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External Home Control with Remote-Access Self-Routing Robot

External Home Control with Remote-Access Self-Routing Robot. Neil Gabriel Josh Ostrander. Project Objectives. Provide undisturbed movement between rooms of a simulated floor plan Accurate representation of position on client software. Specifications.

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External Home Control with Remote-Access Self-Routing Robot

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  1. External Home Control with Remote-Access Self-Routing Robot Neil Gabriel Josh Ostrander

  2. Project Objectives • Provide undisturbed movement between rooms of a simulated floor plan • Accurate representation of position on client software

  3. Specifications • Navigation through the 6’ x 8’ floor plan • Ability to navigate to each room • Movement restricted to specified “arcs” with an accuracy of + 3 inches • Additional accuracy possible in “Triangulation Regions” • Up to + 1 inch

  4. Division of Responsibilities • Neil • Smart Panel • Client UI • IR System • X10 • Joshua • Motor Control • Sonar • HC12 Code • Both • System Integration

  5. Block Diagram

  6. Client User Interface Smart Panel (Home Server) High-level Software Design • User-Interface Responsibilities: • Displaying all home data • device status • robot position • Relaying user-commands to Smart Panel • Smart Panel Responsibilities: • Maintaining home persistency data • Robot Navigation • Issuing X10 commands

  7. User-Interface

  8. User-Interface Cont …

  9. IR System • Ir Emitters • 940 nm wavelength • 180° viewing area • Ir Detection Modules • 940 nm wavelength • 100° detection area • Double Modulated IR • 38 kHz carrier frequency • 300 Hz signal frequency

  10. IR Modulation Circuit

  11. Motor Control

  12. Power Consumption • Two separate power sources • 2400 mAh RC battery pack • Stepper motor power supply uses 6 VDC • Draws 2A max (2.2A x 6V = 13.2W) • 13.2 Watt Power Consumption • 9 VDC • HC12, RF module, IR detectors, sonar module • Draws 180mA (180mA x 5V = 0.9W) • 0.9 Watt Power Consumption

  13. Current Progress • Server “Smart Panel” – 90% • Client Software Program – 90% • RF Communication – 90% • Motor Control – 75% • Sonar System – 75% • IR System – 75% • System Integration – 25 % • Test/Debugging – 25%

  14. Basic Test Plan • Place PRA device in start position of Room A • Select Room C as the destination using the client application • Start movement of PRA by clicking “GO” on client application • PRA moves from start to A2 • A2 to B1 • B1 to B2 • B2 to C1

  15. Basic Test Plan Cont… • Measure location of PRA and compare with client application (+ 3 inches) • Select triangulation region in Room B as destination • Start movement of PRA by clicking “GO” on client application • PRA moves from C1 to B2, stopping in triangulation region • PRA triangulates its position using beacons C1, B2, and A2 • Measure location of PRA and compare with client application (+ 1 inch)

  16. Test Plan Layout

  17. System Cost • 2 – RF Transceivers (2 x $100) = $200 • 5 – X10 wall devices (5 x $15) = $75 • 2 – 2400mAh Batteries (2 x $25) = $50 • 1 – Fast Charger = $50 • 1 – SRF04 Sonar Module = $40 • Misc. Electrical Components = $100 • Misc. Parts for PRA Chasse = $30 Total $545

  18. Potential Problems • Stepper Motor Torque • Still may not be reliable enough • Change Castor wheel • Switch to standard DC motors • IR Accuracy • Need to minimize “detection cones” • RF Communication • Interference detected in the lab • Code Space on HC12 • Only 20% left

  19. Questions? • Comments?

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