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Thematic International Conference on Bio-, Nano-, and Space Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 10-12, 2008. General Overview on Nanotechnologies State of Play in Ukraine. Dr . А ndrey V . Ragulya IPMS, +38-044-4247435 ragulya@ipms.kiev.ua. 12 March 200 8.
ThematicInternationalConferenceon Bio-, Nano-, and Space Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 10-12, 2008 General Overview on Nanotechnologies State of Play in Ukraine Dr. Аndrey V. Ragulya IPMS, +38-044-4247435 ragulya@ipms.kiev.ua 12 March 2008
Materials Innovation as a Prime Mover of Economic Development Complication of structure, engineering, atom-scale assembling increasingnumberof functionsper volume unit
The smaller is the scale, the more scaled the problems are … О А N N Miniaturization of devises Size effect in properties of nanosystems Complicated multifunctional systems, nanocomposites. Self-organizationin inorganic systems Systemswhich actin «NANO»-scale only, supramolecular-andbiosystems
“NANOSYSTEMS, NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES” the Program of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Chairman of academic board – A.P. Shpak
Maintain fundamental researches, which result in discovery of novel phenomena, properties of materials, creation of processes suitable for synthesis, design, assemblingon nanoscale, modeling and simulation of complex nanostructures and study of their behavior. Program supports technology development aimed at manufacturing of various nanostructures. The main goal of the program
Structure of Program Chemistry of Nanostructures Catalysis, fuel cellssensors Membranes Hybrid materials Batteries Nanomaterials for Biology & Medicine Biocompatible ceramics Tissue engineering Biosensors Implants Materials Science & Technologies of Nanomaterials Structured materials Multifunctional nanos Coatings & Films Nanocomposites Management Physics, Diagnostics &Modeling of nanostructures Magnetism, optics Sensors and actuators Screens and displays Data storage Funding
National academy of sciences of Ukraine Total number of institutions involved: 24 in ~60 projects The multidisciplinary community unites physicists, chemists, biologists, materials scientists, medical scientists and some others, around 1000 researchers. Total annual funding: 12 M UAH (~1.6 M Euro) Total funding of international projects in Nanos gives also around 1.5 M Euro. NASU has bought expensive equipment for nano researches: Bruker NMR, HRTEM JEOL, HRSEM, AFM+STM JEOL, Nanoindenter etc.
“NANOSYSTEMS, NANOMATERIALS and NANOTECHNOLOGIES” Nanostructured ferroelectrics (theory) The Eiler-Lagrange solution for non-uniform polarizationP(r) has been achieved In films In particles 1 – Theory, 2 – Experiment, BaTiO3 120 nm PZTfilm onMgO substrate PbTiO3 30 nm Dr. M. Glinchuk, Kiev
“NANOSYSTEMS, NANOMATERIALS and NANOTECHNOLOGIES” HYDROGEN ADSORPTIONBY CARBON NANOMATERIALS MaterialSpecific Surface AreaHydrogen , wt.% m2/g 77 К, 3 MPа SWNT 180 1.23 MWNT 18 3.35 Activated: С60 3100 3.54 Carbon 3000 5.4 Onions 700 12 С60 Carbon onionsdemonstrate highest physical adsorption capacity (to12 wt.%)! Due capillary condensation of hydrogen in the surface layersof onion particles with increasedd (002) SWNT 0,34 nm 5 nm 0,42 nm Dr. A. Mykhaylyk
New structural form of carbon (Сint) Сintforms together with diamondand has a lattice structure Synthesis from charcoalby high-temperature shockwavecompression at: Р = 30 GPа, Т 2500 К Сintshows density of 2,9 g/cm3 – intermediate between one of graphite(2,2 g/cm3) and diamond (3,5 g/cm3) The basis of lattice of Сint – cubic cell withstrongsp2bonds (к = 3) Lattice of Сint (Cohen modelof Н-6) easily transforms to diamond lattice (к = 4) Clusters Prognosis of properties:bulk modulus is expected to be Сint (390 GPа) close to the bulk modulus of diamond (440 GPа) Dr. A. Kurdyumov, Kiev
“NANOSYSTEMS, NANOMATERIALS and NANOTECHNOLOGIES” 200 nm Extrusion-consolidation of amorphous powders ofAl-Ni-Ce-Feinto bulk pieces (Тextrusion: 350°С, factor of elongation: 5) Alloys of the systemAl-Fe-Cr-Tirespond to the requirements of today’s aviation industry в > 1450МPа at 300 С; > 5 % at room temperature Structure of quenched and crystallized ribbonAl-Ni-Ce-Fe, Annealing at temperatures higher than 350°C Dr. Slipenyuk
Segregationand orderingofPr3+ ionson a surfaceof nanoparticlesY2SiO5:Pr3+ due toion radius difference RPr3+ = 1.16 Å, RY3+ = 1.06 Å Shell – area of small distancesbetweenPr ions.Ordered state Core- area of large distances betweenPr3+ ions. (Disordered state) Yu.V. Malyukin, Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 244(9) (2007) Institute for Scintillation Materials, NAS of Ukraine
Nanotechnologies for commercialization right now!
Chemical technologies developed & applied in Ukraine Synthesis of nanoparticles
Combined synthesis Synthesis combines colloidal processes, microwave treatment and powerful ultrasonication to get unisize nanoparticles Particle size of 6 to 12 nm Particle size of 20 to 40 nm Pilot production developed of both products for SOFC techn. Dr. T. Konstantinova et al.
Concentrating nanocrystalls Pt and Pd on templates from silicon dioxide nanoparticles TEM images of SiO2/Pt heteronanoparticles , SiO2 diameter 40 nm, Pt shell: (a) - individual nanocrystals 3 nm, (b) - full covering thickness 7 nm 20 нм 20 нм a b TEM images of SiO2/Pd heteronanoparticles , SiO2 diameter 40 nm, Pd shell: (a) - individual nanocrystals 5 nm, (b) - full covering thickness 7 nm 20 нм 20 нм a b Dr. A. Tolmachev, Kharkov
Functional nanoparticles and surface-active oligoelectrolytes with genuine biocide activity. Potential Segment of Market - $20 B in 2015 Silver nanoparticles in the tooth channels Dr. A. Zaichenko, Lviv
Applicationof «Nanoluminofores»for identification, diagnostics andmonitoring of bio-objects Globalmarketof biomarkersis around $6 B, next 5 years it will growth to $12.8B. Depolarizedfibroblastmitochondria Activated fibroblastmitohondria Cryo-TEM image of organic luminescentnanotubes • Fields of application: • Medical diagnostics; • Biological research; • Control ofbio-processes in the courseof durable storage; • Cell therapy; Organicluminescentnanotubes localizedon membranes ofmitohondria Dr. Yu. Malyukin, Kharkov
Implantbased onbio-composite“Syntekost” In this sort of biocompositewith improvedresorbtion,the bone tissue (dark brown) growthsuniformlythroughout the synthetic bone (light brown collor). Segment of market will reach $200 B in 2020 Dr. V. Dubok
SPS+SHS ofTiN-TiB2 in-situnanocomposite BN TiH2 Prospective cutting tool ceramics Structure (SEM) Densification kinetics Substantially nonisothermal process, heating rates >600 C/min
Unique SiC-C nanopowders and Superhard ceramics based on them High hardnessSiC-C to42 GPа TEMHRof nanoparticles SiC-Cof 10 to 70 nm Hardness vs. microdeformations Dr. М.Gadzira, Kiev
Ni 0.9mm ceramics Nanoscale multilayer capacitors Now we have • Targeting at $1.5 B market we will be at: • 0.5 μm in 2007 0.2 μm in 2011100 nm in 2013 Revolutionary ! • Now we have: • Pilot version of production for nanopowdersized of 10-15nm • Technology of dense98 %ceramicswith grain size of45 nm
Summary Global market of nanomaterials is intensively growing (AAGR > 10%) and will achieve $150 Billion in 2010. Ukraine is able to contribute to this segment of economy and develop new products using Ukrainian IP and raw-materials Developed and patented Ukrainian technologies for synthesis of nanosize particulate systems:some of them are on a stage of pilot production. Novel products need investments to be transferred from laboratories into industry.
Technologies available for pilot stage in Ukraine from Ukrainian raw materials:
Taking into account substantial effect of nanotechnologies on traditional materials science discipline, DELPHY analysis has recommended the following formulation of strategic priority of science and technology development in Ukraine: Nanoscience, nanotechnology, novel materialsand technologies for their production and treatment
From this priority, the mid-term and long-term state interest were formulated as follows: - novel materials of structural and functional destination, technologies of their manufacturing and treatment, including technologies improving the reliability and endurance of existing materials owing to analysis, design and operation on nanoscale; - nanomaterials and nanotechnologiesfor energy production, transformation, storage and saving, including new hydrogen technologies (production, storage and usageof hydrogen fuel); - nanodevices, nanomaterials and nanotechnologiesfor biomedical applicationshealth care, diagnosticsand decease prevention; - materials and technologies for environment protection and utilization of wastes; - materials and nanodevicesfor novel communication and information systems.
National NANOProgram? Targets: -creation of new industry in Ukraine, environment friendly, automated, secure, capable to substitute in part the conventional production and old «dirty» industry, -substantial increaseof AAGR due to enlargement of “high tech” sector of economy and creation of high quality jobs. - improvement of state security -substantial improvement of life quality and enlargement of average life owing to development and commercialization of nanotechnologiesin biomedicine, agriculture, people securityand environment protection.
The main feature of Strategic Planof nanotechnologies in Ukraine is to be it’s openness with respect to the world – Ukraine cannot develop nanotechnologies remaining isolated from the rest of the world and global market, thus, the priorities of the National nanotechnology programmust respond to the global priorities. The National Programhas to provide powerful international collaboration in nanotechnologies, for instance to meet priorities of EU FP7.
Measures: To fund the Statemultidisciplinaryprogram «Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies in Ukraine» in amountof at least 750-770 M UAH per yearfor next 5 years. Establishlaboratories equipped by modern research and technological units, organize clean rooms of high standard and certification center. Organize 4 nanotechnology research & education centers for masters and graduate students in Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov and Donetsk, each funded in amount of 20 M UAH/year. Up to 25% of funds (to $30 MEuro) provide for collaboration with EU through 7 Framework Programusing instruments of international expertise.
Opportunities: • Participation of Ukrainian NANOscientists in 7FP will be helpful for: • promotion Ukrainian businesses to invest more risky projects, creation and investment start-up companies, contributing more to R&D process with term of practical realization up to 5-6 years • certification of NANO products • encouraging young generation in NANOtechnology development for the sake of competitiveness of Ukrainian economy and higher quality of people life in Ukraine.