Polish kermes lives in the roots of Scleranthusperennis L. Polish kermes are found from eastern Germany to the Ukraine . This shield louse, or scale insect, is a parasite on the roots of Scleranthusperennis. The female insects are collected in June, killed in a vinegar solution, dried, and marketed in this form as the raw material for the dyestuff. From a single plant, 40 to 50 insects can be collected. After they are taken from the roots of the host plant, it is replanted.
The Cochineal bug is found in desert locations in Arizona, New Mexico, and California to Montana, Colorado, Texas, Florida and North Carolina. They feed on the juices of the cacti plant, especially the prickly pear cacti.
Visualizing the atomic and molecular level elements compounds homogeneous heterogeneouscopper, Cuvermilion, red lead blue frit blue frit + ochre Sulfur, S8
elementscompoundshomogeneous heterogeneouscopper vermilionblue frit blue frit + ochre Cinnabar (natural mineral) Vermilion (synthetic) HgS Red Lead Pb3O4, or 2PbO·PbO2
Ochres: a mixture of Iron oxides elements compoundshomogeneousheterogeneouscopper vermilion, red lead blue frit blue frit + ochre Iron oxide Hematite, Fe2O3 Iron oxide Magnetite, Fe3O4
Egyptian Faience sculpture and beads The blue color of faience is chemically the same ‘stuff’ as the pigment blue frit
elements compounds homogeneousheterogeneouscopper vermilion, red lead blue frit blue frit + ochre blue frit ochre
Solid State Structures of copper, Cu Cubic Closest Packed (ccp) view Face Centered Cubic (fcc) view Face Centered Cubic Unit Cell
Start with Cu lattice: Structures of brass layer on Cu: Zinc (Zn) atoms replace Cu (randomly) in lattice