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Spectrochemical Instrumentation Modules

Spectrochemical Instrumentation Modules. 1. Light Source 2. Optical Components 3. Sampling Device 4. Wavelength Selector 5. Detector 6. Signal Processor. Spectrochemical Instrumentation Modules. Measures of Source Intensity. 1. Radiant Flux, Φ Rate of transfer of energy

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Spectrochemical Instrumentation Modules

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  1. Spectrochemical Instrumentation Modules 1. Light Source 2. Optical Components 3. Sampling Device 4. Wavelength Selector 5. Detector 6. Signal Processor

  2. Spectrochemical Instrumentation Modules

  3. Measures of Source Intensity 1. Radiant Flux, Φ Rate of transfer of energy Φ = δQ/δt (W)

  4. Measures of Source Intensity 2. Radiant Intensity, I Radiant flux per unit solid angle from a point source I = δΦ/δΩ (W/sr)

  5. Ω = (π/4) (F/n)-2

  6. Measures of Source Intensity 3. Radiance, B Radiant flux per unit solid angle per unit projected area B = δ2Φ/(δΩδA) (W sr-1 cm-2)

  7. Measures of Source Intensity 4. Irradiance, E Radiant flux per unit projected area E = δΦ/δA (W cm-2)

  8. Measures of Source Intensity 5. Spectral Radiance, Bλ Radiance per unit wavelength interval Bλ = B/δλ (W sr-1 cm-2 nm-1)

  9. Optical Components of Imaging Systems 1. Windows 2. Lenses 3. Mirrors 4. Turning Prisms 5. Beam Splitters 6. Fiber Optics

  10. Transmittance of Window Materials

  11. Transmittance of Window Materials

  12. Reflectance of Mirror Materials

  13. Interaction of Light with an Interface

  14. Interaction of Light with an Interface Law of Specular Reflection Θ1 = Θ3 Snell’s Law of Refraction n1sin Θ1 = n2sin Θ2

  15. Reflection Losses at an Interface (unpolarized light)

  16. Reflection Losses at an Interface a = unpolarized b = perpendicularly polarized c = parallel polarized (Note Brewster’s Angle)

  17. Reflection at an Interface (Total Internal Reflection) Propagating from high to low n

  18. Total Internal Reflection n1sinΘ1 = n2sinΘ2 n1 > n2 Θ2 = 90 sin Θ1 = n2/ n1

  19. Lens Maker’s Formula R2 < 0 1/f = (n-1) (1/R1 – 1/R2) For a Biconvex Lens, R1 = -R2

  20. Lens Formula 1/S1 + 1/S2 = 1/f S1 = object distance S2 = image distance f = focal length

  21. 1/S1 + 1/S2 = 1/f

  22. Relative Aperture of an Optical Component D/S1 where: D = limiting diameter S1 = distance from source

  23. F-number (F/n) F/n = S1/D The solid angle of light collected by an optical component is given by: Ω = (π/4) (F/n)-2

  24. Ω = (π/4) (F/n)-2

  25. Beam Splitters

  26. Optical Fibers

  27. Optical Fibers

  28. Turning Prisms

  29. Sample Cells

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