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Understand safety basics including fire prevention, first aid procedures, and sanitation challenges in foodservice environments. Learn about preventing injuries, contamination risks, and the importance of maintaining a clean and safe kitchen.
Section 1.1 Safety Basics • Section 1.2 Sanitation Challenges
Section 1.1 Safety Basics • Burns and injuries can easily occur. • Establish fire safety procedures. • Know first aid measures for injuries.
occupational back support • flammable • lockout/tagout • emergency • first aid • shock • abrasion • laceration • avulsion • puncture wound • Heimlich maneuver • cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) • general safety audit • routine • document
Safe Working Conditions • Each worker must personally practice kitchen safety. • Wear personal protective clothing: • aprons • gloves • shoes • back braces
Safe Working Conditions • Foodservice workers are responsible to help prevent: • slips and falls. • cuts. • burns and scalds. • other personal injuries, such as those from heavy lifting.
Safe Working Conditions • Follow safety guidelines including those for sharp tools. • Clean and maintain all equipment, following safety rules. How do you think cleaning home equipment might be different from cleaning professional equipment?
emergency A potentially life-threatening situation that usually occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. Fire Safety • Prevent and control fires through good work habits. Be prepared for emergencies. • Fire protection equipment includes fire extinguishers and hood and sprinkler systems.
Emergency Procedures • Every foodservice worker must know basic first aid and life-saving techniques. first aid Assisting an injured person until professional medical help can be provided.
Emergency Procedures Explain each of the following first aid procedures. Procedure Explanation Treat First-Degree Burns Cool skin with water, not ice; never apply ointments; bandage the burn Treat Minor Wounds Clean with soap and water; place sterile gauze on cut; apply direct pressure
Emergency Procedures • Learn the Heimlich maneuver to help someone who is choking. Heimlich maneuver A series of thrusts to the abdomen that can help dislodge something that is stuck in a person’s airway.
Emergency Procedures • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be performed quickly on those who are unconscious because of choking, cardiac arrest, stroke, or heart attack. cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) Emergency care that is performed on people who are unresponsive.
Section 1.2 Sanitation Challenges • Food becomes contaminated by exposure to harmful microorganisms or chemical substances. • Insects and rodents can physically contaminate food.
sanitary • contaminated • direct contamination • cross-contamination • sanitation • hazard • toxin • pathogen • bacteria • virus • parasite • fungus • mold • cleaning • sanitizing • result • transmit
Contamination Basics • Foodborne illnesses can sicken and even kill people. • Foodservice workers must know how to keep a clean, safe food preparation environment.
cross-contamination direct contamination The movement of harmful microorganisms from one place to another. Raw foods, or the plants or animals from which they come, are exposed to toxins. Contamination Basics • Two types of contamination: • direct contamination • cross-contamination
hazard A source of danger. Contamination Basics • Know the different types of food hazards: biological, chemical, and physical. • Foodborne illness can be caused by: • improper cooking of food • cross-contamination • poor hygiene • foodhandler illness
Contamination Basics • Biological hazards in the kitchen include: • Bacteria bacteria Tiny, single-celled microorganisms.
Contamination Basics • Biological hazards in the kitchen include: • viruses viruses Simple organisms that are responsible for many food-related illnesses.
Contamination Basics • Biological hazards in the kitchen include: • parasites parasite An organism that must live in or on a host to survive.
mold A form of fungus. fungi Spore-producing organisms found in soil, plants, animals, water, and in the air. Contamination Basics • Biological hazards in the kitchen include: • Fungi, mold, and yeast
Contamination Basics • In the event of an outbreak of foodborne illness: • tell a manager • avoid panic • save any suspected food How do you think you might help others avoid panic?
cleaning Removing food and other soil from a surface. Chemical Hazards • Cleaning products used in the foodservice industry: • detergents • hygiene detergents • degreasers • abrasive and acid cleaners
Physical Hazards • Physical hazards: • glass, metal, hair, wood, other foreign matter • To keep pests out of storage areas: • keep areas clean • dispose of garbage quickly • keep food off of the floor and away from any walls
Chapter Summary • Section 1.1 • Safety Basics • Safety rules and equipment help keep workers safe. • Use caution and keep the workplace free of built-up grease to avoid fire danger. • Know first aid to treat emergencies.
Chapter Summary • Section 1.2 • Sanitation Challenges • Harmful microorganisms can contaminate food. • Kitchen hazards include: biological, chemical, and physical. • During a foodborne illness outbreak, follow company procedures and report it. • Use cleaning products carefully.
Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. • The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions.
occupational back soporte para la support espalda A type of back brace with suspenders designed to support the lower back while lifting. Un tipo de faja con tirantes diseñado para sostener la parte baja de la espalda mientras se levanta algo pesado.
flammableinflamable Quick to burn. Que se quema rápidamente.
lockout/tagout bloqueo/etiquetado OSHA procedure; all necessary switches on malfunctioning electrical equipment are tagged and locked from use. Procedimientos requeridos por la organización Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA); se etiquetan y se bloquea el uso de todos los apagadores en los equipos eléctricos que no están funcionando.
emergency emergencia A potentially life-threatening situation that usually occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. Situación que pone en peligro la vida y que normalmente ocurre repentina e inesperadamente.
first aid primeros auxilios Assisting an injured person until professional medical help can be provided. Ayuda que se proporciona a una persona lesionada mientras que llega la ayuda médica profesional.
shock choque A serious medical condition in which not enough oxygen reaches tissues. Una condición médica grave en la que no llega suficiente oxígeno a los tejidos.
abrasion abrasión (raspadura) A scrape or minor cut. Un rasguño o una pequeña cortada.
laceration laceración A cut or tear in the skin that can be quite deep. Una cortada o desgarre de la piel que puede ser muy profundo.
avulsion avulsión An injury in which a portion of the skin is partially or completely torn off. Una lesión en la que una parte de la piel es parcial o totalmente arrancada.
puncture wound herida de punción An injury in which the skin is pierced with a pointed object, such as an ice pick, making a deep hole in the skin. Una herida en la que la piel se perfora con un objeto puntiagudo, como un picahielo, haciendo un agujero profundo.
Heimlich maneuver maniobra de Heimlich A series of thrusts to the abdomen that can help dislodge something that is stuck in a person’s airway. Una serie de presiones en el abdomen que puede ayudar a desalojar algo que está atascado en las vías respiratorias de una persona.
cardiopulmonary resucitación resuscitation (CPR) cardiopulmonar Emergency care that is performed on people who are unresponsive. Atención de emergencia que se realiza en las personas que no responden.
general safety auditoría de audit seguridad general A review and inspection of all safety procedures and equipment. Una revisión e inspección de todos los procedimientos de seguridad y del equipo.
sanitary sanitario Clean. Limpio.
contaminated contaminado Food that is unfit to be eaten. Alimentos que no son adecuados para el consumo.
direct contamination contaminación directa Raw foods, or the plants or animals from which they come, are exposed to toxins. Que los alimentos crudos, o las plantas o los animales de los que proceden, están expuestos a toxinas.
cross-contamination contaminación cruzada The movement of harmful microorganisms from one place to another. El movimiento de microorganismos nocivos de un lugar a otro.
sanitation saneamiento Healthy or clean and whole. Limpio y saludable.
hazard riesgo A source of danger. Una fuente de peligro.
toxin toxina A harmful organism or substance. Un organismo o sustancia dañina.
pathogens patógenos Disease-causing microorganisms. Microorganismos que causan enfermedades.
bacteria bacterias Tiny, single-celled microorganisms. Microorganismos minúsculos unicelulares.
viruses virus Simple organisms that are responsible for many food-related illnesses. Organismo simple responsable de muchas enfermedades alimentarias.
parasite parásito An organism that must live in or on a host to survive. Un organismo que debe vivir en o sobre un huésped para sobrevivir.