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JPIC Seminar for New JPIC Promoters Passionist Retreat Center, 22 – 2 5 November , 201 2. JUSTICE , PEACE AND INTEGRITY OF CREATION in Divine Word Society (SVD). Justicia , Paz e Integridad de la Creación en la Sociedad Del Verbo Divino (SVD). Prepared by Milan Bubák, SVD.
JPIC Seminarfor New JPIC Promoters PassionistRetreat Center, 22 – 25 November, 2012 JUSTICE, PEACE AND INTEGRITY OF CREATION in Divine Word Society (SVD) Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creaciónen la SociedadDelVerboDivino(SVD) Prepared by Milan Bubák, SVD
Constitution 112 112The poor have a privileged place in the gospel. In a world deeply scarred by injustice and inhuman living conditions, our faith calls us to recognize the presence of Christ in the poor and the oppressed. We thus commit ourselves to fostering unity and justice and to overcoming egoism and the abuse of power. We consider it our duty to promote justice according to the gospel in solidarity with the poor and the oppressed.
112.1 Our efforts to win more widespread recognition and appreciation of the dignity and inner worth of the human person are more important than any material help we can give. We assist the poor and oppressed in such a way that gradually they are able to arrive at better living conditions by means of their own resources and initiative. 112.2 Our struggle is not only against famine, ignorance and the denial of human rights but especially against the sinfulness of the human heart which is at the root of the oppressive structures and systems that cause these evils.
12.3 Active though our commitment must be, nevertheless, we will not choose the path of violence but follow the gospel principle of overcoming evil with good (see Rm 12:21). 12.4 In all provinces the commitment to the poor must be promoted and an appropriate awareness of the cause of justice and peace aroused and intensified. The generalate should coordinate and foster these efforts.
Startingthe JPIC Ministry in most exclusiveway and establishingthe office of the JPIC coordinator on theGeneralate and Provinciallevels: a1983 after the 12th General chapter (1982).
The Chapterproduced a document: The promotion of Justice and Peace in Solidarity with the Poor in the Light of Constitution 112.
The document states: “The chapter by way of c 112 calls on all members of the Society to show a more determined commitment to the promotion of justice and peace in solidarity with the poor and oppressed.”
It challenges the SVD members to respond on all levels: • Conscientization and Insertion into the life of the Poor • Our personal and Communal Lifestyle • Our Relationship with one another • Our Complicity in the Structures of Injustice and Exploitation • Our Institutions of Learning • Our Publications and Communications Apostolate • Direct Apostolic Options
Where are we now? • Bringing the Social Teaching of the Church to the environment of our Congregation • Animating every SVD to include in his ministry, whatever type of ministry he does, the JPIC Dimension • The four dimensions, that are part of the SVD profile, are: being a missionary (missio), having the Word of God as the base for his life and ministry (kerygma, Bible apostolate), focusing on building a community (koinoia, communication), and focusing on the service (diakonia, JPIC) • Particular JPIC Projects and Ministry • e.g. working with migrants and refugees, street children, with the poor, in anti-human trafficking activities, etc...
From the Handbook of Superiors, A13 Del Manual del superior A-13
1.0 JPIC is a part of missionary calling. Action on behalf of justice, peace and the integrity of creation (JPIC) in solidarity with the poor and the marginalized is a demand of our common religious‑missionary calling. Therefore, as the 12th General Chapter reaffirmed, all of us should manifest a definite commitment to promote justice and peace in whatever kind of apostolate we may find ourselves engaged (Nuntius XI, p. 583, 1). 1.0 JPIC es la parte de nuestravocaciónmisionera. Trabajarpor la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación (JUPIC), en solidaridad con los pobres y marginados, constituyeunaexigencia de nuestracomúnvocaciónreligioso-misionera. En consecuencia, talcomo lo reafirmó el 12º Capítulo General, “todosnosotrosdebemosmanifestar un compromisodefinido con la promoción de la justicia y de la paz en cualquierclase de apostolado en queestemoscomprometidos” (NuntiusXI, pág. 567).
2.0 Provincial coordinator for justice, peace, and the integrity of creation. 2.0 Coordinador provincial de justicia, paz e integridad de la creación.
2.1Coordinator All provinces should appoint a provincial JPIC coordinator to animate the confreres to a more determined commitment to the promotion of justice, peace and the integrity of creation in solidarity with the poor and marginalized, and to coordinate action in this field (Nuntius XI, p. 584, 2). 2.1 Coordinador TodaslasProvinciasdeberánnombrar un coordinador provincial de JUPIC paraanimar a los cohermanos a comprometerse en forma másdefinida en la promoción de la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación, en solidaridad con los pobres, y paracoordinar los esfuerzosque se hagan en este campo (Nuntius XI. pág. 568).
2.2 Commission To reach out more effectively to all the confreres in the province and to deal more comprehensively with the complex issues of justice, peace, and the integrity of creation, provinces are encouraged to establish a commission to assist the coordinator. 2.2 Comisión A fin de llegar con mayor eficacia a todos los cohermanos de la Provincia, y con miras a tratar en forma másamplia los complejosproblemasrelacionados con la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación, se recomiendaquelasProvinciasestablezcanunacomisiónparaayudar al coordinador.
3.0 Appointment and term of office The provincial coordinator is appointed by the provincial superior with the consent of his council, and where applicable, also the members of the commission. He usually serves for a term of three years and may be reappointed (see c 615). However, in the interests of cultivating awareness of issues and fostering skills of coordination in a greater number of confreres, it is recommended that JPIC personnel be changed at reasonable intervals while ensuring adequate continuity. 3.0 Nombramiento y duración del cargo El Superior Provincial, con el consentimiento de suconsejo, nombra al coordinador provincial de JUPIC y, si se da el caso, también a los miembros de la comisión. El coordinadorpor lo general duratresaños en el cargo y puedesernombradoporperíodosconsecutivos (Co. 615). Sin embargo, con el objetivo de crearconciencia de estostemas y de promover la capacidad de coordinación de un mayor número de cohermanos, se recomiendaque el personal de JUPIC sea reemplazado en períodosrazonables, asegurandosiempreunaadecuadacontinuidad.
4.1.1 to assist the members of the province in the process of conscientization about contemporary JPIC issues, particularly in those areas that impinge on our apostolates, and to promote an effective solidarity with the poor and the marginalized; 4.1.1apoyar a los miembros de la Provincia en el proceso de concientizaciónsobre los problemascontemporáneosqueafectan la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación, particularmente en aquellasáreasqueafectennuestroapostolado, y promoverunaefectivasolidaridad con los pobres y marginados;
4.1.2 to contribute to a more critical awareness of cultural‑religious values and attitudes, of ideologies, of women’s issues and of socio‑economic and political realities; to encourage study of their effects on local and global justice, peace, integral human development, and on the ecology; 4.1.2 contribuir a adquirir una conciencia más crítica de los valores y actitudes religioso-culturales, de las ideologías, de los problemas de la mujer, y de las realidades socio-económicas y políticas; fomentar el estudio de sus efectos, a nivel local y global, sobre la justicia, la paz, la promoción humana integral y la ecología.
4.1.3 to engage in ongoing social analysis and research on JPIC issues in the context of local realities and to make the results known to the confreres for discussion, reflection and appropriate action; 4.1.3 dedicarse a un análisis social y a una investigación de temas de JUPIC continuos en el contexto de la realidad local, y dar a conocer los resultados a los cohermanos, de modo que éstos puedan discutirlos, reflexionar sobre ellos y emprender las acciones adecuadas;
4.2 Theology and spirituality 4.2 Teología y espiritualidad
4.2.1to promote a faith awareness and spirituality in which a commitment to justice and peace is integral, and a theology of mission which incorporates justice, peace and the integrity of creation as a characteristic dimension; 4.2.1promover una fe consciente y una espiritualidad comprometida con la justicia y la paz como parte integral de la misma fe, y una teología de la misión que incorpore la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación como una dimensión característica;
4.2.2to promote the realization that authentic living and preaching of the gospel as a community and as individuals involves a critical examination of our modes of acting in our various apostolates, of our possessions and investments, of our enterprises, and of our life‑style; 4.2.2promover la toma de conciencia de que anunciar individual y comunitariamente el Evangelio de modo auténtico implica un examen crítico de los modos de actuar en nuestros diversos apostolados, de nuestras propiedades e inversiones, de nuestras obras y de nuestro estilo de vida;
4.2.3to foster an adequate appreciation of the scriptural and theological foundation for the promotion of justice and basic human rights as constitutive of the preaching of the gospel and as an authentic expression of the Society’s charism; 4.2.3propiciar una adecuada valoración del fundamento bíblico y teológico que subyace a la promoción de la justicia y a los derechos humanos elementales como parte integral del anuncio del evangelio y auténtica expresión del carisma de la Congregación;
4.3 Support and solidarity 4.3 Apoyo y solidaridad
4.3.1 to keep in touch with the apostolates in the province so as to be able to fulfill a consultative role in these apostolates, to help confreres in seeking funding when necessary, and to gain the understanding of the province; 4.3.1 mantenerse en contacto con los apostolados de la Provincia para ser capaz de cumplir un rol consultivo en esos apostolados, ayudar a los cohermanos a buscar apoyo financiero cuando sea necesario, y ganarse el apoyo y comprensión de la Provincia;
4.3.2 to help and support members of the Society in difficulty because of their engagement in matters of justice, peace and the integrity of creation; 4.3.2 ayudar y apoyar a los miembros de la Congregación que se hallen en dificultades por razón de su compromiso en asuntos relacionados con la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación;
4.3.3 to seek to establish relations with confreres isolated from the province because of their involvement in JPIC activities, aiming to increase understanding and improve relationships within the province; 4.3.3 buscar establecer relaciones con los cohermanos aislados de la provincia por razón de su compromiso con actividades de JUPIC, tratando de aumentar la comprensión y mejorar las relaciones dentro de la Provincia;
to prepare and make available materials related to JPIC issues, both at the national and international levels and, where possible, to suggest a theological and pastoral approach; preparar y poner a disposición material relacionado con temas de JUPIC tanto a nivelnacionalcomointernacional y, a serposible, ofrecerunaaproximaciónteológica y pastoral; 4.4 Dissemination of information:4.4 Distribución de información:
4.5 Coordination and collaboration:4.5 Coordinación y colaboración:
4.5.1 to coordinate and support justice-oriented initiatives and promote collaboration with the confreres in the various apostolates within the province: mission animation, mission research, biblical apostolate, communications, education, formation, youth, indigenous peoples, etc.; 4.5.1coordinar y apoyariniciativasorientadashacia la justicia y promover la colaboración con los cohermanos en los diversosapostoladosexistentes en la Provincia: animaciónmisionera, investigaciónmisionológica, apostoladobíblico, comunicación, educación, formación, pastoral juvenil, pueblos indígenas, etc.;
4.5.2 to serve as consultant to the provincial superior and the provincial council; to recommend specific programs of action for the province for their approval or active support; to accept from them JPIC related tasks;4.5.2asesorar al Superior Provincial y a suconsejo; proponerprogramasespecíficos de acciónpara la Provinciaparasuaprobación y apoyoactivo; y aceptar de ellostareasrelacionadas con JUPIC;
4.5.3 to represent the province in responding to social issues and in networking with other organizations, especially the local church, e.g., through diocesan commissions; 4.5.3 representar a la Provincia en surespuesta a problemassociales y en surelación con otrasorganizaciones, especialmente de lasiglesias locales, porejemplo en comisionesdiocesanas;
4.5.4 to prepare a triennial report to be sent in to the generalate through the provincial council (D22); 4.5.4preparar un informetrienalqueseráenviadoluego al Generalato a través del consejo provincial (D-22);
4.5.5 to maintain communication and cooperation with the JPIC area secretary of the zone and the coordinator at the generalate; to participate in the activities of the area team of the zone and cooperate with other provinces; 4.5.5 mantenerse en comunicación y cooperación con los coordinadores de JUPIC de la zona y del Generalato; participar en actividades del equipo zonal de estaárea y cooperar con otrasProvincias;
4.5.6 to cooperate with the SSpS and lay associates, and with Church‑related or other organizations, whether local or international, such as Pax Christi, Amnesty International and so on; 4.5.6 cooperar con lashermanasSSpS y colaboradoreslaicos, y con organizacionesrelacionadas con la Iglesia, asícomo con otrotipo de instituciones, yasean locales o internacionales, comoPax Christi, Amnesty Internacional, etc.;
4.5.7 to coordinate the provinces’ collaboration in international campaigns such as campaigns to restrict the arms trade, to alleviate debt, to establish a UN convention on food security, etc. 4.5.7 coordinar la colaboración de la provincia en campañasinternacionalescomolasquebuscanreducir el comercio de armamentos, aliviar la deudaexterna, establecerunaconvención de la Organización de lasNacionesUnidassobreseguridad de alimentos, etc.
4.5.8 to maintain contact with VIVAT International and to collaborate with them on their various JPIC initiatives. 4.5.8mantenercontacto con VIVAT International y colaborar con ella en susdiversasiniciativas de JUPIC.
5.0 Coordinator’s relationship with the provincial and the provincial council. 5.0 Relación del coordinador de JUPIC con el Superior Provincial y suconsejo.
5.1 The provincial should consult with the coordinator before he makes important decisions concerning JPIC matters. Although the role of the coordinator is informative and consultative, the provincial should give special regard to his recommendations. 5.1 El Provincial deberíaconsultar al coordinador antes de tomardecisionesimportantesrelacionadas con asuntos de JUPIC. Aunque el rol del coordinadoresinformativo y consultivo, el Provincial tomaráespecialmente en cuentasusrecomendaciones.
5.2 The coordinator should be invited to provincial council meetings, or at least consulted beforehand if this is deemed preferable, when JPIC matters are at issue. 5.2 El coordinadordeberíaserinvitado a reuniones del consejo provincial cuando se debatanasuntos de JUPIC, o al menosserconsultado antes, siestofuerapreferible.
5.3 The provincial should encourage the districts and communities to establish links with the JPIC coordinatorfor the sake of consultation and ongoing formation. He should also ensure that venues for collaboration and dialogue between the coordinators of the different areas of concern are established, especially with those working in formation. 5.3 El Provincial deberíaalentar a los distritos y comunidades a establecerlazos con el coordinador de JUPICparaconsulta y formaciónpermanente. Deberíaasegurartambiénque se establezcanvías de colaboración y diálogo entre los coordinadores de lasdistintasáreas, especialmente con los quetrabajan en formación.
6.0 Interprovincial JPIC board6.0 Comisión interprovincial de justicia y paz In countries with two or more provinces, an interprovincial JPIC board could be beneficial. Setting up such a board, approval of its statutes, and appointment of the members are within the competence of the provincial superiors. En aquellospaísesquecuentan con dos o másProvinciaspodráserbeneficiosocrearunacomisión interprovincial de justicia y paz. La constitución de dichacomisión, asícomo la aprobación de susestatutos y el nombramiento de susmiembros, esresponsabilidad de los SuperioresProvinciales.