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DEMOCRATS. JONATHAN AVENDANO KRYSTAL CORTEZ MARISA ZUNIGA. “We Are Greater Together Than We Are On Our Own”. Meaning that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair share, plays by the same rules. Contact Information. Mailing Address Democratic National Committee

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  2. “We Are Greater Together Than We Are On Our Own” Meaning that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair share, plays by the same rules. Contact Information Mailing Address Democratic National Committee 430 South Capitol St. SE Washington, DC 20003 Main Phone Number 202-863-8000

  3. Platform “A Declaration of how we plan to move America forward over the next four years and beyond.” - Democrats are working to advance issues like job creation, education, health care, and clean energy • America Works When Everyone Plays by the Same Rules • Rebuilding Middle Class Security • Safer and More Secure At Home

  4. Political World • Ex. Democrats want to raise taxes on individual income above $200,000 a year and family incomes above $250,000 . • The democrats are in favor of a bigger federal government that provides more servicesfor example they want the wealthy to help out more since they earn more money. • Democrats think its important to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons even if it means war. • The democratic party is liberal in the political world because they have favored progressive income taxes and they want to stop Iran from creating nuclear weapons because the weapons can affect the United States since it can cause a major conflict. The democratic Party wants to help society which make them liberal.

  5. Economic World Abortion • Strongly and unequivocally support Roe v. Wade. (Sep 2012) • Invest in stem cell and other medical research. (Nov 2006) • Pursue embryonic stem cell research. (Jul 2004) • Support right to choose even if mother cannot pay. (Jul 2004) • Choice is a fundamental, constitutional right. (Aug 2000) Drugs • Reduce racial disparities in sentencing for drug crimes. (Sep 2012) • Join Central American governments to combat narco-traffic. (Sep 2012) • Bring to justice those bringing drugs to America. (Jul 2004) • Drugs in prison: get clean to get out. (Aug 2000) • Dry up drug demand via more enforcement plus more treatment. (Aug 2000) • Fight drugs and economic hopelessness that fuels it. (Aug 2000)

  6. Social World • Democrats believe in • Civil Rights • Health Care • Social Security • Worker’s Rights • Women’s Rights Democrats are liberal in the social world because they want the people to thrive and they believe that everyone should succeed in life economically and socially.

  7. Liberal & Conservative issues for democrats Liberal Conservative • Global- warming- The democrats think the people are the ones who caused global warming. • • Death Penalty-The death penalty should be abolished. It is inhumane and is ‘cruel and unusual' punishment. • • Education-Public schools are the best way to educate students • • Immigration-They are much more open to citizenship for illegal immigrants . • • Same-sex marriage- They support the same sex-marriage.

  8. Immigration Cultural World Democrats are strongly committed to enacting comprehensive immigration reform that supports our economic goals and reflects our values as both a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. The story of the United States would not be possible without the generations of immigrants who have strengthened our country and contributed to our economy. They believe in restoring the basic values that made our country great and helping everyone who works hard and plays by the rules to find a job that pays the bills.

  9. Leaders President of the United States-Barack Obama Vice President-Joe Biden House Democratic Leader-Nancy Pelosi Senate Majority Leader-Harry Reid Democratic National Committee Chair-Debbie Wasserman Schultz

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