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Your kidneys, each just the size of a computer mouse, filter all the blood in your body every 30<br>minutes. They work hard to remove wastes, toxins, and excess fluid. They also help control<br>blood pressure, stimulate the production of red blood cells, keep your bones healthy, and<br>regulate blood chemicals that are essential to life.
CRITICAL CHRONIC KIDNEY DISORDER REVERSAL A CASE STUDY OF ROB’S EXPERIMENT Your kidneys, each just the size of a computer mouse, filter all the blood in your body every 30 minutes. They work hard to remove wastes, toxins, and excess fluid. They also help control blood pressure, stimulate the production of red blood cells, keep your bones healthy, and regulate blood chemicals that are essential to life. According to CDC, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is described as a condition in which the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood as well as they should. Because of this, excess fluid and waste from blood remain in the body and may cause other health problems, such as heart disease and stroke. Chronic Kidney Disease is a general term for heterogeneous disorders affecting kidney structure and function. The 2002 guidelines for definition and classification of this disease represented an important shift towards its recognition as a worldwide public health problem that should be managed in its early stages. Chronic Kidney Disease can be detected with routine laboratory tests, and some treatments can prevent development and slow disease progression, reduce complications of decreased GFR and risks of cardiovascular disease, and improve survival and quality of life. Some other health consequences of CKD include; anemia or a low number of red blood cells, increased occurrence of infections, low calcium levels, high potassium levels, and high phosphorus levels in the blood, loss of appetite or eating less, depression or lower quality of life. Chronic Kidney Disease and management are classified according to stages of disease severity, which are assessed from glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and albuminuria, and clinical diagnosis (cause and pathology). Although creatinine clearances can be calculated from urine creatinine concentration measured in a 24-hour urine collection and a concomitant serum creatinine concentration, a more practical approach exists through estimation of GFR (estimated GFR or eGFR) from the serum creatinine concentration. Both complications and the likelihood of progression to the end-stage renal
disease requiring renal replacement therapy are more likely to occur in patients with severe CKD. In addition, early intervention will more commonly reduce serious CKD sequelae and slow CKD progression. To facilitate assessment of CKD severity, the National Kidney Foundation developed a stratification of CKD patients according to: Stage 1: normal eGFR ≥ 90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and persistent albuminuria Stage 2: eGFR between 60 to 89 mL/min per 1.73 m2 Stage 3: eGFR between 30 to 59 mL/min per 1.73 m2 Stage 4: eGFR between 15 to 29 mL/min per 1.73 m2 Stage 5: eGFR of < 15 mL/min per 1.73 m2 or end-stage renal disease Individuals with CKD are treated by a nephrologist who will help you decide which treatment is best for you. Treatment plans by medical practitioners include hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis (PD) or kidney transplant. Each treatment plan will be suited to the individual’s peculiarities alongside diet restriction/modification plans. Rob's experiment explores reversing nearly-critical CKD which was shown through declining eGFR contrary to three doctors including a specialist opinion (names withheld for consent reasons). The experiment was conducted with the help of Dr. Greger's information, Kai at Healthy Way Natural Healing & Acupuncture Centre - Traditional Chinese Medicinal practitioners and a Vancouver traditional Chinese pharmacy on Main Street. Combining insights, he garnered from Dr. Greger's rice diet, Kung Fu exercises, Chinese mushroom, Cordyceps, and DIY acupressure on the ear. Rob was able to prove he raised his GFR from 33 to 47 in less than 3 months through a video documenting his results and approach. Rob's first eGFR reading was 33ml/min as at September 1, 2018. By September 25, his eGFR had improved to 41ml/min and by 2nd of November there was a stabilized increase to 47ml/mins. In-depth exploration of the test results compiled by Dr. Greger; shows introduction of the intervention approaches, decline in kidney function halt with improvement in kidney function with certain patients. Over the span of 10 months, those patients with >15% creatine clearance levels showed stabilization in kidney function rates without any further decline. The results, however, showing stabilization gave no inkling of reversal of kidney function to normal. With
strength, courage, and intuitiveness, Rob devised to explore a methodology of combined approaches as regards reversing his nearly-critical Chronic disorder. Dr. Greger highlighting how fish, pork, chicken, beef and eggs contributes to "acid load on kidneys". Rob implemented a beans, fruits, vegetables diet regime improving on the alkaline load to his kidney, along with Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) device, Chinese herbs, Kidney Kung-Fu exercises, Acupuncturists cordyimmune & cordyceps and flax meal. Through his combined approach, Rob succeeded in halting declining kidney state, with recovery and increase in kidney function leading to a progressive reversal of nearly-critical CKD. Some years ago, Rob was recognized as the modern day "Thomas Edison". Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a growing global health problem. With a high global prevalence of between 11-13%, CKD places a major economic burden on healthcare systems worldwide. While conventional drug-oriented medicine has failed to successfully prevent or treat it, numerous studies clearly show that micronutrient-based approaches to CKD are both safe and effective. As with other chronic diseases, conventional medicine approaches to CKD only target its symptoms, with the medications causing severe side effects and non-resolution of the root problem. Other numerous natural treatment studies have shown how diets rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, and essential fatty acids can help prevent and control CKD, however, none has been able to show reversal like Rob's ingenious experiment. Rob can be contacted on his cell at (604) 512-9567, or by email at MatthiesR@yahoo.ca for questions. REFERENCE 1.Andrew S.L., Josef C. (2012). Chronic Kidney Disease. The Lancet. Volume 379, Issue 9811, Pages 165-180. 2.Coresh J., Selvin E., Stevens L.A., et al. (2007). Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the United States. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association. 298:2038–2047.
3.KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease. (2006). American Journal of Kidney Disease. 47: S11–S145. 4.Levey AS, Eckardt KU, Tsukamoto Y, et al. (2005). Definition and classification of chronic kidney disease: a position statement from Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Kidney International. 67:2089–2100. Researcher: JESSICA WRIGHT CANADA PROFESSIONAL WRITER & AUTHOR