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90 Day Action Plan as the Assistant HS/MS Principal for Mayville Community Schools. The 90 day plan needs to be broken into 3 sections. . 1. Before the school year starts. (July-August) 2. After the school year has started and starts to take shape. (August-September)
90 Day Action Plan as the Assistant HS/MS Principal for Mayville Community Schools. Christopher L. Kidd
The 90 day plan needs to be broken into 3 sections. 1. Before the school year starts. (July-August) 2. After the school year has started and starts to take shape. (August-September) 3. Near audit time and per/pupil count day. (September-October) Christopher L. Kidd
July-August Start to establish good communications with the office personnel, staff, maintenance and custodial services for the school. Familiarize myself with board policies and contract language that would effect all members in the Mayville Community School System. Make sure to have in place an organized and easily understood discipline code. The discipline code of conduct has to address minor and major infractions and have consequences for violating rules. The discipline policy has to be fair and consistent. Any discipline policy must have positive reinforcement along with knowing up front that there are rules to follow and consequences when rules are broken. Mayville presently uses the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support or (PBIS) system. Christopher L. Kidd
August-September Make sure the big discipline/trouble times for students are monitored. These times include before school, after school, at lunch and passing times between classes. These need to be monitored by help from the staff and myself. Be well versed on the student code of conduct. Meet with every staff member for a short meeting before the school year starts. Ask about concerns or issues that I need to be informed of as a new contributing member to the Mayville Community. This meeting will open the very important lines of communication needed to work in a Professional Learning Community. Christopher L. Kidd
August/September- Continued Try to lower the number of discipline problems in the school by: • A. Being visible (let the students know their actions are being watched). • B. Provide a set of rules everyone follows. • C. Having students understand that there are both rewards and consequences for every action you are involved in. • D. Develop/Have in place a discipline system that helps students be accountable for their actions. • Offer staff in the same discipline the same conference or prep time. This helps the staff to be able to share ideas and discuss issues of relevance to the students. • Show by EXAMPLE: (Teachers, Administrators, and other staff), the importance of good communication with one another, along with good school spirit and pride in Mayville JR/SR High School. • Send out to the community a letter introducing me to the community and asking for parents, community and staff to feel comfortable coming into the school to express ideas and concerns. Christopher L. Kidd
September-October Run a consistent and fair approach to student discipline. Make sure all aspects of Discipline and Attendance for the Mayville JR/SR high school are running effectively. Keep in constant communication with the Principal regarding issues and concerns for the Mayville Schools. Keep in mind the per pupil count and what can be done to attract more students to Mayville. Pop-in visits of all staff. These are short 5-10 minutes .These visits continue to open the lines of communication between staff and it will give the students the opportunity to meet with you outside the office. Try to work towards knowing all of the students names and a little about each of them. Attend as many as possible extra curricular events so the students, staff and the community get the opportunity to meet you. Stay dedicated, well prepared and organized to make a great school year happen as Mayville JR/SR High School assistant Principal. Christopher L. Kidd
Started RTI for Bentley MS/HS. Presently the RTI Coordinator. I have done a school wide in-service on 504 plans and the need for RTI. Have written scope and sequence for both 7th and 8th grade science curriculums. Have training on the use of RTI as a peer mediation tool. Have administered both the ACT and Michigan Merit Test Have written Power Standards aligned with the Michigan Benchmarks and Standards for all of Bentley’s Science Department. Have used and analyzed the Meap, ACT and Iowa testing for increasing student achievement. Lead discussions as part of our Professional Learning Community about the book Understanding Poverty by Ruby Payne.. Presented RTI in-service to the staff on PD days as part of our professional learning community. Have written and administered the use of 504 plans for HS students. Have done scheduling for MS/HS students Coordinated and supervised all aspects of Bentley’s summer school program for both MS/HS students. These areas include: discipline, teaching, maintenance, registering, grading, contacting parents about absences/tardies, scheduling, and using both Apex and Epic online learning as part of our newly started Virtual High School Participated in year long administrative classes offered through the (GISD) Genesee Intermediate School District Participated in the emerging leaders program taught through MSU. Have written scope and sequence for both 7th and 8th grade science curriculums. A member of Bentley’s School Improvement Plan. Recently enrolled in ASCD Cohort to obtain a special endorsement on my administrative certificate in Curriculum and Instruction. Administrative Responsibilities worked at Bentley JR/SR High School Christopher L. Kidd
Leadership Experiences as a Coach or Events Supervisor Have coached 13 years of High School Football: 7 years at Vassar as a Varsity assistant. 3 years at Lake Fenton has Head JV coach 3 years at Millington as head 9th grade coach and varsity assistant. Coached 7 years of Middle School Volleyball at Bentley. Coached 5 years as Middle School/Freshmen boys basketball at Bentley. Coached 14 years as head MS track coach at Bentley. Coached 4 years with AYSO Coached 5 years of Baseball/Softball for the Millington Athletic Association Served as the Middle School Athletic Director at Bentley: Was responsible for supervising athletic contests. Helped interview coaches. Administrated coaching evaluations. Made and monitored district volleyball contest for Bentley. Did over 200 hours as an intern Athletic Director for Bentley. Presented at MHSAA conference on sportsmanship initiatives. Christopher L. Kidd
Resume and Credentials Contact Information: Christopher L. Kidd 6971TwinCreek Drive Millington MI 48743 Phone: Home: (989)871-4338 Work: (810)591-9575 Email: ckidd@bentleyschools.org Education: Master’s Degree: Eastern Michigan University Administrator Certificate 2006 Bachelor’s Degree: Michigan Technological University Major: Biology (DA)/ Minor Science (DX) Professional Teaching Certificate 1997 Administrator Responsibilities Started RTI for Bentley MS/HS. Presently the RTI Coordinator. Supervisor for both MS Athletic Events and Cafeteria duty. Presented RTI in-service to the staff on PD days as part of our professional learning community. Presented at MHSAA conference on sportsmanship initiatives. Have written and administered the use of 504 plans for HS students. Have given staff evaluations Have done scheduling for MS/HS students Proctored/administered both the ACT/MME. Coordinated and supervised all aspects of Bentley’s summer school program for both MS/HS students. These areas include: discipline, teaching, maintenance, registering, grading, contacting parents about absences/tardies, scheduling, and using both Apex and Epic online learning as part of our newly started Virtual High School Participated in year long administrative classes offered through the (GISD) Genesee Intermediate School District Participated in the emerging leaders program taught through MSU. Taught/administered online classes through both Epic and Apex programs. Have written scope and sequence for both 7th and 8th grade science curriculums. A member of Bentley’s School Improvement Plan. Christopher L. Kidd
Resume continued with references: Teaching Experience: Student Teaching Mayville High School 1997. With Mr. Tallman, (Biology) and Mrs. Lambert, (Chemistry) Bentley High School: 2005-2010 11th/12 grade Chemistry: 11th/12grade Forensic Science and Anatomy and Physiology: 10th grade Biology, and 9th grade Essentials to Chemistry and Physics. Bentley Middle School 1997-2005 8th grade Earth Science: 7th grade Life Science and Health References: Mr. John Schantz Superintendent Bentley JR/SR High School Work: (810) 591-9100 Mr. Lawrence Kroswek Superintendent Harbor Beach Work: (989) 479-3261 Cell: (810)513 -1719 Kari Salo Counselor Bentley JR/SR High School Work: (810) 591-9544 Christopher L. Kidd