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CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION REFERENCES TABLE OF CONTANT What is a Green Building? Green building’s rating Green Attributes of Windows and Doors The Reichstag, Berlin Windows in Sustai nable Design Arup Campus, Solihull Whay it is important? Orchard Learning and Resource Centre CASE STUDIES When to use it? Goldsmiths College Indoor Environmental Quality Chelsea Club and Chelsea World of Sport Serpentine Gallery Pavilion Sainsbury, Greenwich CREA-PB Headquarters El Ejido Courthouse
INTRODUCTION What is a Green Building? green homes use less energy, less water and fewer natural resources than conventional homes. “A green home incorporates smart design, technology, construction and maintenance elementsto significantly lessen the negative impact of the home on the environment and improve the health of the people who live inside.” Factors to make a GreenBuilding? building’s location size and design (US Green Building Council, n. d).
water conservation Energy efficiency insulation properties Green building’s rating landscaping renewable energy indoor air quality Opening and fenestrations are the way which make building green by air quality and energy efficiency Ventilationand day lighting (US Green Building Council, n. d).
Green Attributes of Windows and Doors Windows and doors are important elements of a home’s building envelope. Not only can the right windows and doors create aesthetically pleasing homes, but they can also contribute to a healthier indoor living environment and a reduced environmental footprint. how long the new products will last. It is also desirable for the products to be recyclable. Indoor environmental quality When selecting windows and doors, there are three features that must be considered: energy performance durability (US Green Building Council, n. d).
Windows in Sustai nable Design Windows are a critical component in sustainable building design. Most energy flows in and out of a building through its windows, but with intelligent design and technological innovation they can be used to provide heating, cooling and lighting for a better indoorenvironment. Factors to make a sustainable window Design of them Framing Glass Options (Jennifer Gray , 27 May 201 0)
Why is it Important? Sustainable Window Design: • Connects the building and its occupants to the sun, the windand the world outside. • Supports a net zero energy design with passive strategies for lighting, heating and cooling, and ventilation. • Allows people to control their own environments and be healthier and more productive as a result. (anon, 27 June 2009)
When to Use It? Use Sustainable Window Design: • In northern climates, there should be more windows on the south side than on any other elevation • +Maximizes winter heat gain • +Minimizes summer cooling loads since radiation is high in winter and low in summer. • Minimize east and west windows because they are difficult and expensive to control day lighting, glare, and summer heat gain. • May have restrictions in historic districts and places where nearby buildings or trees block light. (Unnoun, 27 June 2009)
Indoor Environmental Quality here are three wayswindowsand doorscontribute to the quality of a building's indoor environment: amount of natural light effectiveness of ventilation Minimizing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (US Green Building Council, n. d).
Natural light contributes not only to the health of the home's occupants, but also reduces the need for electric lighting, especially during the day time. As a result, at least one green building program recommends that natural light should reach at least 75% of a home's interior. To increase available natural light, more windows and/or glass doors can be added to the home orexisting windows can be replaced with larger ones, if space permits. (US Green Building Council, n. d).
The use of natural light through sky light and windows to complement or replace interior electric light – has become as desirable an asset as fresh air or sunshine. It is a linchpin of green building . Proper day lighting strategies are beneficial for nearly every human endeavor Students concentrate better Workers are more productive patient recover quicker Stores register more sell McGr aw- Hi l lConstructi on - Conti nuingEducati on Center
Can go long way toward reducing energy cost for lighting and climate control An effective day lighting But daylightis hardly a “one-size-fits-all” solution. There are many factors involved in an effective daylight design: • Buildings location • Design • Architectural elements • Mechanical electrical systems • Acceptant comfort and productivity Key among these factors is the window……. McGr aw- Hi l lConstructi on - Conti nuingEducati on Center
“the windowis the first line of defines for energy saving” When daylight is controlled at the window wall, the need for artificial lighting and heating, ventilation and air condition is far less. McGr aw- Hi l lConstructi on - Conti nuingEducati on Center
Adequateventilation is essential to indoor air quality. To ensure plentiful fresh air, homeowners should consider the number, size and placement of windows and doors based on the home's orientation and exposure to prevailing breezes. (US Green Building Council, n. d).
ATTENTION In terms of natural light there is sun light and day light sun light day light The light comes from the visible sun The light comes from sun wherever is above the horizon (Coles, & House2007)
Case studies CASE STUDIES BASED ON OPENING DESIGN Sustainability by opening and day lighting design Ventilation
The Reichstag, Berlin • The building rooted in four main principles: • The Bundestag’s significance as a democratic forum • A commitment to public accessibility • A sensitivity to history • A rigorous environmental agenda. Architect:Foster and Partners Lighting Design :Claude Engle Client :Federal Republic of Germany The purpose of this Case Study is to concentrateon the last of these objectives, in which day lighting is clearly a priority. Pillips, D. (2004)
Sustainable side in the building 1. Combined heat and power generation, associated with seasonal energy storage. 2. The use of biomass (rape seed oil) as a renewable energy source for the production of electricity, the result of which is a 94 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. 3. Natural ventilation and natural daylight. 4. Solar energy. The use of 100 solar panels on the roof, providing a peak output sufficient to drive the exhaust air ventilation system of the main plenary chamber, togetherwith other shading devices within the dome. Pillips, D. (2004)
One of the keyaims has been to optimize the use of natural daylight throughout the building, to minimize the use of artificial lighting, thus reducing electricity consumption. The dome is crucial to the day lighting and ventilation strategies for the building. Pillips, D. (2004)
its core is the light sculptor This reflective cone provides the solution to lighting and ventilating the chamber The reflector is a concave faceted cone, covered with a battery of 360 angled mirrors which together form a giant Fresnel lens working like a lighthouse in reverse, directinghorizontal light down to the chamber Pillips, D. (2004)
This light sculptor is a part of the ventilation system bringing air up towards the top of the dome whilst at the same time it reflects horizontal light to the chamber. The goal of the design team has been to create a building that will be energy efficient, wherever possible using natural renewable energy sources to provide maximum comfort, striving towards a more ‘sustainable architecture’. Pillips, D. (2004)
showing side window day lighting Pillips, D. (2004)
Arup Campus, Solihull Architect & Engineer:Arup Associates Client:Arup Day light instead of sunlight Pillips, D. (2004)
Section of model to illustrate the day lighting Pillips, D. (2004)
Interior of office illustrating the artificial lighting system related to a circulation aisle Pillips, D. (2004)
Exterior to show the application of reduced glazing and fixed louvres to southerly elevations Pillips, D. (2004)
Orchard Learning and Resource Centre Architect:AhrendsBurton and Koralek (ABK) Engineer: Ove Arup and Partners Client:SellyOak Colleges, Cadbury Trust Pillips, D. (2004)
Passive solar building with natural ventilation, with the elimination of an overall air conditioningsystem, with the exception of certain critical areas. The day lighting strategy was designed to reduce the use of energy as far as possible. Pillips, D. (2004)
The library open plan areas are naturallyventilated and receive daylight both from the side windows and the central atrium Sketch section to show ventilation system, with windows and skylight Pillips, D. (2004)
The form of the building seen in the accompanying plans consists of three interlinked modules, with a linear skylight running the full length of the building, giving daylight through to the ground floor by what might be described as an atrium. Pillips, D. (2004)
Goldsmiths College Goldsmiths College Architect :Allies and Morrison Engineer :Max Fordham Client: Goldsmiths College Location : New Cross The architectural response was for the facade to be predominantly glazed thereby providing a highly visible view into the open plan of the building, which should be as impressive at night as during the day. Pillips, D. (2004)
1. To overcome the practical problem of natural light entering the building and causing glare to the computer screens, control of ‘sun glare’ and reflections on to the VDUs. 2. To maximize the use of daylight, not only to allow views out of the building, but also to economize on the use of electrical energy for the artificial lighting. 3. To eliminate any heat gains from direct sunlight so that there should be no need for air-conditioning. Pillips, D. (2004)
Interior view showing the layout and disposition of the computer screens Pillips, D. (2004)
Chelsea Club and Chelsea World of Sport Architect: Fletcher Priest Services engineers:TME Engineers Client:Chelsea Village The Chelsea Club provides private sports facilities for its members The main spaces are PlanSectionaccommodated with two 3-storey blocks either side of a glazed link which brings daylight into the heart of the building andcontains the central stair and glazed lift. Pillips, D. (2004)
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion Architect: Toyo Ito Engineers and lighting designers :Arup Client: Serpentine Gallery The purpose of the building was basically a restaurant during the day, and it is most successful in this, with views out on to Kensington Gardens, in which there is no need for artificial lighting. Pillips, D. (2004)
Roof detail from inside Exterior with entranceramp Interior of the restaurant Detail of the exterior walling Pillips, D. (2004)
Sainsbury, Greenwich Architect: Chetwood Associates Lighting Consultants: Pinniger and Partners Client: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets The day lighting was achieved by an innovative roof design, incorporating eight high angled north-facing roof lights, arranged in a saw tooth pattern occupying 20 per cent of the roof area. The day lighting design results in a high daylight factor (DF) of between 5 and 9 per cent. The roof from above Pillips, D. (2004)
General view of the checkout area Pillips, D. (2004)
General view of roof lighting and gondola Fittings Exterior of the frontage Detail of roof lighting Pillips, D. (2004)
CREA-PB Headquarters / MAPA photo by: Leonardo Finotti Architects: MAPA Location: Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil Architect In Charge: MAAM + Studioparalelo Year: 2012 Photographs: Leonardo Finotti www.archdaily.com/458668/crea-pb-headquarters-mapa/
this building was designed and built to accommodate the new headquarters of CREA (Engineering Council Body). The precast concrete permeable “skin” does not resemble the usual glazed institutional buildings, impervious and impermeable. Instead its transparency and lightness give the whole building qualities recommended for the modern state institutions. Inside, the patios play the main role – transparent and covered with glass panels over the main circulation areas, fully permeable over the garden and the reflective pool on the ground floor. precast concrete photo by: Leonardo Finotti photo by: Leonardo Finotti www.archdaily.com/458668/crea-pb-headquarters-mapa/
Artificiallighting photo by: Leonardo Finotti www.archdaily.com/458668/crea-pb-headquarters-mapa/
photo by: Leonardo Finotti www.archdaily.com/458668/crea-pb-headquarters-mapa/
El Ejido Courthouse / Andrés LópezFernández Photo by:Manolo Toledo Architects: Andrés LópezFernández Location: El Ejido, Almería, Spain Year: 2011 Photographs: Manolo Toledo www.archdaily.com/457192/palacio-de-justicia-de- el-ejido-andres-lopez-fernandez/
Photo by:Manolo Toledo Photo by:Manolo Toledo The building is intended to convey the two conditions inherent in the administration of justice. On the one hand the strength and firmness shown by the strength of the buildings geometry and structural material. Then on the other hand, transparency, enshrined in the constitution of the porous boundary walls and partitions that allow friendly and complex nuanced relationship building in an urban environment. In fact, the construction of the mainfacade is reminiscent of poles placed on shelves. www.archdaily.com/457192/palacio-de-justicia-de- el-ejido-andres-lopez-fernandez/
CONCLUSION REFERENCE To conclusion, using daylight as a sustainable factor is important in interior design. People like to have natural light in their indoor environment, but they tries to make in indirect able. Openings play important role to bring natural light into space, but their design is the most important factor. Ventilation or natural air conditioning are another factors that a well designed opening should achieve.
REFERENCE • archdaily. (n. d.). CREA-PB Headquarters / MAPA. December 15, 2013 from the World Wide Web : www.archdaily.com/458668/crea-pb-headquarters-mapa/ • archdaily. (n. d.). El Ejido Courthouse / Andrés LópezFernández. December 15, 2013 from the World Wide Web : www.archdaily.com/457192/palacio-de-justicia-de- el-ejido-andres-lopez-fernandez/ • Coles, J., & House, N. (2007). The fundamentals of interior architecture. Switzerland: AVA Publishing SA • Pillips, D. (2004). Day lighting – natural light in architecture. Oxford : Architectural Press • Guardian Industries. ( June.2009). Continuing Education. December 22, 2013 from the World Wide Web : www.McGraw- Hill Construction.com/ • Jennifer Gray . (27.May. 2010). Windows in Sustai nable Desi gn. December 18, 2013 from the World Wide Web : www.sustainablebuild.co.uk/designwi ndows.html • US Green Building Council. (n. d). innotech-windows+doors. December 18, 2013 from the World Wide Web :www.innotech-windows.com/aboutus/sustainability-journey • Woodland Building Supply. (27 June 2009). Sustainable Windows & Doors. December 18, 2013 from the World Wide Web : www.woodlandbuildingsupply.com/Products/Green- Products/Sustainable- Windows- and- Doors.aspx