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Minnetonka Lutheran Church March 5, 2011. Grow where you are planted. “Sing a New Song”. Welcome. Introductions Devotion & Prayer. An honest look @ MLC… Looking in so we look out! Strengths and Growth Areas… Acts 2:14-18
Minnetonka Lutheran ChurchMarch 5, 2011 Grow where you are planted “Sing a New Song”
Welcome • Introductions • Devotion & Prayer
An honest look @ MLC… Looking in so we look out! Strengths and Growth Areas… Acts 2:14-18 14But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: ‘Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. 15 Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning. 16 No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 17“In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,and your young men shall seevisions, and your old men shall dreamdreams. 18Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out mySpirit; and they shall prophesy.”
Resources and Roles for everyone… Acts 1:8 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’
Goals for Today • To explore our self-perception of MLC. • What is our unique identity? • What is our current mission and vision? • What are our gifts and strengths? • What are our growing edges?
Goals for Today • To understand deeply our ministry context. • Who are we called to serve? • What are the unique concerns, hopes, dreams of our community? • What expectations does the community have for the religious community? MLC?
Goals for Today • To identify MLC ministry compatibility with the community. • How is MLC connected and disconnected in the community? • Does MLC provide an accompaniment ministry in the community? • Establish common ground for vision and mission development.
Self PerceptionLonger-Term Congregants MLC BRAND: Undifferentiated, “Open Slate” Source: MLC Congregational Survey 2011, 1st Visioning Event, Feb 5 2011
Self PerceptionShorter-Term Congregants MLC BRAND: Traditional Yet Not Stodgy, Best Kept Secret Source: MLC Congregational Survey 2011 MLC Sunday School Parent Focus Groups 2011
Population Size / Projected Growth 29,000 persons reside in this area, growing 4.3% since 1990. During the same period, U.S. pop grew 23.3%. Between 2010 and 2015, area pop is projected to remain stable. During the same period, the U.S. pop projected to grow by 5.1%. Source: Percept Ministry Area Profile 2010
Generational Groups Represented The largest age group is Boomers(age 50 to 67), comprising 28.9% of the total pop in the area. Compared to a national average of 20.6%, Boomers are also the most over-represented group in the area. Source: Percept Ministry Area Profile 2010
Family Structures The area can be described as extremely traditionaldue to the above average presence of married persons and two-parent families. Source: Percept Ministry Area Profile 2010
Education The overall education level in the area is very high. College graduates account for 56.9% of those over age 25 in the area versus 24.4% in the U.S. Source: Percept Ministry Area Profile 2010
Average HH Income The average household income in the study area is $133,833 a year as compared to the U.S. average of $69,376. Source: Percept Ministry Area Profile 2010
Housing Trends • 75% of housing is owner-occupied • 75% of homes were built before 1980 • Median sales price in 2009 was $290,000; in 2010 it was $272,200. • 80% of Minnetonka residents are “aging in place” • Average turnover in housing ( 2004-2007) 7.5% per year. Very low compared to other communities. • City commissioned a study in 2009 to address issues of affordability
Community Leader Interviews Donna Dahl Social Worker, Groveland Elementary Brad Wiersum Minnetonka City Council, Ward 3 Brian Kuhnly Minnetonka Cub Foods, Store Manager
Community / Non-Church AffiliatedLook For In A Church • Part of community, opportunities for community service - Interested in BEING Christian, not just PREACHING about Christianity • Convenient location • Character/personality of the pastors • Models the personality of the church • Sermons speak to today’s reality, not just theology • Educational seminars other than "sermon based“ Source: Community Internet Survey, 2011, and 1:1 Interviews
Community / Non-Church AffiliatedLook For In A Church Openness, welcoming, tolerant Takes my busy lifestyle into consideration; amount of time/effort required Energy; lively & spirited Worshippers of all ages; diversity of personality among community Strong child/youth programming Source: Community Internet Survey, 2011, and 1:1 Interviews
Community / Non-Church Affiliated Perceptions of MLC A nice community church. Friendly but reserved. Generally, an older congregation. Needs to get younger. Well located. Source: Community Internet Survey, 2011, and 1:1 Interviews
Source: Community Information modeled from Percepts ethos survey MLC Information from MLC Congregational Survey, 2011
Context Mapping • Imagine MLC in three year. Write a paragraph what you see, hear, smell taste, touch at MLC. • Three years from today a reporter interviews you and asks you to describe MLC. What do you say?
Next Steps • Summarize our meeting/post on website. • Next Visioning Event – 9:00 Sat 4/16 • Goal – Create a viable mission & ministry plan for MLC.