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www. .org. Scientific Electronic Library Online. a 14 years old network of national and thematic collection of open access journals.
www. .org Scientific Electronic Library Online a 14 years old network of national and thematic collection of open access journals Abel L. PackerCoordinator of the SciELO Program – State of São Paulo Research FoundationAdvisor on Information and Communication on ScienceFoundation of the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil NECOBELAC Seminar on SciELOIstitutoSuperiorediSanità, Roma, 21 June 2011,
national SciELO Network collections thematic collection – [all issues] journals issues services articles references index agregator - library Open Access through the Internet from anywhere metapublisher
SciELO - summary is a special program of FAPESP general objective – contribute to the advancement of researchdemocratize access to scientific knowledge specific objective – contribute to improve journals’ quality start as a pilot project in 1997 with 10 Brazilian journalsregular operation in March 1998 15 years old in 2013 Power lawPareto Law80-20Bradford Law technical cooperation of BIREME/PAHO/WHO developed throughjournal collections published in open access racionalities of the library and the network quality control and capacity building SciELO Network Chile adopted SciELO in 1998 • - + 2 mi downloads per day- 16 country collections - 2 thematic collections- 950 journals 2012
about SciELO – origins, development, challenges • context, motivation, objectives, approach … • functions, operation, governance – network growth • quality control - indexing • information structure - publication • processing flow • interoperability • citation metrics • sustainability - costs • ethical issues • challenges – perspectives - conclusion
scientific information knowledge domain of bibliographic indexes:- information source - bibliographic control, - retrieval, - bibliometric and scientometric indicators scientific research scientific literature types of scientific literature journals, books, proceedings of congress, theses, technical reports, web sites, blogs,...
distribution of citations from SciELO Brazil articles, in 1997-2011, per thematic area and type of literatureSciELO, 2011
scientific journals • system/type of serial publication - cumulative – [ thematic - discipline ] - citable • - peer review • - memory of the science- technology / innovation • systematic reviews • decision making • scientific divulgation • adaptable to different media properties and characteristics
scientific journals authors / researchers / scientists expect their work become visible and accessible universal read and cited visibility - quality – prestige - impact • reference in an area/discipline • indexed– impact factor source of evalution – scientific production • researchers – individuals- groups • thematic areas ethics • institutions • countries
universe of scientific journals according different multidiscplinary indexes 20 000 --- British Library 19 000 --- Scopus 2011 12 000 --- WoS 850 --- SciELO AL&C 660 --- DOAJ Brasil 240 --- SciELO Brasil
-Web ofScience - JCR- Scopus- SciELO - MEDLINE- LILACS- Google Scholar..... AuthorsJournal EditorsJournals PublishersResearch Agencies
…. indexing …. Emerging countriesEvolution of the number of journals indexed in JCRJCR, 2011
…. indexing …. Distribution of 328 Brazilian journals indexed in SciELO , Scopus and WoS in 2012
… impact … JCR – SCI - 2010 Number of journals in JCR Science Edition and percentage of titles with impact factor above the median in their respective thematic areas JCR,2011
LA&C typical – public and institutional policies and programs related to scientific communication – 3 main lines of action provision of access to scientific information--- national portal is an increasing common solution to integrate access to publishers and brokers products and services 1 support and motivation to publish internationally--- evaluation of national graduate education & research programs are heavily based on the publication in high impact journals 2 support to national and regional journals--- to increase quality, strengthen international indexing referential indexes (WoS, MEDLINE, Scopus, SciELO) 3 Challenges: visibility, accessibility, quality, credibility, use and impact multilingual environment
SciELOapproach To improve quality of journals through online OA publishing Approach / Strategy: publish online collections of selected journals in open access mode with integrated measure of use and impact visibilility accesibilility quality quality criteria to select/index journals complementing international indexes credibility linking articles with national and international information sources use move journals from the status of local and regional towards the international flow of scientific information impact SciELO as a meta publisher public good
SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online Launched in Brazil in 1997 through aFAPESP research projectThe State of São Paulo Research Foundation partnered by BIREME/PAHO/WHOLatin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences supported by CNPq (Brazil National Research Council)since 2002 by CAPES (Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education) since 2006. institutional/legal infrastructure provided by FapUNIFESP since 2008 Foundation of Federal University of São Paulo Early adoption by Chile in 1998 under the leadership ofCONICyT-National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research SciELO evolved networking national and thematic collections since 2000
SciELO functions and operation indexing publication decentralized interoperation
VHL - model .... 1967 1998 1998 .... VHL Guide 2011 http://bvsmodelo.bvsalud.org/download/bvs/VHL_Guide_2011_en.pdf 3 programs - moviments
......... 2005 – NIH PublicAccesPolicy 2003 – Directoryof Open AccesJournal 2002 – HINARI 2001 – PLOS – Letter, Journal site in 2002 2000 – PubMED CentralBioMed Central 1999 – OAI 1998 – Virtual Health Library1998 - SciELO Brazil, Chile PubMED - MEDLINE with open access 1993 – BiolineInternational 1991 – arXiv OA - time line 2005 sep Salvador Declaration on Open Access: the developing world perspective 2003 oct Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities 19 June 2012 2003 jun Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing 2002 febBudapest Open Access Initiative 4 years pioneering open access
Network development – national collections pilot indevelopment certified National coordination and funding National advisory committee Operational team – librarians and informatics professionals Work plan Quarterly evaluation Quarterly coordinating meeting Common methodology – maintained by SciELO Brazil
Case - SciELO South Africa development - 2006Published the ASSAf Report on the strategic approach to research publishing 2006-2007Stakeholder consultations e.g. Departments of Science and Technology and Education; National Research Foundation, Council for Higher Education, editors, publishers, researchers, Universities etc. Secured funding for a three year period to pilot the recommendations under the report. 2008SciELO evaluation, Brazil visit, consultations, recommendations and acceptance by the Committee on Scholarly Publication in SA and National Scholarly Editors Forum. 2009 Appoint Director Scholarly Publishing Programme, install SciELO SA instance in SciELO Brazil servers; added 7 journals 2010 appoint additional staff and train in Brazil. Take workflow over. 16 journals end of 2010201122 journals 2013-15 150 titles Susan Veldsman, Director SciELO SA
Critical issues political, managerial and financial support to appoint correct staff training of staff Get to understand the SciELO methodology and to think as production staff Editors and publishers to understand the value of OA—buy in ASSAf’s evaluating panels - complex process to approve journals Brazil – South Africa - distance and time difference, sometimes challenging between countries and problem shooting perspective – expand the network to Africa continent Susan Veldsman, Director SciELO SA
Certified In development SciELO, February, 2012
Indexing – quality control and performance evaluation • Collection development – indexing – journal evaluation criteria and policies • assisted by the Advisory committee • scientific communication – original research – peer review • quality x thematic area • format – compliance with bibliographic standards • peer review – at least 3 evaluations • impact – citations, manuscript rejection rate • publication flow – frequency and on time • editorial independency – transparency - openness • editors and peer reviewers affiliation • authorship affiliation • internationalization • language, author’s affiliation, indexing • editors, editorial process
2012 – summary of the evaluation process:249 indexed journals • 61 journals indexed before 2002: they were WoS or MEDLINE or top ranked in national journal evaluation • 200 indexed from 2002 on approved by the committee1.774 submitted for evaluation1.338 full evaluation 232 approved (2001 a 2012) 701 evaluated up two times 209 evaluated 3 or more time • 910 journals Dados coletados em Junho de 2012
1 2 3 4 5 user 1 2 3 4 5 user Scientific communication structure submission – peer-review – editing– formatting – publication– indexing - interoperability Old Model: instances were fixed separated in space and time Web/Internet Internet SciELO Web/Internet Model: instances converge online with a high degree of simultaneity
1 2 3 4 5 user Scientific communication structure Old model: SciELO transition model: Systems / servicesonline processing of manuscripts - OJS- ScholarOne indexing 4 5 user online publication bibliometry interoperality
SciELO processing flow MS-Word .doc, .html, .pmd, .rtf, .inx, .indd, .qxd; .qx; .vp; .tex WoSCROSSREF ScopusGoogle ScholarPubMed LILACS AGRIS…… Files preparation -> doc/html Markup Title Manager Parser Public Site Local Site Converter Processing
1 2 3 4 5 user Web/Internet Model SciELO – Journalscommon services Preprint - publication Ahead of Print
national - certified - in development SciELO Network collection thematic collection – all issues journal issue services article references