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‘THE PLASTIC SEA’. - Almería’s agriculture -. SUMMARY. Almería as ‘ The Plastic Sea’ CASI SCA: Handling process Services offered Variety of products. Almería as ‘ The Plastic Sea’. Average temperature : 20°C (up to 40 in summer ). One of the sunniest cities in Europe.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ‘THE PLASTIC SEA’ - Almería’sagriculture -

  2. SUMMARY • Almería as ‘ThePlastic Sea’ • CASI SCA: • Handlingprocess • Servicesoffered • Variety of products

  3. Almería as ‘ThePlastic Sea’ Averagetemperature: 20°C(up to 40 in summer) One of thesunniestcities in Europe

  4. Almería as ‘ThePlastic Sea’ ECONOMY Tourism, agriculture, marbleindustry and construction Agriculture • 85% value of total exports of Almería • 35% total nationalexports SystemGREENHOUSE(environmentalconditions)

  5. Almería as ‘ThePlastic Sea’ Mostimportantcrops TOMATO & PEPPER CountriesMembers of theEU(Germany, France, UK and Netherlands)

  6. ‘The Garden of Europe’or‘ThePlastic Sea’

  7. Accordingto NASA…

  8. CASI SCA TheValueChain PRODUCERS(farmers) WHOLESALERS & DISTRIBUTORS(trading companies) RETAILERS(supermarkets, restaurants…) END USER

  9. CASI SCA • Stricthandlingprocess HIGH QUALITY • Services  Auction, supplies, technicaladvice • Products  Varieties of tomatoes

  10. Tomatoonthe vine • Preserve thetomatolonger • Stunning natural smell and flavour

  11. Longlifetomato • Toexporttodistantmarkets

  12. “Cherry” tomato • Ideal forgourmet receipes

  13. “Raf” tomato • Extraordinaryflavour and uniquesweetness

  14. CASI SCA Process + Services + Variety COMPETITIVEADVANTAGE


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