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I promise... I am an enviromentalist , Environment of Turkey and the world should be protected. My country and my world have to be beauitful , Despite everything, I will work. We have to work, For our nature, Our environment. And we have to keep the world better, For ourselves.
I promise... I am an enviromentalist, Environment of Turkey and the world should be protected. My country and my world have to be beauitful, Despite everything, I will work. We have to work, For our nature, Our environment. And we have to keep the world better, For ourselves. Environment which I work for, I am an example for everybody, I'll keep my promise I promise... Respects... Merve Babur
THIS IS OUR ENVIRONMENT I love my nature, I love my environment And, I protect my environment. And you? If you want to live in better future Don't polute! Don't harm! Clean! Because This is your life, This is your environment... You must look after well our environment, You must protect, must clean and love it. If you love, Everybody loves And, You must love for future For your future This is our environment You, look after well it. OnurAkyıldız
ONMENT Everybodyneedswater, airandland.Nobodyliveswithoutthem.Itreflects a lot of populationandindustrion.Ifthereare a lot of problemsaboutenvironment, it threatenspeople, animals, seeds.Forexamplesomelivingbeingsincrease.Youthink of organism.Worldbrain, bloodandenviroment.Ifone of themdoesn’tbecometheotherone, thewholedoesn’texist.Itdependsoneeachother.Iftheenvironment is damaged, anotherlivingbeingwill be effected.Wemustprotectourenvironment.Forinstance, wemustn’tdropour of things.Wemustuserecyclething.Wemustn’tcutthetreeoff.Wemustgrowuptrees.Wemustn’tusedangeraus petrol unconsicously. Wehave a Comeniusproject. We'velearnedsomeproblemsaboutourenvironmentwiththis Project andfoundsomesolutions. We'velearnedwhatto do forourworld. We had great time duringthis Project.I hopeeverybodylearnedsomethingwiththis Project. Wemust be careful! This is ourworldandthis is our life... Yağmur Ceren DEMİRKIR
ENVIRONMENT IS OURS Envıronment is thecommunitywherehumanbeings,plantsandallcreatureslive.Harmingtheenvıronmentwelive in willharm us, too. Wehavetoleave a beautifulenvıronmenttothecommunitiesthatwill be comingafter us. It is theirright. As thedaygoes on,treesarebeingcutandbuildingsriseinstead of them, pollutedairthatcomesoutfromthefactoriesharmsboththeenvironmentand us. Whenwelook at aroud us,wewillsee a lot of garbage. Weknowthatwecreatethatpiles of garbage.Wearelosingourwoldevenifwedon’trealize. Wemust not forgetthatwehavetogiveourchildrenthatwill be comingafter us verybeautifulnature. Preventingtheenvironmentalpollution is ourresponsibility. wealwayscomplainaboutpollution but we do it withourhands. We can start ourmissionbybecomingconsciousandthenwarnpeoplewhoare not self-aware. Performingimportandbroadcast,coursesandactivitiesaboutthisissue in schoolsmay be helpfultoraisemoreawarecommunities. Themostimportantthingthatweshouldhavesensitivenessabouttheenvironment. Wemust pay attentionthatthewoldbelongsto us andletourchildrenhavecleanerenvironment. Sebile Sağlam