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Teresa Kassuga on the Yorkshire moors . Just notice how windy and lonely this place is. FYI: This photo WASN’T taken in 1801!. Wuthering Heights. Emily B rontë. 1 M r H eathcliff. Lockwood wanted to be alone. Why did he think this would be possible in Thrushcross Grange ?
Teresa Kassuga ontheYorkshiremoors. Just noticehowwindy andlonelythisplace is. FYI: ThisphotoWASN’Ttaken in 1801!
WutheringHeights Emily Brontë
1 MrHeathcliff • Lockwoodwanted to be alone. Why did he think this would be possible in Thrushcross Grange? • WhydidLockwoodgo to WutheringHeights? • Why didn’t MrHeathclifflook like a farmer as Lockwood expected? • WhywasWutheringHeightsbuiltwiththickstonewallsandvery small narrowwindows?
What did Lockwood learn about the young woman he met in Wuthering Heights when he went there again? • WhydidLockwoodstay for a nightatWutheringHeights?
2 Catherine Earnshaw • What was written on the shelf in the bedroom where Zillah took Lockwood? Whatwashisopinionaboutthat? • Whathappened in thenight? • What did Lockwood see when he was leaving the room? • What is MrsDean’s (Nelly) opinionaboutHeathcliffwhen it comes to money?
3 TheStrangeChild • Who took Heathcliff to Wuthering Heights? Why did he do that? What did Heathcliff look like? • How was Cathy’s and Hindley’s reaction to Heathcliff different? • WhywasHindleysent to college? • Whathappened to CathyandHeathcliffwhenHindleywentaway?
Who wasFrances? Whatdidshelooklike? • What did Hindley make Nelly and Joseph do when he became the master of Wuthering Heights? • WhenHindleyrememberedhowmuchhehatedHeathcliffwhatdidhe do withhim? • Cathy and Heathcliff did whatever they wanted. Why did they look in through the windows of Thrushcross Grange?
What were Edgar and Isabella doing that made Cathy and Heathcliff laugh at them? • Edgar and Isabella heard Cathy and Heathcliff laughing. What happened to Cathy when they were trying to run away? • Heathcliff was thrown out. Why did he give up taking Cathy home?
4 ChristmasatWutheringHeights • How did Cathy change after staying at Thrushcross Grange for five weeks? • WhatdidHeathclifflooklike? • What were Heathcliff’s three wishes on Christmas Day? • What made Heathcliff throw a dish of hot apple sauce at Edgar’s face? WhatwasHeathcliff’spunishment for doingthat?
Nelly was feeling sorry for Heathcliff. How did she know Cathy had the same feelings?
5 Cathyand Edgar • WhatwasHindley’sreaction to Frances’sdeath? • How did Heathcliff save Hareton’s(Hindley and France’s son) life? • CathywasalwayspolitewhenshevisitedtheLinton’s. How did Edgar find out that Cathy was wild and bad-tempered? What 3 things did she do when Nelly didn’t leave the sitting-room?
Cathy told Nelly that she would marry Edgar. What reasons did she give for loving him? • HeathcliffheardCathysayingthatshecouldn’tmarryhim. Whatreasondidshegive? • Whatpartoftheconversationdidn’tHeathclifflisten to? • What comparisons did Cathy make between her love for Edgar and Heathcliff?
6 Cathy’sMarriage • Why did Cathy get ill on the night that Heathcliff disappeared? • Cathymarried Edgar andwent to Thrushcross Grange? Why did he and his sister do whatever she wanted? • Three years later Heathcliff returned. Whatdidhelooklike?
7 HeathcliffandIsabella • Although Hindley hated Heathcliff, he invited him to stay in Wuthering Heights. Why? • HeathcliffandCathyargued in thekitchenafterhehadkissed Isabella. Nelly told Edgar andheaskedHeathcliff to leavethehouse. WhydidCathythrowthekeyintothefire? Whathappened?
Cathymadeherselfill. Whatdid Nelly see as shewalkedacrossthegardenonherway to getthedoctor? • HowmightCathygetwell in thedoctor’sopinion?
8 Two Homes ontheMoors • Isabella married Heathcliff and lived unhappily in Wuthering Heights.What had Heathcliff done to show Isabella how cruel he was? • Why did Isabella have to lock their bedroom every night? • Nelly wasallowed to go to Wuthering Heights.Shearranged a secret meeting betweenCathyandHeathcliff. Whathappened?
9 Terrible Times • Isabella ranawayandnevercameback. Wheredidshelive? • Who wasLinton? Whatdidhelooklike? • How did Heathcliff treat Hareton, Hindley’s son, after Hindley’s death? • LockwoodhadmetHaretonatWutheringHeights. Howdid Nelly describehim?
10 Young Catherine • HowoldwereCathyandHaretonwhentheyfirstmet? • HowdidCathytreatLinton? • HowdidLintonfeelaboutgoing to WutheringHeights? • WhydidHeathcliffwantLinton to marryCathy?
11 Catherine meetsHeathcliff • WhydidHeathcliffwishHaretonwashisson? • WhydidCathyandLintonlaughatHareton? • HowdidCathykeep in touchwithLinton? Whatdidshe do while Nelly wasill? • Lintoninsistedon meeting Cathy. When Edgar agreed, howoftenandwherecouldtheymeeteachother? • HowdidLintonbehaveontheirfirst meeting?
WhydidHeathclifflockCathyand Nelly in Zilla’sbedroom in WutheringHeights? • Howlongwas Nelly locked in theroom?
12 TheDeathof Edgar Linton • Whatdid Edgar decide to do when Nelly toldhimCathyhadmarriedLinton? • Thelawyerdidn’tgo to Thrushcross Grange immediately. What did he say? What had really happened? • HeathcliffopenedCathy’scoffinonthedayofEdgar’s funeral. Whatdidshelooklike? Howlonghadshebeendead?
OnthedayCathywasburried, Heathcliffintended to open hercoffin. Whydidn’the do it? • Whydidhefeelhappy? • WhatwaswrittenonLinton’swill? • WhatdidLockwood decide to do when Nelly finishedthestory?
13 LockwoodReturns to WutheringHeights • 9 monthslater, Lockwoodreturned to Thrushcross Grange. What did he find out about Nelly Dean? • WhatwereCathyandHaretondoingwhenLockwoodsawthemthrough a window? • WhydidCathy compare Hareton to a dog? • WhendidCathyandHareton start gettingonwell?
14 LockwoodHearstheEndoftheStory • HowdidHeathcliff start to behave? • Wheredidhewant to beburied? • NowHeathcliff is alsodead. What is saidabouthimandCathy? • What is going to happen to CathyandHareton?