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Readin g

9-2-2014. Readin g

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Readin g

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  1. 9-2-2014 Reading The students will meet all the Zoo-phonics animals with songs and a variety of activities to help them learn the names and motions of all 26 animals. We will focus on 1 or 2 animals weekly, learning their letter names and sounds. You can find these targeted letters in parenthesis on the calendar. We will also use poetry, having the children look for specific patterns, letters, and introduced sight words in the rhymes. The sight words for each week can also be found on the calendar. Special Themes We will be having fun with colors and names throughout the month of September. Your child is encouraged to wear, or bring in an object, for each special color day listed on the calendar. The children will also be introduced to anti-bullying procedures through our new Upstander program. September Birthdays Mrs. Adams - Olivia, Justin Mrs. Bresson - Aidyn,Jayden, Corey, Haiden, Havanna Miss Brown - Madelynn Mrs. Dougherty - Taylor Mrs. Miller- nobody Math In math, we will be using the Everyday Math program. The lessons spiral, meaning that skills are introduced and practiced, then revisited at a later date to reinforce and work toward mastery. During this month, the children will participate in hands-on activities focusing on counting, sorting, number recognition, and shape recognition, to name a few. REMINDERs Please check daily that your child has his/her blue take-home folder and the appropriate headband specifying where your child is to go after school. Also, help your child memorize his/her lunch number.

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