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A Formal Foundation for XrML. Vicky Weissman Joint work with Joe Halpern. The big picture. A policy says that under certain conditions an action, such as downloading a file, is permitted or forbidden. Digital content providers want
A Formal Foundation for XrML Vicky Weissman Joint work with Joe Halpern
The big picture • A policy says that under certain conditions an action, such as downloading a file, is permitted or forbidden. • Digital content providers want • to write policies about how their works may be accessed, and • they want their policies enforced.
Diverse apps – same need Because we can’t regulate access to online content with precision: • Digital libraries can’t put certain content online; it might violate IP laws. • The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is wary of defamation. • Cultural traditions aren’t respected. (Australian Aboriginal communities often restrict access to a clan or gender.)
XrML to the rescue • XrML is a language for writing policies. • Syntax is XML-based. • Semantics is given in 2 ways. • An English interpretation of the syntax. • An English description of an algorithm that says if a set of XrML policies imply a permission. • Bottom line: write policies in XrML, enforce using the algorithm.
Industry likes XrML • XrML endorsed by Adobe, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Xerox, Barnesandnoble.com, MPEG International Standards Committee… • Microsoft and others plan to make XrML-compliant products. • Will tomorrow’s OS, DVD player, … enforce XrML policies?
XrML Shortcomings • No formal semantics. • Policies can be ambiguous. • The interpretation of the syntax doesn’t quite match the algorithm. • The algorithm’s behavior on some (realistic) input is unintuitive and unintended by language designers. • E.g. If Alice is a student and every student may eat lunch, may Alice? Alg. says no.
Improving XrML • Fix the algorithm to match developers’ intent. • Translate XrML policies to formulas in modal first-order logic. • Lets us compare XrML with languages in CS literature, borrow complexity results, extensions,… • Formal semantics given in a fairly standard way. • Prove our translation matches the algorithm. • Algorithm says policies imply a permission iff translated policies imply translated permission.
First step: Choose a version • Options: • XrML published by ContentGuard, • XrML modified by MPEG standards committee, • 2003 version, or • Wait for 2004 release, an ISO standard. • We chose the 2003 version. • Bugs we find can be fixed. • We refer to the 2003 version as XrML.
XrML syntax • XrML is an XML-based language. • XrML policies are verbose. • So, we present a syntax that is • more concise and • easy to map to XrML syntax.
Syntax • Principals • Agents (e.g., Alice, Bob) • Resources • Digital content (e.g., a movie, an article) • Rights • Actions (e.g., play, edit) • Properties • Describe a principal (e.g., adult, trusted)
Syntax (cont.) • Statements • Stmt ::= Pr(p) | Perm(p, r, s) | true • Pr(p) means principal p has property Pr. • Perm(p, r, s) means p is permitted to exercise right r over resource s.
Syntax (cont.) • Statements • Stmt ::= Pr(p) | Perm(p, r, s) | true • Pr(p) means principal p has property Pr. • Perm(p, r, s) means p is permitted to exercise right r over resource s.
Syntax (cont.) • Statements • Stmt ::= Pr(p) | Perm(p, r, s) | true • Pr(p) means principal p has property Pr. • Perm(p, r, s) means p is permitted to exercise right r over resource s.
Syntax (cont.) • Statements • Stmt ::= Pr(p) | Perm(p, r, s) | true • Pr(p) means principal p has property Pr. • Perm(p, r, s) means p is permitted to exercise right r over resource s.
Stmt ::= Pr(p) | Perm(p, r, s) | true Syntax (cont.) • grant ::=x1…xn(Stmt … Stmt Stmt) • If condition holds, then conclusion holds. • In our fragment, grants are closed (no free variables). • license ::= (grant, principal) • (g, p) means p issues/says g. condition conclusion
Examples • Can write: • `Joe is a professor’ as true Prof(Joe) and • Vicky says `Every professor who gives a talk may have a cookie’ as (x (Prof(x) GivesTalk(x) Perm(x, eat, cookie)), Vicky).
Examples • Can write: • `Joe is a professor’ as true Prof(Joe) and • Vicky says `Every professor who gives a talk may have a cookie’ as (x (Prof(x) GivesTalk(x) Perm(x, eat, cookie)), Vicky).
Examples • Can write: • `Joe is a professor’ as true Prof(Joe) and • Vicky says `Every professor who gives a talk may have a cookie’ as (x (Prof(x) GivesTalk(x) Perm(x, eat, cookie)), Vicky).
Principals – in some detail • Set of principals is the set of primitive principals (e.g., Alice, Bob) closed under union. E.g., Alice Bob is a principal. • Often written as {Alice, Bob}. • According to the XrML doc, {p1,.., pn} represents p1, …, pn “acting together as one holistic identified entity”. • But what does this mean?
Groups/members relationship • Suppose that Alice has property PrA and the group {Alice, …} has property Prg. • What should we infer? • Option 1: nothing. • Option 2: {Alice, …} has property PrA. • Option 3: Alice has property Prg.
Groups/members relationship • Suppose that Alice has property PrA and group {Alice, …} has property Prg. • What should we infer? • Option 1: nothing. • Option 2: {Alice, …} has property PrA. • Option 3: Alice has property Prg. • XrML chooses each of these options (at different points in the specification).
Groups/members relationship • Suppose that Alice has property PrA and group {Alice, …} has property Prg. • What should we infer? • Option 1: nothing. • Option 2: {Alice, …} has property PrA. • Option 3: Alice has property Prg. • XrML chooses each of these options (at different points in the specification). No formal semantics language is inconsistent!
Our fix • Since XrML is inconsistent… • We do not assume that a group has the properties of its members or vice-versa. • But can easily write policies to force either relationship (or both).
The syntax given here is a fragment of XrML. (See paper for details.)
XrML Algorithm • Query(s,L,G) algorithm • s is a closed statement. • L is a set of licenses. • G is a set of grants that implicitly hold. • Returns true if s “follows” from L and G. • Query calls Auth and Holds.
Auth Algorithm • Recall • s is a closed statement. • L is a set of licenses. • G is a set of grants that implicitly hold. • A condition is a conjunction of statements. • Auth(s, L, G) returns a set D of closed conditions; s “follows” from L and G if a condition in D “holds”.
Holds Algorithm • Holds(d,L) algorithm • d is a closed condition. • L is a set of licenses. • Returns true if d “follows” from L.
Query(s, L, G) overview Query(s, L, G) Set D to the output of Auth(s, L, G) Return dD Holds(d, L) • s is a closed statement, L is a set of licenses, and G is a set of grants that hold implicitly. • s “follows” from L and G if a condition in the output of Auth(s, L, G) “holds”. • Holds(d, L) returns true if d “follows” from L.
Problem • Let g = true Student(Alice), g’ = x(Student(x) Perm(x, eat, lunch)) • May Alice eat lunch? • Query(Perm(Alice, eat, lunch), , {g, g’})
Problem • Let g = true Student(Alice), g’ = x(Student(x) Perm(x, eat, lunch)) • May Alice eat lunch? • Query(Perm(Alice, eat, lunch), , {g, g’}) • Query calls Auth(Perm(Alice, eat, lunch), , {g, g’}). • Auth returns {Student(Alice)}.
Problem • Let g = true Student(Alice), g’ = x(Student(x) Perm(x, eat, lunch)) • May Alice eat lunch? • Query(Perm(Alice, eat, lunch), , {g, g’}) • Query calls Auth(Perm(Alice, eat, lunch), , {g, g’}). • Auth returns {Student(Alice)}. • Query calls Holds(Student(Alice), ). lost g!
Problem • Let g = true Student(Alice), g’ = x(Student(x) Perm(x, eat, lunch)) • May Alice eat lunch? • Query(Perm(Alice, eat, lunch), , {g, g’}) • Query calls Auth(Perm(Alice, eat, lunch), , {g, g’}). • Auth returns {Student(Alice)}. • Query calls Holds(Student(Alice), ). • Holds returns false; so, Query returns false. lost g!
The fix • To correct the problem, pass G to Holds and modify Holds to use the new info. • Bug is easy to find and easy to fix, but still made it into the released March 2003 version of the spec.
Another bug • Query(s, , {x(Perm(p, issue, x) s)}) • Query calls Auth on same input. • Auth returns {Perm(p, issue, g) | g is a grant}. • Recall: Auth output is a set of closed conditions. • Query calls Holds on each returned condition.
Another bug • Query(s, , {x(Perm(p, issue, x) s)}) • Query calls Auth on same input. • Auth returns {Perm(p, issue, g) | g is a grant}. • Recall: Auth output is a set of closed conditions. • Query calls Holds on each returned condition. • The set of grants is infinite. • g0 = true Student(Alice) • gi = true Perm(Bob, issue, gi-1), i = 1, … • D is an infinite set; so, Query doesn’t terminate.
Our fix • Restrict the grants in the language. • If a grant g has a condition d, d mentions a resource variable x, and x is free in d, then x is free in g’s conclusion. • Easy to prove that if the restriction is met, then Auth always returns a finite set. • Can make an empirical argument for why this restriction is okay.
But that’s not all… In this small fragment of XrML, there are 2 other bugs. See paper for details.
The translation • The translation is fairly straightforward. • Two points worth noting: • Query assumes that a grant g holds, if it’s issued by some trusted principal (i.e., a principal whose permitted to issue g). • Holds(d, L, G) returns true iff d logically follows from L and G. So, a condition d holds iff d logically follows from L and G. • The translation depends on L and G.
Correctness • Thm: the fixed Query(s, L, G) returns true iff lLl L,G gGgL,G sL,G is true in every model that satisfies the union properties (p1p2 = p2p1, …). • tL,G is the translation of t wrt L and G.
Complexity • The XrML alg. runs in exponential time. • The XrML document says that the language implementers are responsible for optimizations. • But using the translation, we can prove that…
Complexity • Determining if a set of XrML grants imply a statement is NP-hard. • This is because the language supports sets of primitive principals. • If we remove from the language… • XrML translates (essentially) to Datalog, which is a well-known tractable language. • Given the translation, finding a tractable, fairly expressive fragment is easy.
Summary • Industry wants to implement XrML but … • XrML has no formal semantics • and needs them! • We give formal semantics to a representative fragment of XrML. • Even a small fragment is intractable. • We can leverage results in the CS literature to find fairly expressive, tractable options. • Next step: Add negation to XrML. • This is critical for merging policies. Two minor bugs in paper (don’t effect results); corrected version online.
Sample XrML policy • Consider the policy `anyone may play the movie `Big Hit’ for $2 (per use)’. • We could write this policy in XrML as…
<license> <grant><forAllvarName="anyone" /> <!--This is saying that anyone can use this grant.--> <principalvarRef="anyone" /> <!--The right to play the movie is granted--> <cx:play/> <!--This is the movie that we are giving access to. --> <cx:digitalWork> <cx:title>Big Hit </cx:title> </cx:digitalWork> <!--$2.00 each--> <sx:fee> <sx:paymentPerUse> <sx:rate currency="USD">2.00</ sx:rate> </sx:paymentPerUse </sx:fee> </grant> </license>
The translation • We now translate XrML licenses and grants to “equivalent” formulas in modal first-order logic. • The translation relies on which licenses have been issued and which grants implicitly hold. • Let sL,G be the translation of any string s wrt the input parameters L and G.
Translation (cont.) • Except for licenses and grants, translation is easy. • We assume a constant cg for each grant g • Perm(p, issue, g)L,G = Perm(p, issue, cg) • (d1 d2)L,G = d1L,G d2L,G, • Pr(p)L,G = Pr(p), and • trueL,G = true
Translating licenses • Recall: (g, p) means p said g. • According to Query, • if p may issue g, then (g,p) means that g holds • otherwise, (g, p) is meaningless • Option 1: (g, p)L,G = Said(p, cg), • restrict to models satisfying the axiom scheme Said(p, cg) Perm(p, issue, cg) gL,G • Option 2: (g, p)L,G = Perm(p, issue, cg) gL,G
Translating grants • x1…xn(d e)L,G = x1…xn (Holds(d, L, G) eL,G) • Holds(d, L, G) returns true iff d is a logical consequence of L and G. • Define a modal operator Val, where Val() is true in a model m iff is true in all models. Holds(d, L, G)=Val(lL l L,G gGgL,G dL,G )