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Many examples of man’s figure in classical art feature a healthy male organ that is not of an inordinately ample size, reminding one that health and size are not the same.
The Healthy Male Organ in Classical Art By John Dugan
Thanks to an abundance of easily available visual stimulations, manhood images are accessible at the touch of a button – but is the typical internet member an example of a healthy male organ? Is classical art likely to be a better source for images that more accurately convey the surface characteristics of a man who has practiced appropriate male organ care? Sensual Images Not surprisingly, the male member in most modern sensual images is often presented as being of an exceptional size, blessed with an admirable firmness and capable of sustaining romantic escapades all night if necessary. On the one hand, this would seem to be the very definition of a healthy male organ, but in some ways it is not. www.man1health.com
For example, simply having a member of beyond-average size is not in itself a sign of good health. Nor, for that matter, does it indicate poor health; size is not causally related to proper manhood health, but the emphasis on size in modern culture causes many to unconsciously assume a relationship between the two. The same goes for the “hard as steel” tool and its ability to last for (seemingly) hours. Yes, firmness when tumescent is quite important; however, often the degree of firmness and its endurance in sensual cinema is aided significantly by performance-enhancing medications. This by itself is not wrong; many men use such aids in daily life. But its prevalence onscreen creates the illusion that every healthy male organ should be rock solid 100% of the time when tumescent and should sustain that firmness for extended periods of time. www.man1health.com
Classical Art Members By contrast, a great deal of classical art pictures the male unclothed with a member that is on the smaller side, and usually in a soft state. Take Michelangelo’s classic statue of David in which the manhood is soft and a perfectly normal size. Ancient Greek and Roman art is similarly modest in its depiction of male members; even as mighty a figure as Zeus is typically portrayed with an organ of a reasonable size, usually not in a state of excitement. www.man1health.com
In other words, the picture of the healthy male organ that classical art presents is one in which “normal” is beautiful; there’s no competition between a statue of Zeus and one of Poseidon as to who was bigger. In fact, in ancient Greece, a large male organ was a source of mirth and mockery. In Greek satires, characters with abnormally large tools were viewed as buffoons and were regarded as closer to animals than to humans. www.man1health.com
More Realistic While it is not truthful to say that a large manhood equates to a small mind or is deserving of mockery, the restraint with which classical art depicts the member is admirable: It helps men see that there is beauty in all shapes and sizes of equipment. More importantly, as the subjects of these artworks are intended to represent individuals of exceptional health and fitness, it reminds men that the size of the manhood and its health status are two entirely separate things. This is important because maintaining proper male organ health is a goal that all men should seek to obtain. www.man1health.com
Whether large, small or in-between, every man’s tool requires care to ensure that it is in prime condition. A man may choose to use a top-notch male organ health cream(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to supplement his care routine. The best cream for this purpose will include alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that can offset harmful oxidative and aging processes in manhood cell metabolism. In addition, the cream needs to list vitamin A among its ingredients; this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties that can attack the cause of common male member health issues, eradicating unwanted and off-putting manhood odors. www.man1health.com