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Project flight schedule Monday 21 Nov – Friday 23 Dec 5 weeks – 150 flight hours

Project flight schedule Monday 21 Nov – Friday 23 Dec 5 weeks – 150 flight hours Closed Thursday 24 Nov – Sunday 27 Nov Normal open hours, Monday - Friday: 6 AM – 7 PM Flight days 8 AM – 4 PM Maintenance days Exceptions TBD 3 – 4 Flight days per week (mostly 10 hours)

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Project flight schedule Monday 21 Nov – Friday 23 Dec 5 weeks – 150 flight hours

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  1. Project flight schedule Monday 21 Nov – Friday 23 Dec 5 weeks – 150 flight hours Closed Thursday 24 Nov – Sunday 27 Nov Normal open hours, Monday - Friday: 6 AM – 7 PM Flight days 8 AM – 4 PM Maintenance days Exceptions TBD 3 – 4 Flight days per week (mostly 10 hours) Focus on more flights early (weather, maintenance) Remove some instruments before project end (DU, NOAA O3) Combine objectives to 10-hour flights

  2. Daily flight schedule (Monday-Friday, mountain time) 6:00 Aircraft out, refuel, warm instruments 7:15 All onboard 7:45 Doors close 8:00 Take-off 18:00 Touch-down 18:15 De-brief 19:00 RAF closes down Changes are possible; e.g. DU-Kent State, MMM-UCLA objectives Normal RAF crew duty limits apply (CHECK)

  3. Daily planning schedule (Sunday-Friday) 6:30 Pilot briefing 13:00 Weather forecast (Chris Davis etc.) Instrument status (all PIs' ground crew) Flight planning 15:00 Message left on answering machine Phone 303-497-1040 18:15 De-brief + next day mission update

  4. Daily maintenance schedule (Monday-Friday) assuming 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM flight 6:00 Access to aircraft equipment - mechanics for paper work 7:00 Equipment must be re-installed and paperwork completed - mechanics for paperwork 18:00 Access to aircraft equipment - mechanics for paper work 19:00 Facility closes

  5. Daily maintenance schedule (Monday-Friday) assuming no flight 8:00 Access to aircraft equipment 16:00 Facility closes Some flexibility Notes: with 1-2 no-flight days per week, we have limited maintenance time. With 3-4 flights per week, we may need to fly even if some instruments are 'broken'; - change objectives. Move rake and inlet once per week on maint. day

  6. Flight areas: DOCIMS Sr-Cu over Pacific New Particle SW, NW over Pacific N over Canada START N over US and Canada NW over Pacific CHAPS Plains, mountains, en-route Static Defect Anywhere Dropsondes Testing a few over land Serial sondes over water No sondes over Canada

  7. Payload: Pressure, temperature, dewpoint (lower atmosphere) Winds (3-10 Hz max., not anti-iced) Humidity (Campos/Maycom TDL) Ozone (Gao/NOAA) CO, CO2 (Campos) CN, RDMA (Rogers) Aerosol particles, NMASS, FCAS (Lee, Wilson, LaF.) Dropsonde (Lauritsen) Differential GPS (Beaton, Romashkin, Jensen) Rake + pitotstatic (Friehe, Rogers, Stith) HIMIL air intakes (Fox, Rogers) Trailing cone (Jensen, Friesen, Schanot, - Jan 06)

  8. Who can fly: Must be directly project operations related Equipment operator, flight scientist, teaching if directly project related (Jeff)

  9. Who can fly: 11 seats: 2 pilots 1 RAF tech 1 EOL data system programmer 1 dropsonde operator 1 RAF trace gas operator 1 RAF aerosol operator 1 DU aerosol operator 2 Mission scientists (1 CHAPS, 1 non-RAF) 1 more (instrument training, etc.) Later we may free up programmer seat

  10. Flight decisions: Group decision by PIs and delegates at 1 PM planning meeting Project manager to function as 'circuit breaker' in case of disagreements Project manager to keep track of time used by each project Project managers: Jensen, Schanot and Romashkin 303-497-1028, -1063 and -1027

  11. Data handling Real-time data feed: Every 5 seconds, data transferred to ground database (1 Hz data) Inside UCAR firewall use “aeros” Outside UCAR firewall use web browser (www.eol.ucar.edu/raf/)

  12. Data handling Chat: Any client (e.g. xchat) Sign EOL agreement Server for EOL/RDCC: rdcc.guest.ucar.edu/6668 Use SSL Accept invalid SSL certificate Chat channel: &G5 Nick-name: FirstnameLastname-location e.g. RonRuth-JeffCo Use /nick to change your name

  13. Data handling – FTP: FTP fownload site: ftp.atd.ucar.edu Directory: /pub/archive/RAF-projects/ProgSci Naming convention for all files you provide: PS_20051206_0600_instrument.ext PS_yyyymmdd_hhmm_instrument.ext Subdirectories for specific purposes: data: prelimenary netCDF files from prior flights images: data/image to push to G5 during flights reports: self-evident Please provide upload plans and data formats

  14. Data handling – FTP: Web browsing from aircraft: Open browser Home page shows uploaded data

  15. Organization: Door access cards – add your name One card per group (unless special need) Email and phone list – add your details Safety briefing – read carefully and sign form Photo release – sign form, list permit or no permit Computer usage form - sign

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