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My Carbon Footprint. By nicole georgelas. What is a Carbon Footprint?. A Carbon Footprint is the measure of the amount of carbon dioxide produced by one person over an amount of time. The measure of how much impact our activities have on our environment
My Carbon Footprint By nicole georgelas
What is a Carbon Footprint? A Carbon Footprint is the measure of the amount of carbon dioxide produced by one person over an amount of time. The measure of how much impact our activities have on our environment and the climate change. It is related to the amount of green house gases we produce daily.
How I can reduce my carbon footprint, *turn off TVs and lights when they are not in use *turn down central heating 1 or 2 degrees * turn down water heating setting *once you leave the house turn down heat *when using the dishwasher, wash a full load, same with using a washing machine * when cell phone is done charging, unplug it! * hang clothes up to dry *energy saving light bulbs *insulate walls and hot water tanks *recycle your grey water *replace old refrigerator or freezers *replace old boilers *travel less by car and use public bus or train *carpool *walk or ride bikes for short journeys *train or coach instead of flights *use ferry or channel tunnel instead of flying
How to reduce CO2At work *carpooling *turn of machines when not in use *turn off lights after leaving room or bathroom *unplug unused items in office / room *use cups and glasses instead of paper cups *recycle *use email instead of letters *turn computers off at the end of the day
BIBLIOGRAPHY "carbon footprint - Wiktionary." Wiktionary, the free dictionary. 27 May 2009 <http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/carbon_footprint>. "Carbon Footprint - Around Your home." Carbon Footprint - Home of Carbon Management. 27 May 2009 <http://www.carbonfootprint.com/a thome.html>. "Carbon Footprint - What Is A Carbon Footprint?." Carbon Footprint - Home of Carbon Management. 27 May 2009 <http://www.carbonfootprint.com "Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Work - Energy Saving Secrets (UK)." Saving Money and the Environment at Energy Saving Secrets (UK). 28 May 2009 <http://www.energysavingsecrets.co.uk/ReduceYourCarbon FootprintAtWork.html>.