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Tracking Studies in Muon Non-Scaling FFAG f or t he Neutrino Factory

Tracking Studies in Muon Non-Scaling FFAG f or t he Neutrino Factory J. Pasternak, Imperial College London / RAL STFC Work in collaboration and with contributions from: M. Aslaninejad (IC), J. Scott Berg (BNL ), N. Bliss ( STFC/ Technology/DL) C. Bontoiu (IC),

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Tracking Studies in Muon Non-Scaling FFAG f or t he Neutrino Factory

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  1. Tracking Studies inMuon Non-Scaling FFAG for the Neutrino Factory J. Pasternak, Imperial College London / RAL STFC Work in collaboration and with contributions from: M. Aslaninejad (IC), J. Scott Berg (BNL), N. Bliss (STFC/Technology/DL)C. Bontoiu (IC), M. Cordwell (STFC/Technology/DL),D. Kelliher (ASTeC/STFC/RAL), S. Machida (ASTeC/STFC/RAL), H. Witte (JAI-Oxford) J. Pasternak

  2. Outline • Introduction. • Layout and optics. • Tracking results. • Conclusions and future plans. J. Pasternak

  3. Introduction • Non-scaling FFAG is selected forthe final muon accelerationattheNeutrino Factory. • Advantages include: • Allows very fast acceleration (~12 turns). • Large dynamic aperture due to linear magnets + high degree of symmetry. • More turns than in RLA – more efficient use of RF – cost effective. • Quasi-isochronous – allows fixed frequency RF system. • Orbit excursion and hence magnet aperture smaller than in the case of a scaling FFAG – cost effective. • Principles of NS-FFAG are now being tested during ongoing EMMA commissioning. • Recent progress: • Lattice update to incorporate 5m long • drifts for symmetricinjection/extraction. • Injection/extraction geometries. • Kicker/septum studies. • Preliminary design of the main magnets. J. Pasternak

  4. Layout and optics Center of the long drift F D Orbit excursion F Beta functions at injection Beta functions at extraction J. Pasternak

  5. F magnet geometry J. Pasternak

  6. Ring Layout (12.6 -25 GeV NS-FFAG)

  7. Towards engineering design RF cavity F D F Magnet Block • Start of the engineering effort! • Effective drift length reduced to 4m • (due to space for the cryostat and flanges). • Kicker field increased 0.106 T • Extraction septum field to 1.94 T. • Injection/extraction still feasible! J. Pasternak

  8. Beam Optics and Acceleration ToF [ns] H Tune per cell V Kinetic Energy [GeV] Kinetic Energy [GeV] [MeV] • Beam optics has been checked • with independent codes. • ToF and tune as a function of energy • was reproduced. • Initial “serpentine” acceleration was • Obtained (now thanks to EMMA it is an • experimental fact!) J. Pasternak time [ns]

  9. 6D tracking, full transverse emittance, Gaussian distribution, old lattice J. Pasternak

  10. 6D tracking, small transverse emittance, Gaussian distribution, old lattice J. Pasternak

  11. 6D tracking, full transverse emittance, Gaussian distribution, new lattice J. Pasternak

  12. 6D tracking, small transverse emittance, Gaussian distribution, new lattice J. Pasternak

  13. 6D tracking, full versus small transverse emittance, Gaussian distribution, new lattice, horizontal plane J. Pasternak

  14. Summary • The IDS baseline was updated in order to allow for realistic and symmetricinjection/extraction. • Real engineering effort has been started! • The new update was created to allow for more symmetric ToF parabola. • Longitudinal motion during acceleration needs more optimisation. In particular the emittance blow up needs to be reduced. J. Pasternak

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