Facilitator Feedback • I found it very enlightening and fulfilling for myself. Sometimes (many times) I forget what it’s like when you’re just starting out and learning. I am a firm believer in the Inter Disciplinary Team approach and I love the fact that you are presenting it as part of the curriculum!! • We had a nice group overall - they all participated (although had to rally them back together toward the end) I have to say I was glad we had our SW student, she was excellent and really brought home the "reality" of the impact of this injury to this pt and family. Many of the MD students mostly had not thought of the perspective of the risks of Financial losses, independence, ADLs, and general impact of this on a persons life • In my group, I laid-down ground rules that all are to participate. There are no right or wrong answers, but that we help each other learn about the best strategy. The nursing students in particular shared that they felt that everyone was more of the team than in prior IPE conferences because the med students dominated. Also, the med students commented on how important it was to hear from the other disciplines as they are so fixated on diagnosing the problem, that the psycho-social aspects (depression and stress) and functional status (risk for falls) would have NEVER been considered by them alone. Some of this is related to their lack of clinical practice, but thought it was an interesting revelation.
Medical Student Feedback • Just wanted to let you know that today’s IPE Case Conference for PCM II was VERY well received and thoroughly enjoyed by many (actually all) classmates I spoke to afterwards. It was a great concept and very informative! • I did not learn much from this session. I think part of the problem was that in my group there were no pharmacy, PT, or social work students. • I really enjoyed this experience. I thought it was overall a very insightful and educational session. It would have been helpful to have had a nutritionist's point of view in the case. • Half of the other professionals who should have been in my room never showed up. That was frustrating. • I was really impressed with the PA and the Pharm students. • We really should do this more often, and include more professionals • I enjoyed interacting with students of other disciplines
Social Work Students Feedback • This was a great experience! Should be done early and often for all of us • As a social work student who had no prior experience in a hospital setting, I felt at a slight disadvantage. I felt a bit intimidated since I was the only non-medical professional. It was a good learning experience though to see what medical social work might be like. • We should have speech path. here next time • medical, nursing, etc students should have at least one class on health care social workers while in school • More events like this
Nursing Student Feedback • I think the overall concept of the interprofessional events is extremely beneficial, but it's just difficult when we have other classes and finals going on. Incorporating these concepts into class or shared lectures would work well I think. • Physician's and superiority complexes • The students in the IPE should be on the same level. For example, the med students in their 1st year have never had hospital experience, while the nursing students who are in their senior year have had 2 years in the hospital. • I am very excited to see where Rutgers will take the future of health care professional's education. Having a similar foundation to learn from between all the professional schools is such a great idea, and the IPEs are a step in the right direction. As a senior in the College of Nursing, this is such a valuable experience. Not that many student nurses can say they've had the chance to work in an environment such as this before practicing/residency. • I appreciate the opportunities of IPE very much. At the end of the day, working together to deliver the best care possible to our patients is our goal. What better to learn than to learn together?
Pharmacy Student Feedback • It would be better if the session is more organized to truly focus on different problems that specifically involve a certain HC professional and the coordinator encourages participant involvement a little bit more (rather than explaining/giving "answers") • This was a really good learning experience about other professions and their roles. Have more of these sessions in the future.
Physical Therapy Student Feedback • Very interesting to see different views and opinions from different professions and kind of where different disciplines focus their treatment (ie IP or OP or once pt. goes home) • Overall it was a great experience. I would like to see more of these kinds of workshops and different cases. • Great experience • Students should ask other inter-prof students questions rather then the instructor asking them. • Very informative. I enjoyed this session very much. Better than expected.
Physician Assistant Student Feedback • Very helpful - a window into the worlds of other professions I will be working with • I enjoyed the inter-professional session and it was nice hearing all or my groups thoughts and suggestions • making this voluntary for ALL students would have weeded out the students who didn't want to be here • felt pretty slow, unstructured, but I really liked hearing from the nursing students. For us PA's and med students, our lack of clinical training is blaringly obvious. • Definitely would have been better if we weren't missing the PT and RN • Didn’t really talk to the med students • Different specialities need to learn how to respect each other more and learn not to speak over one another. • I found it very interesting and helpful to learn the roles of different medical professionals. Great experience! • Our group had nurses PAs and med students. The nurses were far and away the most helpful • This program was very helpful. I enjoyed working with students from other health care fields.