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National Reactor Testing Station - Idaho

National Reactor Testing Station - Idaho. AP Environmental Science Jenna Jenkins 2.7.14. Testing Station. The reactors were made to replace boilers and generators that provided heat and electricity for the Army’s radar stations

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National Reactor Testing Station - Idaho

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  1. National Reactor Testing Station - Idaho AP Environmental Science Jenna Jenkins 2.7.14

  2. Testing Station • The reactors were made to replace boilers and generators that provided heat and electricity for the Army’s radar stations • Routine maintenance procedures were occurring when the rod was drawn out to far, causing a power surge that made the water explode

  3. Cause of Accident • January 3, 1961 • Main control rod drawn out to far from • Explosion caused fuel to turn to steam that polluted the air • The gap of air between the water and ceiling was a cause of damage and deaths

  4. Effects • 3 military personnel killed • Disposal of people put 800 people at harm • Site was completely buried by September 1962, and now goes untouched

  5. Reasoning There are four theories as to how this could have happened • sabotage • suicide attempt • inadvertent withdrawal • attempt to exercise the rod

  6. Sourced • http://techgraffiti.com/10-worst-civilian-nuclear-accidents-in-history?image=2 • http://www.radiationworks.com/sl1reactor.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SL-1

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