1. FFA Agriscience Fair Presented by:Krystal Hicks
2. What is the Agriscience Fair? Middle & High School FFA members demonstrate and display agriscience projects that are extensions of their agriscience courses
3. Purpose Agriscience Fair Encourage students to use scientific process, reinforce skills & principles learned in the classroom
Provide recognition, recruiting & promotional opportunities for FFA program
4. Researched Based Project Categories include:
Biochemistry/Microbiology/Food Science
Environmental Science
Botany (Plant & Soil Science)
Engineering (Mechanical/Agricultural Engineering Science)
Division I: individual students 7th - 9th
Division II: individual students 10th - 12th
Division III: teams of two members 7th - 9th
Division IV: teams of two members 10th - 12th
5. Eligibility FFA members
Grades 7-12
Roster of a chapter in good standing
At time of event, must have completed one course in Ag. Science and Tecnology
6. Rules Enter only one project (team or individual)
Team = 2 members working on same project
Projects must reflect students own work & completed during the current year
Successive year projects
Category changes
Official Dress
7. Rules Prohibited in display:
Live animals Chemicals
Syringe & Needles Human/Animal Cultures
Lasers Combustible materials
Open Flame
Crystals other than sucrose & sodium chloride
Exhibits requiring voltages above 120AC
**** refer to CDE guide for other restrictions
8. Display May consist of one or more panels
Must be stable & free standing
Max size =
48” wide x 30” deep x 108” high from the floor
Upper right hand corner must have
Name of student(s)
Chapter Name, State
Title of Category
Division (I - IV)
9. Competition Invitational- San Antonio Livestock Exposition in February
State FFA Convention, April 26 - 28th in Lubbock, TX
Display, Log Book, Project Report & Interview
100 possible points
Scores 1 to 10 given in 10 areas
Knowledge Gained Scientific Approach
Experimental Research Individual/Team Work
Thoroughness Information
Conclusions Written Report
Interview Visual Display
10. Competition National FFA Convention
October 27-30
Louisville, Kentucky
11. Project Must Use Scientific Method Observation- Select a topic.
Question- Ask a question about what you observe.
Hypothesis- Predict an answer to your question.
Method - Decide on a way to test the hypothesis. The outcome must be measurable.
Result- Conduct experiment using defined method and record the results. Always repeat research to confirm results.
Conclusion- State whether your prediction was confirmed or not and try to explain your results.
14. Present Research Effect of Colored Mulch on Tomato Root Growth
17. Remember:the first requirement of a scientist is curiosity If a world-class physicist can spend hours figuring out the way curve balls work and the speed at which they work best, don't assume any question you come up with is too lowly to investigate.
18. Construct Theory Base Search for items that will enable you to build an argument that the proposed research project is necessary and will make a contribution to the body of knowledge that already exists
College of Agriculture
Experiment Stations
Extension Service
19. Student’s Research Proposal Statement of the problem
Purpose and objectives of research
Summary of previous research
Method: How experiment will be set up in order to solve the problem
Data collection: Procedures for collecting and analyzing data
Assumptions: what is your “best guess” hypothesis concerning the outcome of the experiment
Limitations: Define any limitations that might impact outcome
Definition of Terms: for person reading paper with no previous knowledge of subject area
20. Hypothesis What do you think may be the answer to your question, how the project will turn out?
The hypothesis is the possible answer you will try to prove or disprove.
There is no right or wrong answer here.
As the project progresses, try to determine if hypothesis is true.
21. Decide on a procedure & method How will you go about doing the experiment? Method will be the process by which the hypothesis is proved or disproved.
Compile a list of all the materials needed to conduct investigation. Keep track of costs.
While doing experiment, keep very accurate records of all steps & tests performed.
Record failures as well as successes.
22. Record your results Use a notebook to record all information or data.
Make charts and graphs, draw pictures or use videotape to show results.
Give facts, not opinions.
If experiment uses measurements, then give those exact measurements.
Do not use terms like: about, more or less, close to, etc.
23. Record the Results What was the result of the experiment?
Have you eliminated all variables?
(conditions which could affect the answer but for which you are not testing)
Repeat experiment to ensure accuracy & validity.
It is recommend that experiment be repeated a minimum of 8 times to validate.
24. Conclusion Write a final report summarizing your question, research methods and conclusion. The conclusion is the answer to your question.
Should be clear, concise and stick to the point.
Resist the temptation to jump to conclusions.
What did your project teach you?
25. Conclusionaddress these questions If you were to do your experiment again, would you get the same results?
Can there be differences? Why?
What happened when you tested your hypothesis.
Even if the experiment proved your hypothesis wasn't true, you've learned something. What is your project's importance?
What have you learned?
26. PREPARE A WINNING DISPLAY Good use of color and eye appeal. Backing on photos and copy improves the look of the display. Nice use of lab equipment on table.Good use of color and eye appeal. Backing on photos and copy improves the look of the display. Nice use of lab equipment on table.
28. Winning Display Prepare a display to give your audience a quick overview of
the question you asked, the method you used, the result you got, and the conclusion you came to
Draw charts, diagrams or illustrations to explain your question, methods and results
A neat and organized poster will obviously communicate your work better than a sloppy, disorganized one.
29. Include within Display Notebook
Includes the nitty-gritty details of the experiment
Make sure it is complete & the information in it clear
Demonstration Materials
Items that illustrate a scientific principle, equipment or materials used, or enable others to retrace your steps
”Hands-on" will make an exhibit more interesting and help others understand your discovery
Use photographs to illustrate your work if your experiment involves valuable equipment or animals & dangerous chemicals that are not allowed
30. NATIONAL FFA JUDGING CRITERIAApplication Points= 200
Cover Sheet
Response to questions
Written Report
Supporting Materials
6 photos with captions
Letters of Recommendation
31. NATIONAL FFA JUDGING CRITERIAPresentation Points= 100
Response to question
32. TEXAS FFA JUDGING CRITERIA100 points Part I: Abstract and Research paper
(50 points)
Part II: Project Book, Display, Overall Interview (50 points)
33. Training a Team Really no training involved
Students interests’
(page 7)
34. Horticulture Related Agriscience Projects
36. Examples of Horticulture Topics I. New Plant from Old
Seed germination at varying depths
Temperature effects on seed germination
Soil Types on seed germination
Seed soaking effects on germination (vary length of time or types of solutions)
Dormancy time: can dormancy periods be artificially shortened
Factors that effect plant cloning
Factors that effect rooting of asexual cuttings
Germination and Seedling Growth under water stress
Use of a warm germination and cold vigor test to determine germination and vigor of damage and undamaged seeds
37. I. New Plant from Old (cont.)
Different light spectrums effect on seed germination
Are there really lunar influences on seed germination?
How do different treatments change how fast seeds sprout?
What effect does seed size have on how well a crop like oats or wheat grows?
What are the effects of gravity on seed sprouting?
Does electric or magnetic fields affect seed sprouting or plant growth?
Would microwaves have an effect on seed germination?
Does tobacco or alcohol affect germination rates?
Does moisture pH affect sprouting of grass seeds?
38. II. Photosynthesis, Plant Physiology & Growth
How covering plants or parts of plants affects a plants ability to produce vegetative growth
Plant growth by different light wavelengths
Chlorophyll measurement
Carbon dioxide deprivation
Carbon dioxide enhancement
Using paper chromatography to separate pigments in leaves
Light & its effect on amount of starch (food) in leaf tissue
Genetic factors (genes) that control the inheritance of simple physiological characteristics in plants
Nutrient Deficiencies in Plants
Nitrogen Fixation
Measuring Photosynthesis Rate by Measuring Oxygen Production
39. II. Photosynthesis, Plant Physiology & Growth (cont.)
Biological clocks in plants
Amount of water lost by a plant due to transpiration
Determine the ideal relative humidity for a particular plant
Can you produce new varieties by cross-pollinating flowers of forced bulbs?
Can you speed up the process of cloning by changing the formulation of the nutrient mix?
Can you grow clone mutants that tolerate harsh environmental conditions (think of the industry significance)?
Does crowding affect plants?
Does colored mulch affect the growth rate of a plant?
Does the respiration rate indicate the rate of plant growth?
40. II. Photosynthesis, Plant Physiology & Growth (cont.)
Determine if a certain flowering plant is a long, short, or neutral – day plant. Does CO2 concentration affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Is the amount and rate of plant photosynthesis variable?
Which type of vegetable has the highest concentration of chlorophyll?
Is there a relationship between a leaf's starch and chlorophyll?
Can you paint images on plant leaves using light?
How would leaf harvesting affect a plant's health at different growth stages?
What factors affect how plants reproduce?
Examine whether or not the shape/angle of the stalk cut has any effect on the life of cut flowers.
What is the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis?
41. III. Growing Media & Soil
Test plant growth in different types of media
Loosened and compact soil
Making a nutrient solution from soil
Root size with hydroponics
Composting kitchen refuse & its affect on house plants
Break down of construction materials ( stone, brick, cinder block & other building materials) & its affect on plants
Making nutrient-rich topsoil
Comparing the thickness of soil to the dominant plant species
Nitrogen content in soil where carnivorous plants live
The grabbing ability of sand, silt and clay
Evaluating the nutrient content of ant hills
42. III. Growing Media & Soil (cont.)
Factors that increase decomposition rate of leaves
Container type & water loss
Are the claims made for hydroponics true?
Are there fewer insects problems?
Is less fertilizer needed?
Are there greater yields?
What is the effect of lowering/raising the pH on a plant's growth?
What physiological functions are related to a plant’s biological clock?
Breeding a new iris plant
How do different conditions affect the speed at which fruit and vegetables ripen?
How does soil pH affect the pH of water that touches the soil?
43. III. Growing Media & Soil (cont.)
Decomposition of common materials
Decomposition above and below the ground
Does soil type change how well crops grow?
How are different soil types affected by water running over them? (soil erosion)
What happens to the way plants grow if there are no microorganisms in the soil?
Are different plants affected in different ways by specific microorganisms?
Does colored mulch affect soil temperature?
44. IV. Stimulation
Natural weed killer
Touch stimulation
Sound stimulation
Reduction of stimulation
Effect of stimuli on plant development and fruit production
Effect of Electromagnetic fields on fruit production or growth
Effect of blue light vs red light
Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on different plants
Effect of Ultraviolet Light on Plant Growth
IV. Stimulation (cont)
Allelopathy: What happens when you grow sweet potatoes next to other plants?
To determine if brightness of light will alter the growth rate of a plant.
Is leaf size related to the amount of light received by a plant?
V. Transport
(projects in food, water, and waste movement within plant cells)
Transpiration in plant leaves
Determining root size by leaf size
Food storage time
Capillary action
46. VI. Fungi and Simple Plants
Other host for bread molds
Gathering airborne mold spores
Testing algae as a nutrient
Symbiosis with lichens
Temperature affect on the production of carbon dioxide by yeast
What is the best environment in which to grow mushrooms?
What are the steps in the lifecycle of a mushroom?
What environment is needed for moss to grow and flourish?
47. VII. Environment & Health
Shrubs as natural sound barriers
Water purification
Compare plant growth & air pollutants
Plant sensitivity to sulfur dioxide
Plant sensitivity to nitrogen dioxide
What is the effect of acid rain upon the growth of roots?
What are the ecosystem effects of replacing native wildflowers with foreign varieties of flowers? Effect of acid rain on the germination of bean seeds?
Determine the pH of local water sources
What climatic changes causes pH fluctuation?
Do different varieties of the same fruit have the same level of vitamin C?
What effect does cigarette smoke have on plant transpiration?
48. VII. Environment & Health (cont.)
Does nicotine affect plant growth?
How does cigarette smoke affect plant growth?
Does caffeine affect plant growth?
Does the use of insecticides affect the growth of vegetables?
What is the effect of Tobacco Mosaic Virus on common vegetables?
What effect does ozone have on plant growth?
Which type of grass is the most drought resistant?
Why is ethylene gas important in the fresh fruit and vegetable industries?
49. VIII. Chemicals
Influence of hormones on plant cell development
Changes in plant growth caused by application of growth hormone
Can chemical hormone treatment replace cooling for bulbs?
Liquid fertilizer affects on flowering of bulbs
At what concentration will 2, 4-D fail to kill weeds?
What is the highest concentration of 2, 4-D that will stimulate plant growth? Lowest concentration?
Compare the effects on plant growth of a natural auxin and a synthetic hormone
What effect do auxins have on algae cells that live in water?
What happens to cuttings if you add various auxins, natural & synthetic in combination with a cytokinin (another type of plant growth substance)?
50. VIII. Chemicals (cont.)
Some known effects of auxins include causing leaves to fall and preventing potatoes from rotting. Can you discover any new effects that auxins have on plants?
How do organic pesticides compare in effectiveness with synthetic chemical pesticides?
What effect do pesticides have on earthworms?
Creating organic fertilizers
Comparing lawn care methods (synthetic vs organic)
How do different types of fertilizers affect plant growth?
51. VIII. Chemicals (cont.)
Which brand of chemical fertilizer produces the greatest growth?
Which is the best medium for new cuttings - plain water, water with synthetic auxin added or water with fertilizer added?
Is food waste (tea bags, coffee grounds, orange rinds, banana peels, etc.) a good fertilizer for plants or does it harm their growth?
Would it help plant growth to add vitamins (A, E, C) to the soil?
Will fruit extract help bean cuttings re-grow root cells?
52. Conclusion Topics
Any questions?