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Explore British Transportation: Trains, Buses, and More

Discover the history and modern infrastructure of transportation in Great Britain. Learn about railways, buses, and airports like London Heathrow. Experience the diverse modes of travel and the significance of each.

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Explore British Transportation: Trains, Buses, and More

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  1. Transport • www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Obrázek 1 Pendolinorunning on the West Coast Main Line Thefirstnationalroad-buildingprogrammesince Roman timeswasbrought in the 18th century by theTurnpike Trust. Theypaidfortheroads and took care of themoutofthetollstheycharged.

  3. Obrázek 2 Virgin's Pendolino train at Birmingham's New Street station The rail network in Great Britain is the oldest network in the world. The system consists of five high-speed main lines (the West Coast, East Coast, Midland, Great Western and Great Eastern), which go out in alldirectionsfrom London to the rest of the country.

  4. London Heathrow (LHR) is a giantairport currently divided into four terminals (T1, T3, T4 and T5). Originally established in the late 1940s, it is London's primary airport in the United Kingdom, and is the busiest airport in the world for international passenger traffic and is theEurope's most important part oftheairport. Obrázek 3 Terminal 5 at London Heathrow Airport, which is the world's busiestairport by international passenger traffic

  5. A tram (also known as a tramcar; a streetcar; and a trolley, trolleycar,) is a passenger rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets and alsoon separate rights of way. Obrázek 4 A vintage British tram from the Leeds Tramway,preserved at the National TramwayMuseum

  6. Buses, trains and airplanes are the most frequentlyusedmeansof public transport. Travelling by bus isusuallycheap and suitableforshortdistances. Going by coachisquitecomfortable, evenifthejourneytakes a lot ofhours. Many peopleprefergoing by bus ortrain to flyingbecauseyoucanobservethelandscapefrom a bus window and talk to fellowpassengers. Obrázek 5 An Arriva double-decker bus, running route102 on the London Buses network

  7. A Leyland Tiger now preserved at the 2008 Alton Bus Rally. It was previously run by Southdown Motor Services. Obrázek 6 A Leyland Tiger 649used by Southdown MotorServices in England

  8. Obrázek 7 The waiting area at London Heathrow airport's terminal 3 Most airports are busy placeswith a lot ofpeoplemillingaround in thearrivalshall and thedeparturelounges. Passengerscan make theirownway to theairportorcome by coachfromtheterminal. In thedepartureloungethe air clerkatthecheck-in counterwilltakeyourticket, weightheluggage and pass a boardingcard to you.

  9. Obrázek 8 Heathrow Terminal 5A building Whentheloudspeakerannouncesyourflightyoucanwalk to thedeparturegatewhere a hostesswillfollowyou to the plane and show youtheway.Thereis a crew in the plane (captain/chief pilot, co-pilot, navigator, flightattendants ). Youcanbeservedmeals, snacksordrinks.

  10. Cantravellingbedangerous ? Aggressive and violentdrivers cause a lot ofaccidents.Andofcoursewekeepbeinginformedaboutaircraftcrashes, hijackings, shipwrecksoraccidents on therailways. Obrázek 9 ANA Boeing 747-400 (JA8097) landing at London HeathrowAirport

  11. recognizethem ?? Willyou 18 H 10 15 16 13 12 11 14 17

  12. Bulk carriers, such as the Sabrina, are cargo ships used to transport bulk cargo items such as ore or food (rice, grain, etc.) and similar cargo. It can be recognized by the large box-like hatches on its deck, abulk carrier could be either dry or wet. Container ships are cargo ships that carry their load in truck-size containers, in a technique called containerization. Knownas "box boats," they carry the majority of the world's dry cargo. Atugboatis a boat used tomovement, mainly pushing other vessels (see shipping) in harbours, over the open sea or through rivers and canals. They are also used to pullbarges, disabled ships, or other equipments. AnOcean Liner is a passenger ship designed to transport people from one seaport to another along long-distance maritime routes according to a schedule. Ocean liners may also carry cargo or mail. Refrigerated ships (usually called Reefers) are cargo ships used to transport perishable commodities which require temperature-controlled transportation, mostly fruits, meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products and other foodstuffs. Results : 10 – bulkcarrier 11 – containership 12 – tugboat 13 – oceanliner 14 – refrigeratedship

  13. TrueorFalse ??? T F

  14. Whatcanyoutake on yourjourneyortrip ??? J G A C K I D B ? H F E

  15. Results Slide : 13 Slide : 14 1 – true 2 – false 3 – true 4 – true 5 – false 6 – false 7 – false 8 – false 9 – false 10- true A- trunk B- cage C- wicker basket D- sack E- plasticbag F- suitcase G- cardboard box H- wallet i- purse J- flask K- handbag

  16. Obrázek 1 The West Coast Main Line railway, alongside the M1 motorway, A Virgin trains Pendolinorunning on the West Coast Main Line alongside the M1 motorway near Daventry in Northamptonshire G-MAN. wikipedia.org [online]. June 2005 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WCML_and_M1.jpg Obrázek 2 Virgin's Pendolino train at Birmingham's New Street station SCOTT, Phil. wikipedia.org [online]. 24th September 2003 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedna WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:390029_%27City_of_Stoke-on-Trent%27_at_Birmingham_New_Street.JPG Obrázek 3 Terminal 5 at London Heathrow Airport, which is the world's busiest airport by international passenger traffic ADAMBRO. wikipedia.org [online]. 29 March 2008 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:London_Heathrow_T5_AB1.JPG Obrázek 4 A vintage British tram from the Leeds Tramway, preserved at the National Tramway Museum G-MAN. wikipedia.org [online]. 24 December 2004 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain naWWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:OldTram_700.jpg Obrázek 5 An Arriva double-decker bus, running route 102 on the London Buses network ARRIVA436. wikipedia.org [online]. 6/4/08 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Arriva_T6_nearside.JPG Obrázek 6 A LeylandTiger ARRIVA436. wikipedia.org [online]. 20/7/08 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Southdown_649.JPG

  17. Obrázek 7 London Heathrow airport's terminal 3 MURPHY VII, Tom. wikipedia.org [online]. 26 August 2005 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LHR_Terminal_3_waiting_area.jpg Obrázek 8 Heathrow Terminal 5A building DBX54. wikipedia.org [online]. 3 January 2009 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Heathrow_Terminal_5_012.jpg Obrázek 9 ANA Boeing 747-400 (JA8097) landing at London Heathrow Airport PINGSTONE, Adrian. wikipedia.org [online]. August 2007 [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ana.b747-400.ja8097.arp.jpg Obrázek 10-14 viz.hypertextový odkaz na: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_transport Obrázky 15-18: Klipart MS Office [cit.2013-02-26]. Dostupný pod licencí Microsoft Office 2010 na WWW: <http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/images/> Obrázky (slide 14) A-K : Klipart MS Office [cit.2013-02-26]. Dostupný pod licencí Microsoft Office 2010 na www: <http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/images/>

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