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Guide to Strategic Environmental Assessment for EU Structural Funds 2007-2013

This comprehensive handbook provides simple and effective approaches for implementing Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) within EU Structural Funds programming for the period 2007-2013. It addresses key concerns and offers recommended steps for a successful SEA process. Developed based on existing guidance and SEA practice insights, the handbook highlights the importance of integrating SEA into the programming process to ensure environmental considerations are thoroughly evaluated and integrated from the outset. Practical guidance is provided on determining focus areas, assessing environmental context, aligning with development objectives, evaluating proposed measures, understanding cumulative impacts, and establishing monitoring systems. The handbook emphasizes the collaborative nature of SEA, promoting engagement with stakeholders and authorities for informed decision-making. With translations available in multiple languages, it is a valuable resource for stakeholders across different countries involved in EU Structural Funds programming.

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Guide to Strategic Environmental Assessment for EU Structural Funds 2007-2013

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  1. SEA for COHESION POLICY IN 2007-2013(HANDBOOK andFACT SHEET )Ausra Jurkeviciute, EA topic leaderAJurkeviciute@rec.org

  2. Outline of the Presentation • Introduction to the Handbook • Key concerns addressed • Logical linkages between SEA and programming process for EU SFs • Recommended SEA steps • SEA Fact-sheet

  3. Purpose of the Handbook • To recommend simpleandsuitable approaches to applying SEA Directive within the programming of EU Structural Funds in 2007-2013. • Based on existing guidance (EU, the UK, CR, Spain), lessons from SEA practice in 2000-2006 and extensive consultations within GRDP partnership • Endorsed by DG Regio and DG Envi as advisory - NOT an interpretative guidance for the transposition of the SEA Directive.

  4. Key concerns • SEA new tool – many consultants try to invent very complicated schemes to meet the requirements of the SEA directive • EIA-based approaches generally do not work • Some consultants focus on writing Env. Report (audit/critique of the programming document) but do not provide usable inputs into programming process • There is a danger of ‘mastering the procedure and beating the purpose”

  5. Programming process, SEA and ex-ante evaluation • Similar logic • Mutually reinforcing tools within one robust planning system. • Can be carried out as a joint or a parallel process. • The leading process is the programming process and SEA and ex-ante evaluations fit into it.

  6. SEA should be • carried out in a very similar manner as the overall ex-ante evaluation of the programme; • an interactive process providing judgement and recommendations by SEA experts during the programme elaboration; • an integral part of the programming process even if, for reasons of transparency, its outcomes are reported in the separate and consolidated env. report.

  7. Recommended SEA steps (1) Determination of the right focus of the SEA: -> key environmental issues for the programming document -> relevant env. objectives -> focused questions/indicators to guide the assessment -> gives basic assurance to the programming team and env. authorities that SEA will focus on key issues

  8. Recommended SEA steps (2) Assessment of the environmental context -> past trends for each guiding question/indicator; -> future evolution of these trends if the programming document is not implemented (i.e. considering already approved PPPs and any relevant future developments); -> can be done within analysis of the development context – examining future threats/constrains and opportunities from env. perspective

  9. Recommended SEA steps (3) Assessment of development objectives and priorities of the programming document -> key conflicts and synergies with relevant env. issues and objectives -> recommendations for adjustments of proposed orientation of the programming document; -> suggestions for development of eligible measures/actions

  10. Recommended SEA steps (4) Assessment of proposed measures/activities -> positive and negative impacts of relevant env. issues and objectives -> nature of impacts explained (direct, indirect, duration, reversibility, transboundary nature, etc.) -> recommendations for adjustments of measures/activities -> suggestions of selection criteria or preliminary ToRs for env. assessment of specific activities.

  11. Recommended SEA steps (5) Assessment of cumulative impacts of the entire programming document -> cumulative impacts of all measures on specific env. issue or objective -> considers the expected future baseline trends in each issue (see step 2) -> concluding suggestions for mitigation and enhancement measures

  12. Recommended SEA steps (6) Assessment of proposed management system for implementation -> env. selection criteria -> env. scoring sheets (preliminary or formal) for activities that will seek funding -> roles of env. authorities during implementation of the programming document -> very important especially in new MSs

  13. Recommended SEA steps (7) Assessment of proposed monitoring system -> whether it focuses on key env. issues, is realisticand is easy to use -> could use data from env. scoring sheets and/or formal monitoring -> env. monitoring not self-serving – should measure the actual impact of the programming document on the relevant env. issues and objectives

  14. Compilation of environmental report • Compiles individual assessments into one report • Outlines key outstanding issues • Consultations with relevant authorities and the public – ideally through a single consultative process for the programming, SEA and ex-ante • Numerous informal consultations between SEA and env. authorities (possibly public) suggested for earlier steps

  15. Practical use • Handbook translated into Portuguese, Polish, Romanian and Lithuanian and widely disseminated in Austria, the Czech Republic, Malta and Romania Known use: • Austria-CR cross-border programme for Interreg • Czech Republic (NDP & OPs: Transport, Business Competitiveness) • Romania (all OPs) • Italy (Lombardia Regional OP)

  16. The handbook can be downloaded at:http://europa.eu.int/comm/regional_policy/sources/docoffic/working/doc/sea_handbook_final_foreword.pdforhttp://www.grdp.org

  17. Fact Sheet on SEA • Target audience: • Decision makers at regional and national level • Environmental stakeholders as well as administrators • Information on how regional development planning and SEA can be seen as mutually reinforcing tools • Answers questions: • What is Strategic Environmental Assessment? • How does SEA really benefit regional development programmes? • How can SEA be effectively carried out for regional development programmes? • Tips for carrying out an effective SEA • Where can I find more about this?

  18. The handbook can be downloaded at:http://www.grdp.orgas a part of the GRDP Toolkit:

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