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Tough Issues, Tough People: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Employees

Tough Issues, Tough People: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Employees. February 21, 2006 Richard W. Sears, Psy. D., MBA www.psych-insights.com richard.sears@wright.edu. What Constitutes a “Difficult Employee?”. Different definitions depending on the individual

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Tough Issues, Tough People: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Employees

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  1. Tough Issues, Tough People:Strategies for Dealing withDifficult Employees February 21, 2006 Richard W. Sears, Psy. D., MBA www.psych-insights.com richard.sears@wright.edu

  2. What Constitutes a“Difficult Employee?” • Different definitions depending on the individual • Vice-president with “Personality Issues” • employees in tears at staff meetings – requisitions for a pencil • diversity concerns • employee fear of repercussions • VP acted nicely around superiors • President resigned

  3. General Considerations • Framework for setting objective standards • Obstacles to objectivity • Mental health issues • Diversity issues • Legal considerations

  4. Importance of Objectivity • Reduces impressions of favoritism • Minimizes concerns about “personality issues” • Provides clear standards of performance expectations • Serves as documentation in case of future problems • Provides legal record in case of litigation

  5. Conference Agenda for Dealing with a Difficult Employee Behavior I. Introduction II. Report the Problem III. Explore the causes of the problem IV. Corrective Actions V. Close (Also contains the 6 steps of an intervention model) From Sears, R., Rudisill, R., & Mason-Sears, C. (2006). Consultation Skills for Mental Health Professionals. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  6. Conference Agenda I. Introduction A. State the purpose of the meeting B. State what you want to accomplish

  7. Conference Agenda II. Report the Problem A. Step 1: Identify and define the performance problem B. Step 2: Explain the impact of the problem

  8. Conference Agenda III. Explore the causes of the problem A. Listen to employee’s thoughts and reactions to what you have reported B. Step 3: Analyze the reasons for the problem 1. Discuss reasons with employee; test your own ideas, as appropriate 2. Discuss your influence on the situation

  9. Conference Agenda IV. Corrective Actions A. Step 4: Define the expected performance standard(s) B. Step 5: Explore ideas for a solution C. Step 6: Write the plan for improvement

  10. Conference Agenda V. Close A. Recap key points and review your plan to finalize it B. Make sure a follow-up meeting is set

  11. Case follow-up • New president gathered data • Met with VP • Set performance standards

  12. Obstacles to Objectivity • History with the individual • Personal biases • Talking/listening to third parties • Unreasonable expectations

  13. Emotional Management • Development of competence in handling your own as well as the emotions of others • Emotions come in layers • Importance of self-monitoring

  14. ABC Framework A  B  C A = antecedent / activating event B = belief / behavior C = consequence

  15. Mental Health Issues • Must balance reasonable accommodations with reasonable performance expectations • Importance of EAP (Employee Assistance Program)

  16. Common Mental Health Issues • Stress • Anxiety • Depression • PTSD • Personality Disorders • Narcissistic • Antisocial • Schizoid • Borderline

  17. If in doubt, consult! • Talk to supervisors • Discuss with peers (considering confidentiality) • Maintain contact with professional groups • Consider legal & ethical ramifications • Consider diversity issues

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