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Tacit Coordination Games, Strategic Uncertainty, and Coordination Failure

Tacit Coordination Games, Strategic Uncertainty, and Coordination Failure. John B. Van Huyck, Raymond C. Battalio, Richard O. Beil The American Economic Review , Vol. 80, No. 1 (March 1990), 234-48. Motivation. Deductive equilibrium methods fail to determine unique equilibrium points

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Tacit Coordination Games, Strategic Uncertainty, and Coordination Failure

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  1. Tacit Coordination Games, Strategic Uncertainty, and Coordination Failure John B. Van Huyck, Raymond C. Battalio, Richard O. Beil The American Economic Review, Vol. 80, No. 1 (March 1990), 234-48.

  2. Motivation • Deductive equilibrium methods fail to determine unique equilibrium points • Situations with multiple and non-interchangeable equilibria lead to strategic uncertainty • Need to be able to identify self-enforcing equilibrium points and their expected outcomes

  3. A Pure Coordination Game Let e1,…en be the actions of taken by players 1 through n. The period game A is defined by the payoff function where a > b > 0 and ei= min(e1,…,ei-1,ei+1,…,en) and the action space for each player i = 1,…n.

  4. A Pure Coordination Game (cont’d) • Players assumed to have complete information about the payoff function and strategy space and to know that these are common knowledge • Under explicit coordination, if a-b > 0, then each player should play ē • Without explicit coordination and using the Nash equilibrium concept, player i chooses ei = ei, so any n-tuple (e,…,e), where e Є {1,…,ē} satisfies the best mutual response property

  5. Two Coordination Problems • Players incorrectly forecast the minimum ei, resulting in regret and outcomes without the mutual-best response property • When equilibria can be Pareto-ranked, players can give best responses but the resulting equilibrium is Pareto dominated, i.e.,

  6. Selection Principles: Payoff Dominance • Equilibrium points are strictly Pareto ranked, resulting in selection of the strictly non-Pareto dominated point, (ē,…, ē) • The game A, however, tests payoff dominance--consider the CDF for player j’s action F(ej) and the CDF for the minimum Fmin(e) • F(ej) = 1 for ej = ē and 0 otherwise • If e1,…,en are i.i.d., then Fmin(e) = 1-[1-F(ej)]n, which equals 1 for ej = ē and 0 otherwise • But, say, F(1) > 0, then Fmin(1) →1 as n→∞

  7. Selection Principles: Security • Equilibrium selected which supports the player’s maximin action • In this case, each player ensures a payoff of a-b by choosing ei=1

  8. Repeated Interaction • In the repeated game A(T), n players play A for T periods • Payoff dominant equilibrium is the repeated play of the n-tuple (ē,…,ē) • Secure equilibrium is the repeated play of the of the n-tuple (1,…,1) • Having t periods experience in A(T) gives some history for players to use for equilibrium selection in continuation game A(T-t) • Example: players give best response to the minimum observed in previous period

  9. Experimental Design • Subjects were undergraduates at Texas A&M and provided questionnaires to confirm understanding of instructions • Description of game made as common knowledge at beginning • No pre-play negotiation allowed • Minimum action publicly announced after each repetition and subjects calculated earnings for that period • In some experiments, design parameters altered in sequence of treatments (each preceded by new instructions) • In all treatments, the feasible actions were the integers 1 through 7

  10. Experimental Design (cont’d)

  11. Experimental Design (cont’d)

  12. Results: Treatment A • Initial outcome predicted by neither payoff dominance or security • Repeated play makes it more likely that subjects obtain mutual best-response outcomes in the continuation game • Subjects determining the minimum in period one did not determine the minimum in the next period • Subjects playing above the minimum in period one reduced their choice of action • Some subjects play below the minimum of the preceding period • In general, security predicts the stable outcome of the period game A

  13. Results: Treatment B • Each player’s individual action is not penalized in the payoff function π • Players determining the minimum increase their action, those above the minimum do not • In general, payoff dominance predicted the stable outcome of the game

  14. Results: Treatment A’ • After Treatment B, revert to treatment A • Initial period shows bimodal distribution to actions and predictions (massed at the payoff-dominant and secure actions • In general, security predicts the stable outcome of the game

  15. Results: Treatment C • For both fixed and random pairs • Initially, subjects generally increased their action (from end of A’) and close to half chose payoff dominant action • Subjects playing the minimum increased actions on average, subjects playing above the minimum decreased actions on average • No behavior where subjects play below the minimum • In the fixed pair case, payoff dominance predicts the stable outcome, but not in random pair

  16. Results: Treatment A with Monitoring • At end of each period, report the distribution of actions, not just minimum action • Reach a stable and mutual best response outcome (secure action) more quickly than without monitoring

  17. Conclusions • Convergence to inefficient secure outcome appears to be due to strategic uncertainty and the minimum rule • With a large number of players, the secure equilibrium appears to describe coordination behavior • Meanwhile, the payoff-dominant equilibrium appears unlikely as an initial play or in repeated interaction

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