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Vitamin D is important for the proper functioning of many bodily systems. Men may be surprised to learn that sufficient levels of this vitamin are crucial for male organ health.
Male Organ Health: The Importance of Vitamin D By John Dugan
Vitamin D is vital to the health and function of many bodily systems. But lots of people don’t get the amount of vitamin D they need for optimal health – especially people who live in climates with winter seasons. That’s because the main provider of vitamin D is sunlight; when less sunlight is available, and people are absorbing less through their skin given the layers they are wearing, it’s a ripe situation for insufficient intake. Men may not be aware that low levels of vitamin D can negatively impact male organ health, and this is important to know so that steps can be taken to prevent and manage deficiency-related problems. www.man1health.com
Male Hormone Production • Male hormone is a crucial component of a healthy sensual drive in men. One thing that impacts male hormone production is vitamin D. A deficiency of the vitamin can lead to low levels of male hormone in a man’s body and, in turn, a lack of sensual desire. • Blood Vessel Health • Vitamin D is needed for the cells that line blood vessels to function properly. When they aren’t functioning properly, blood vessels are susceptible to atherosclerosis. This condition is commonly known as “hardening of the arteries,” and is one of the primary risk factors for heart disease. www.man1health.com
What does this have to do with male organ health? Performance function requires clean and clear blood vessels to allow blood to flow freely into the male organ. Tumescence is created by the influx of blood. • One small study of 145 men with performance dysfunction tested participants’ vitamin D levels and the health of their manhood blood vessels. Vitamin D deficiency was found to correspond with more severe performance dysfunction. Fifty of the men proved to have atherosclerotic performance dysfunction, and these men generally had more severe vitamin D deficiencies than men with performance issues attributed to other causes. www.man1health.com
Mood Regulation • For some men, performance problems are closely related to mood issues, such as depression or anxiety. While a number of situational factors may be involved in these conditions, sometimes the source is biochemical. The neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin play a role in mood regulation, particularly in feelings of wellbeing. Vitamin D plays a role in the production of these neurotransmitters, and therefore in our ability to feel good emotionally and psychologically. www.man1health.com
Caution • While it’s clear that low levels of vitamin D correspond with poor health, it’s also important to note that there’s likely such a thing as too much of the vitamin. In one study, people who had excessive levels of vitamin D in their bodies were 2.5 times more likely to develop atrial fibrillations, or irregular heartbeats, which increase the risk of heart failure and stroke. Of those who had normal levels, 1.4% developed fibrillations, compared to 3.8% of those with very high levels. • It is best to have one’s vitamin D levels tested in order to know how much, if any, to take in supplement-form. www.man1health.com
Getting More Vitamin D • Dietary sources of vitamin D exist – including oysters, salmon and cod liver oil – but the amount they contain is insufficient for the body’s needs. Sunlight is the best source; getting out in the sun, even when it’s cold, could help men boost their levels. • When getting enough of the vitamin from the sun just isn’t an option, many turn to supplements. Make sure to go for a supplement made by a reputable manufacturer.
Men can complement their efforts to get more vitamin D with a male organ health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) equipped with the ingredient. In addition, Man1 Man Oil contains L-arginine and vitamin C, two other nutrients that support proper blood flow. Given that skin condition is another important factor of male organ health, going with a quality moisturizer like this can only benefit a man’s wellbeing.