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Before:Break up into pairs. Decide who will be partner A and who will be partner B. Partner A will go first.Discuss the new vocabulary words with the teacher and your partner.Write the new vocabulary words and the definitions in your personal dictionary.. During:. You have 3-5 minutes to writ
1. Wacky English Conversation Starters
2. Before:
Break up into pairs. Decide who will be partner A and who will be partner B.
Partner A will go first.
Discuss the new vocabulary words with the teacher and your partner.
Write the new vocabulary words and the definitions in your personal dictionary.
3. During: You have 3-5 minutes to write your response on a piece of paper. Then you will exchange your responses with your partner. You will take turns reading the responses aloud to each other.
Be spontaneous! Have fun and don�t get hung up on spelling and grammar. You can be as silly as you want to be. Try to top your partner�s ending.
Fill in the blank wild card � When you come to a conversation starter with a _________ you must fill in the blank in order to complete the exercise.
4. After: Be prepared to share!
5. As you enter your favorite Starbucks you notice there is a huge advertisement for a new coffee drink. The poster reads _________ .
6. As you are walking down the street with your friends and you come upon an elf chasing a wildly bucking zebra. The elf is yelling ______ as he�
7. On the way to the gym you notice there is a brightly painted green and orange van parked on the side of the street. Suddenly, four white rabbits wearing top hats hop out and�.
8. On your way home from a tough day at work you stop off at a local restaurant to meet up with some friends. As you enter the restaurant the waitress points to you, laughs hysterically and says�
9. You are riding in a taxi. As you pass a department store you read an advertisement that says ____________ . On the side walk you notice there is a group of people watching some sort of demonstration. Intrigued, you decide to ask the taxi driver to pull over. As you get out of the car a little girl grabs you by the sleeve and�
10. You are having a casual conversation with a parking lot attendant. Suddenly, you hear a car�s tires screech and a dog jumps out of the car. It chases the attendant away. Shocked, you scratch your head and say to yourself�
11. It has been a long day and you can�t wait to get home and put your aching feet up on the coffee table. As you trudge home from the bus stop, you stumble over a shadowy figure sprawled out on the pavement. It reaches up, grabs your ankle and exclaims�
12. You are out dancing at a local night club. Your friends have decided to go out to eat. You are having a good time but decide to go anyway. As you leave the club you pass a woman holding a tiny little dog in a large purse. You lean over to pet the cute little critter on its head and�
13. On the crowded subway ride to work you somehow manage to get seat. A young child grabs your magazine as you are reading it and throws it on the floor. She says in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear�
14. As you are sitting at home reading the newspaper. You suddenly feel a cold wind blow on your neck. You turn around and see that a stray cat has entered through the front door. You lean down and say to your new visitor�
15. You are enjoying a quiet conversation with friends at your favorite coffee shop. Suddenly, you see a huge Panda lumber through the entrance. You turn around and�
16. On the side walk next to your favorite store you notice a huge advertisement for a new soft drink called _____________ . The advertisement says�.
17. On your way to work early in the morning, you notice that there is a large group of people standing outside of an office building looking up. They are shouting _________ . You strain your eyes to see�
18. It is 10am and you are late to class. You just missed the bus and are waiting for the next one to come along. As you are waiting you lean against a lamp post and your eyes happen to meet�
19. It is 9pm and you are heading home for the night. As you are walking, you vaguely notice a strange smell. The further you walk, the stronger the smell becomes. As you turn the corner you discover�
20. It has stopped raining and just as you are putting your umbrella away, a little old lady wearing a straw hat walks up to you and says�
21. It is your first time on skis and just as you�re getting ready to go down the bunny slope. A little girl shoots past you and shouts�
22. You survived your first time on snow skis and you are sitting quietly at the ski lodge next to a fire sipping a cup of hot tea when suddenly�
23. You�re sitting in a crowded, dark movie theater with a group of friends. Unexpectedly, a hand reaches over your shoulder and�