego: Identity is who you think you are and how you experience yourself. Ego is feeling good about your identity compared to how you identify others. Self is something that gives you the identity and may or may not be limited by your identity or ego. Metaphor: Water filled in a pitcher Story: Uddalaka and Svetakethu, Chandogya Upanishad Definition: Self
Bridging the gap through working together Individuals/Functions with shared commitment to results (they create their own microculture) Microcultures that work and actively seek to integrate with other cultures (teams) Bridge individuals and functions with other individuals and functions in the organization (Cross-functional team-work) Individual/ Function Identity Team Ego Org Self Individual, Team & The Corporation
Learning is a verb and not a noun. It is the process through which you acquire knowledge, develop skills, feel competent and build capacity. Competence and Capacity are critical for senior executives. It can be incremental (most cases) or transformative. Incremental learning deals with learning about tasks, the world, others whereas transformative is learning about yourself. Learning is what you breathe in and creativity is what you breathe out. Mind the gap in between. Definition: Learning
Knowledge is not a ‘thing’ that can be managed or dictated, but a process that must be created. It must be evoked and is connected with aspiration. It is a pattern, formula, an interpretation. It can be ‘tacit’ or explicit. ‘Justified, true belief’ – Nonaka Example: letters of the alphabet are data, words are information and the meaning that is conveyed is knowledge. (Jokes do not work across cultures) In India, ultimate knowledge is self-knowledge. Knowing yourself fully, you know the world because they are two sides of the same coin. Definitions: Knowledge
It has three levels: explicit (objective), relational (process) and tacit (subjective) Knowledge is context rich (jokes) Organic (unstructured) and Inorganic (structured) One person’s knowledge is another person’s information It is often messy, emotionally charged and tacit It has limited shelf-life (knowledge losses) Definitions: Knowledge contd.
The number of scientific journals, books, papers and abstracts has been doubling every 15 years for the past two centuries. The National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel listed 54 scientific specialties after World War II; 20 years later, it listed 900. As many books were published between 1950 and 1975 as in the 500 years after the invention of the printing press. Knowledge doubles every seven years!
Knowing how it works is knowledge. Knowing how to make it is skill Knowing how one feels (emotional) in integrating skills and knowledge in getting new project done is competence Knowledge about oneself and stretching beyond ones image builds capacity (generative) It is Knowledge -- All the Way Down
Creation is not improvement. Innovation is continuous improvement of what has already been created. Invention is creating something new. It is sudden, abrupt, collective and has more to do with ‘unlearning.’ Creation is an collective process though it might show up through an individual. It is intimately connected with culture, system, challenge and risk taking, reflection, authenticity, passion, and action. Knowledge creation or generation is about creating new formulas, products, processes and ideas. Once you create you knowledge, you can manage it and transfer it or lose it. Definitions: Creation
Create an environment with a high degree of trust, little fear of making mistakes, a motivated sense of purpose with clarity of goals and a high regard and respect for individual and collective collaboration. -- Knowledge & Innovation Consortium draft 6/23/00 It is through language that we coordinate our actions and create knowledge. It stems from our emotions. – Maturana Knowledge Creation takes place in relationships by making the tacit explicit. Keys to Knowledge Creation?
Three Boxes of Knowledge Creation Box 3: Opportunity Discovery& Leveraging the Future Box 2: Unlearning & Selective Forgetting Discontinuous Learning (Lead) Box 1: Continuous Improvement (managing knowledge) Continuous Learning (Manage)
Box 1 is critical for managing operations and for bridging the performance gap Box 2 is critical developing leadership in self, organizations and seeing new contexts Box 3 is about creating the future. The role of leadership is very different. (Ideal for knowledge creation) Managing to Generating New Knowledge
Convergent thinking Divergent thinking ‘Gap’ Open The Learning process begins all over again! Synthesize/ integrate back to individual perspective You unlearn and open up to a larger perspective Action in the context of business process The Learning Cycle
Reflection inside the box is not very useful. If the mirror is dirty, your face in it will also look dirty. Unless we clean the mirror, we never get true reflection of ourselves. Reflective mindset is to step outside of your current problem, current paradigm and examine it from a larger perspective. Then, you begin to see things you might not have seen before! Reflection How can I ever polish your mirror, if you keep getting irritated at every rub? - Rumi
Unlearning is not: Forgetting the past Unfreezing & Refreezing Giving up Key to Learning is Unlearning
Unlearning is about: Selective forgetting of our interpretations and creating new patterns with our basic building blocks Letting go of old behaviors Going beyond autopilot patterns Breaking habits and old mindsets Being open to new and unexpected possibilities Key to Learning is Unlearning
Our instinctive reactions (Our instincts are tuned to old patterns) • Our expressions like "You are out of line","We don't do things like that in this company", "That's impossible“ Only through others that we truly learn and unlearn! Reflection is most true when the mirror is clean and not colored! Access to Unlearning is through:
Our Assumptions Beliefs Attitudes Values Conditioning WE MOSTLY OPERATE ON AUTOPILOT What Limits Our Unlearning Process? It is not bad or good. It is the foundation of our perspective. Knowing that we mostly come out of autopilot, we can become more aware of our listening to others, slowing our thought processes and become more open!
The Purpose of the session is to examine how this group of leaders work together to learn (and unlearn), innovate and create knowledge collectively and individually OVERVIEW Session 1 A systems perspective of Culture, Orgn. and Individual Connecting Cultural Audit to Knowledge Creation Understanding Knowledge creation Learning, Unlearning and the Reflective Mindset Session 2 Creating Knowledge Together Implications for BAE SYSTEMS Implications for you and your divisions
Knowledge creation emanates from the area where we don’t know and don’t have skills -- uneasy Forgetting -- is that the right way to create my future? How to’s? What if the leaders are not doing this? Are they the only ones with a telephone? Reflections from previous group • Giving oneself time/space to reflect and think before acting is a powerful … • Concept of unlearning and its relationship to openness • Overflowing tea cup metaphor • Factors that brought us success in the past could be limiting success in the future
We mostly are unaware of our beliefs, attitudes, values and assumptions (knowing-doing gap) Most of our knowledge is tacit. (Our interpretation of the world and it is not the interpretation) We don't see our mindsets though we notice that of other people There is a gap in our own understanding of who we are! We can only bridge it in relationships Why is It Difficult for Us to Change?
We continue to do what we have done before, expecting different results Learning is something that we all have done before and we don’t often do. Willing to risk, staying open to results and focused on the process and being aware of what is happening in the moment helps you to become more effective. Oak in an Acorn
Clarity of intention Awareness of what is going on around you Empathy for one another Appreciation for one another and for what you received Stretching beyond your own limits Letting go of what does not work and old mindsets Core Competencies for Knowledge Creation
What is the North Star in context of knowledge creation in BAE SYSTEMS? North Star is like a strategic intent. It is what you strive for and it is what gives you direction, inspiration and challenge to move into your future. North Star
Explore with emphasis on the "what" rather than the "how". Break into groups of 4
Inspires when down Challenges when smug Gives direction when lost Does the ideal meet the three requirements?
It describes ‘what’ state and not how state. It inspires you are when down It challenges you when you are smug It gives direction when you are lost What is the North Star for BAE SYSTEMS in the area of knowledge creation that meets the following requirements?
To unleash the potential of our people to be the best and make the difference The company is too British we have to get global perspective Benchmark perspective still relevant? Solutions for the world The best of technology for the safer, better world What is the North Star for BAE SYSTEMS in the area of knowledge creation that meets the following requirements? • In our responsibility for the security of the world, we will create and share wealth • Benchmark for global solutions • Make the difference: The leading global integrated systems and solutions company for a better world • We are responsible for providing the means to protect the world
Integrating global knowledge and technology for a safer, better world Creating an insatiable, global, learning, people Power, Creating the future today New world What is the North Star for BAE SYSTEMS in the area of knowledge creation that meets the following requirements?
We will recognize and explore, reward, value new ideas as much as we will reward results By 2005, 25% of revenues will come from products, technologies, services or markets in which we have no presence at the moment The leading global integrated systems and solutions company for a safer world What is the North Star for BAE SYSTEMS in the area of knowledge creation that meets the following requirements?