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Freshman English Conversation. Week 3: Unit 1 C pg. 8-9 His Name, Her Name. Class Goals:. We will study: Possessive adjectives Personal information Explaining to others about yourself ACRONYMS You need to know: how and when to use possessive adjectives
Freshman English Conversation Week 3: Unit 1 C pg. 8-9 His Name, Her Name
Class Goals: • We will study: • Possessive adjectives • Personal information • Explaining to others about yourself • ACRONYMS You need to know: • how and when to use possessive adjectives • How to fill out a personal information card
Review: Class 2 • Korea is a ________________ • Korean is a _____________and a __________ Use this model to answer questions about the following pictures: He/She/They are (nationality). He/She/They are from (country). He/She/They speak (language).
Group Activity: Brainstorming • In groups brainstorm ideas on the following topic: • You got in a car accident. The police arrest you. • What questions do they ask you? Make a list of 5 questions with your partner
Britain Ireland the US Australia Canada Rome Italy V 20 25 00132 06 555-8401 06 555-2267 Page 8
What’s How from Are are What’s your What’s phone number H D K N Role Play Practice asking and answering the questions. Then switch roles. *The receptionist should close her book* P X T V Z Page 8
Speaking: Asking Simple Questions • Question words: Who? (people) What? (many things) Where? (places) When? (time) Why? (reason/explanation) How? (reason/explanation) • In groups write 5 questions for each word
Speaking: I don’t know what the answer is? • How do you answer questions that you don’t know the answer to? Here’s a few ideas: I don’t know I’m not sure I forget/ don’t remember I have no idea Sorry
Acronyms: A New English • An acronyms is a word made from the initials of an expression or place or thing. • Ex. PKNU
OK MTV CD VIP UK FBI CSI Okay Music television Compact disc Very important person United Kingdom Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Scene Invesitgation
IM (Instant Messanger) Acronyms Best friends forever Be right back Laugh out loud Great I see Just kidding Later Boyfriend/girlfriend Please Cutie Talk to you later BFF BRB LOL GR8 IC JK L8R BF/GF PLZ QT TTYL
Grammar: Possessive Adjectives • Parts of speech Noun: Verb: Adjective: Pronouns: I You He/She They We Possessive: My Your His/Her Their Our
Grammar: Independent Study • 4b) use the possessive adjectives to complete the activity in your book. • Grammar Bank 1 c) pg. 122 read the grammar rules, and complete the activities
My your His Her Our Their Page 9
Activity: Filling out an information card • Turn to pg. 13 in your book. • Fill out the student registration card. • Beside the card I want you to add and fill out the following information: Profession: School: Major: Place of Birth (Hometown): Date of Birth:
Check yourself! • Can you use possessive pronouns to answer questions about: • Your name • Your address • Where you are from • What your zip code is • Your major • Can you ask the questions without looking at them? • Can your partner?
Homework • P. 8 in the back • P. 142 • OPTIONAL 1 c) pg. 122
Speaking Assessment for Unit 1C Can you answer questions about the following: • Your name • How to spell it • Your address • Where you are from • What your zip code is • Your major Can you ask the questions without looking at them? Can your partner? Pronunciation • I can use up intonation with questions. • I can use down intonation with answers. • I can stress key words. • I can pronounce “F” and “Wh” sounds correctly. • I don’t say “eu” and “ee” at the end of my words.