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There are any number of things that can have a negative impact on a man’s ability to achieve or sustain a firm manhood. Simple anemia may be one reason for this occurrence.
Firm manhood Enemy Could Be Anemia By John Dugan
Many men take great pains to ensure their manhood health in order to maintain an active sensual life, including the ability to experience a firm manhood. Sometimes, when there is dysfunction at play, it’s possible that anemia may be playing a role in preventing the manhood from functioning correctly. • Explaining anemia • Anemia is one of those words that people hear all the time but may only have a vague understanding of what it means. So what is anemia? www.man1health.com
According to the Mayo Clinic, anemia is “a condition in which (one doesn’t) have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissues.” Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. This protein takes the oxygen that comes in through the lungs and transports it around the body so that the organs that require oxygen can get the oxygen that they need to function properly. • Guess what one of those organs is? That’s right: the manhood. So having a properly-oxygenated manhood is crucial. • Causes • There can be any number of causes of anemia, such as: www.man1health.com
Not enough iron. This is the one that most people associate with anemia – iron deficiency. Hemoglobin is made in the bone marrow, and one of the big components in making hemoglobin is iron. So when there’s not enough iron, there’s not enough hemoglobin and therefore not enough oxygen getting taken around the body – and thus there’s anemia. • Not enough vitamins. Red blood cells also need a certain level of vitamin B12 and of folate in order to function properly. When a body doesn’t get enough of these two ingredients, it produces fewer red blood cells – which means there are fewer “taxis” available to take the oxygen around the body. www.man1health.com
Not enough blood. Iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency are kind “invisible” causes of anemia; loss of blood is present obvious. When a person loses blood – through a bad car accident, say – they are anemic until such time as they are able to replace the blood (usually through a blood transfusion). Because of the acute nature of this cause, it’s not typically associated with firm manhood issues; most people who have lost a few pints of blood aren’t going to be in the mood for intimacy at the moment. (Of course, there are exceptions!) • Hemolysis. Hemolysis refers to the destruction of red blood cells. This occurs naturally, usually when a red blood cell has reached the end of its useful life. In some people, however, the rate of red blood cell destruction can be too fast. www.man1health.com
Diseases and disorders. Many conditions, such as leukemia, kidney disease, aplastic anemia and sickle cell, can bring about an anemic state. • Firm manhood affect • How might anemia affect a firm manhood? Because a successful woody depends upon a rapid influx of oxygen-rich blood, the lack of sufficient oxygen can lead to a difficulty obtaining or maintaining tumescence. This is relatively rare; more common is for a man with anemia to produce a firm manhood, but for the member to not feel as “full” or as “strong,” due to the lack of oxygen. www.man1health.com
It is also possible that, owing to the fatigue associated with anemia, an anemic man might have less stamina, making him less capable of enduring the exertion associated with vigorous sensual activity. • Working with a doctor to determine the cause of one’s anemia and the proper course of treatment is crucial for overall health, as well as for the specific health of the manhood.
Anemia can be an enemy of a firm manhood, so it’s vital that the organ’s global health be well maintained. Using a superior manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is strongly advised. L-arginine is an enzyme that helps produce nitric oxide, which in turns keeps manhood blood vessels relaxed and receptive to adequate blood flow, allowing more oxygen to reach the manhood. Therefore, a crème that contains this ingredient, along with vitamin C, is a good choice. Why vitamin C? Because of its role in collagen production and in promoting proper male tissue firmness, by its role as a structural component of blood vessels.