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ECVET in Italy Current Situation. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono. Express VET Mobility Database and Guides for ECVET Cluster of Countires Erasmus+ KA2 Project Cooperation For Innovation.
ECVET in ItalyCurrent Situation Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono Express VET Mobility Database and Guides for ECVET Cluster of Countires Erasmus+ KA2 Project Cooperation For Innovation
On 18 June 2009, EuropeanParliamentexpressedit self on the establishment of a European credit system for vocationaleducation and training ECVETaimedatfacilitating the transfer, recognition and accumulation of provenresults of learningacquiredskills in formal and non-formalcontexts of peopleinterested in acquiring a qualification. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono Express VET Mobility Database and Guides for ECVET Cluster of Countires Erasmus+ KA2 Project Cooperation For Innovation
ECVETas a tool for improving the compatibility, comparability and complementaritybetween credit systemsused in vocationaleducation and training and the European Credit SystemECVET istherefore a systemable to contribute to the permeabilitybetween the differentlevels of education and training. ECVET should facilitate the transfer of assessedlearningoutcomes, in the context of flexibleformal and non-formalpathways. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono Express VET Mobility Database and Guides for ECVET Cluster of Countires Erasmus+ KA2 Project Cooperation For Innovation
Evaluation of ECVET in Italy. From the externalevaluation in Italywe can saythatitsdevelopmenthasbeenlimited from the rigidity of VET systemsECVET hasgiven 3 benefits: 1. realization of an approachbased on learningoutcomes2. improvement of mutual trust betweensystems and countries 3. raising the quality of mobilityexperiences. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono Express VET Mobility Database and Guides for ECVET Cluster of Countires Erasmus+ KA2 Project Cooperation For Innovation
ECVEThashad the merit of encouragingmutualunderstanding of the contents of the qualifications and therefore of the skillsacquired by people on the moveat the end of the experienceabroad. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono Express VET Mobility Database and Guides for ECVET Cluster of Countires Erasmus+ KA2 Project Cooperation For Innovation
ECVET'S POSITIVE ASPECTS the technicalstructure of the learningoutcomesunithasbeen positive received, whichisconsideredfunctional to the greaterflexibility of the qualification. Among the ECVET documents, Memorandum of Understanding and the Learning Agreement are the resources to support the process of transferinglearningoutcomesthathavefound a greateracceptance. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono
NEGATIVE ASPECTS ECVET points (credit points) are experiencedassuperfluouselements and notveryclear from a technicalpoint of view. The lack of clarityfound in the recommendationconcerns the way in whichpoints can be allocated to units and used in the transfer and accumulationprocess. Furthermore, on severalfronts, including the academic world, the factisraisedthat the currentconcept of ECVET pointsdoesnotmakeitpossible to use them for automatic transfer, in allcontexts. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono
Compatibility with otherinstrumentsThe compatibility of ECVET with othersystemsisnotsimple and automatic. The only tool where there is a simple implementation is with EUROPASS.For example ECVET and ECTS are two instruments with a weak compatibility, their approach to credits / credit points, and learning outcomes are considered the key to a convergence between the two systems. ECVET is a bottom-up partnership initiative, while EQF isbeingimplementedas part of a centralizedprocess with formalmembership of the countries. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono
Compatibility with otherEuropassrelationshiptoolsthe twoinstrumentshavebeenmutuallyreinforcing: ECVET providing "content" to Europass and Europassdocuments by offeringstandardized ways to presentindividualresults in a clear and coherentmanner. The mostimportantEuropassdocument in itsrelationship with ECVET is the EuropassMobility, whichveryoftenhasactedas a tool for recordinglearningoutcomes. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono
ECVEThowever, a potentialisrecognized in the process of restructuringvocational training, in the sense of makingit more capable of enhancing the learningoutcomesobtainedoutside the formalenvironment. Dr.ssa Anna Lisa Trono
Sources: INAPP – Italian National Agency – ECVET area Ecvet and School work in italy – Bonacci 2017 Manuale Ecvet – Trasparenza delle qualificazioni e delle competenze – 2016 Raccomandazione Parlamento Europeo