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GANAG Framework: Elevating Student Learning Standards

Enhance student learning with practical standards-based teaching strategies by implementing the GANAG framework for curriculum planning and assessment. Build a cohesive instructional plan to boost student achievement and engagement.

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GANAG Framework: Elevating Student Learning Standards

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  1. Jane E. Pollock, Ph.D. www.learninghorizon.net Jane, co-author of ASCD bestseller, Classroom Instruction That Works (2001), works worldwide with teachers, coaches and principals on instruction and supervision. Her work results in improved student achievement at the classroom and school levels. A former ESL and classroom teacher, Jane has worked as a district administrator and Senior Researcher for McREL Research Laboratory. Jane wrote Improving Student Learning One Teacher at a Time (2007) and Feedback: the Hinge that Joins Teaching and Learning (2011). She coauthored Dimensions of Learning Teacher and Training Manuals (1996), Assessment, Grading and Record Keeping (1999), Improving Student Learning One Principal at a Time (2009) and Minding the Achievement Gap One Classroom at a Time (2012). Her current manuscripts pending publications are: i5: teaching thinking, teaching innovation and The Teacher Knowing-Doing Gap. Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, Jane earned degrees at the University of Colorado and Duke University.

  2. The Big Four:Learning Intentions Jane E. Pollock, Ph.D. www.learninghorizon.net

  3. GANAG

  4. As Einstein observed, Science should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

  5. Goal To improve student learning by scoring to standards Formative – during instruction & Summative – on culminating tasks and for reporting

  6. The Big Four Framework Well Articulated Curriculum Plan for Instruction Varied Assessment GANAG Standards-based Feedback Focus = Student, Learning, Standards

  7. Goal: Prepare Grade-level Documents • Curriculum Standards Year – at – a Glance • By Reporting Term • Unit • Weekly

  8. Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement by Robert J. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering and Jane E. Pollock (2001)

  9. Step 1: Prepare Yearly Document first

  10. A. Search for Curriculum Standards online: CCSS – English, Math NGSS Australian Standards Colombian Standards State Standards National

  11. B. Prepare Standards Documents with minimal formatting for Term and Unit Distribution Times New Roman 12 No Tabs Text and Bold, only

  12. C. Prepare Standards Documents by sequencing across the terms, semesters using a matrix document to show the sequence

  13. C. Prepare & View Documents in Matrix Format to distribute standards by reporting period

  14. C. May also view vertical alignment, if necessary for some subject areas

  15. D. Create a Map of Unit Titles • to guide standards distribution

  16. C. Prepare Each Term Document by Saving the Standards document multiple times, once for each reporting terms Then, delete standards from that term document that are not taught/assessed in that term. D. Repeat for the Units within the term based on the unit map.

  17. Shared Drive Folder Example: English Curriculum Philosophy English Standards Grade 5 5 Standards by Term 5 Grade Unit Titles 5 Unit 1 Playing with Words 5 Unit 2 Renaissance Thinking 5 Unit 3 Clues to a Culture 5 Unit 4 America in Conflict 5 Unit 5 Experiences Real & Imagined

  18. E. Prepare Each Term Document by identifying assessments, formative (daily and weekly) and summative for units. F. Repeat for the Units, identifying assessments, formative and summative

  19. What is racial equality? Why is telling or writing a narrative important? How does reading about the past help me understand the present? RI.2.3 W.2.3

  20. Traditional Grade Books

  21. Scoring Guides

  22. Shift Master TEACHER Master LEARNER

  23. Exit Ticket • Today I realized… • Now I know… • The most significant thing I learned was…

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