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  1. expiry_date: 2015-03-31 third_party_operator: 0864617 BC Ltd licensee: Balmoral Hotel Ltd. phone_number: 6043085927 postal_code: V6A1N6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 159 East Hastings Street establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: Balmoral Hotel (Vancouver) issue_date: JanJan/MonMon/19121912 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 028047 geohash: c2b2qg2vhxku latitude: 49.281446 longitude: -123.100577 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576531

  2. expiry_date: 2015-03-31 third_party_operator: Dunlop, Darrel Peter licensee: Triville Enterprises Ltd. phone_number: 6042610501 postal_code: V6A1N4 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 160 East Hastings Street establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: Regent Hotel issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19131913 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 005041 geohash: c2b2qg27qfgr latitude: 49.281122 longitude: -123.101169 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576533

  3. expiry_date: 2014-11-30 licensee: 0771168 B.C. Ltd. phone_number: 6046815364 postal_code: V6A1P2 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 235 E Hastings Street establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: Empress Hotel (Vancouver) issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19131913 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 002542 geohash: c2b2qg6qqvyz latitude: 49.281653 longitude: -123.098418 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576535

  4. expiry_date: 2014-07-31 licensee: 0985654 B.C. Ltd phone_number: 6046818374 postal_code: V6B2J7 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 488 Carrall St establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: West Hotel & Bar issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19131913 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 019960 geohash: c2b2qeq681f4 latitude: 49.280987 longitude: -123.104207 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576537

  5. expiry_date: 2014-11-30 licensee: 338186 B.C. LIMITED phone_number: 6042554301 postal_code: V6A1P6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 403 E HASTINGS ST establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: PATRICIA HOTEL (VANCOUVER) issue_date: JanJan/ThuThu/19141914 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 107893 geohash: c2b2qgkvmp6h latitude: 49.281489 longitude: -123.095066 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576539

  6. expiry_date: 2014-11-30 licensee: Golden Harvest Produce Inc. phone_number: 6046857021 postal_code: V6A1P2 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 251 E HASTINGS ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: OVALTINE CAFE issue_date: JanJan/ThuThu/19421942 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 041424 geohash: c2b2qg6qqvyz latitude: 49.281653 longitude: -123.098418 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576541

  7. expiry_date: 2014-07-31 licensee: FOO'S HO-HO RESTAURANT LTD. phone_number: 6046092889 postal_code: V6A1T3 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 102 E PENDER ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: FOO'S HO HO RESTAURANT issue_date: JanJan/FriFri/19541954 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 183534 geohash: c2b2qg0tcuxm latitude: 49.280187 longitude: -123.101035 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576543

  8. expiry_date: 2014-06-30 licensee: Vancouver Community College phone_number: 6048717000 postal_code: V6B1S9 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 250 Pender St W establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Four Corners Restaurant/JJ'S Dining Room issue_date: JanJan/FriFri/19651965 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 212329 geohash: c2b2qe35y25r latitude: 49.281193 longitude: -123.111147 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576545

  9. expiry_date: 2015-04-30 licensee: Water Street (Vancouver) Spaghetti Corp. phone_number: 6046841287 postal_code: V6B1A1 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 53 WATER ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY (VANCOUVER) issue_date: JanJan/ThuThu/19701970 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 073414 geohash: c2b2qevmx041 latitude: 49.284239 longitude: -123.105280 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576547

  10. expiry_date: 2014-09-30 licensee: 0909176 B.C. Ltd. phone_number: 6046888303 postal_code: V6A1X5 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 108 - 268 Keefer Street establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Hon's Wun-Tun House issue_date: JanJan/SatSat/19721972 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 305115 geohash: c2b2qg42kc4j latitude: 49.279224 longitude: -123.098510 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576549

  11. expiry_date: 2014-10-31 licensee: SENTINEL PEAK HOLDINGS LTD. phone_number: 6046576135 postal_code: V6A2S7 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 205 MAIN ST establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: NO. 5 ORANGE STREET HOTEL issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19751975 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 021660 geohash: c2b2qg9hx3gh latitude: 49.282704 longitude: -123.100118 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576551

  12. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: Laurelwood Ventures Inc. phone_number: 6045236188 postal_code: V6B1G4 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: # 35 - 37 West Hastings St establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: PALACE HOTEL (VANCOUVER) issue_date: JanJan/FriFri/19751975 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 004540 geohash: c2b2qesch7cu latitude: 49.282114 longitude: -123.106085 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576553

  13. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: Al Porto Ristorante (2003) Ltd. phone_number: 6046838376 postal_code: V6B1B8 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 321 WATER ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Al Porto Ristorante issue_date: JanJan/SunSun/19781978 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 004178 geohash: c2b2qs476s4u latitude: 49.285248 longitude: -123.109592 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576555

  14. expiry_date: 2014-06-30 licensee: GRAND UNION HOLDINGS LTD. phone_number: 6046816611 postal_code: V6B1G6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 74 W HASTINGS ST establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: GRAND UNION HOTEL issue_date: JanJan/FriFri/19821982 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 002846 geohash: c2b2qemjfn8t latitude: 49.281571 longitude: -123.105840 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576561

  15. expiry_date: 2015-02-28 licensee: SITAR RESTAURANT LTD. phone_number: 6046870049 postal_code: V6A1E7 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 8 POWELL ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: SITAR RESTAURANT issue_date: JanJan/FriFri/19821982 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 021785 geohash: c2b2qewvymen latitude: 49.282939 longitude: -123.103251 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576563

  16. expiry_date: 2015-04-30 licensee: 0912676 BC Ltd. phone_number: 6046899763 postal_code: V6A1T6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 179 East Pender Street establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: New Mitzie's Restaurant issue_date: FebFeb/MonMon/19821982 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 065870 geohash: c2b2qg20f9sw latitude: 49.280686 longitude: -123.101693 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576565

  17. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: WATER STREET CAFE LTD. phone_number: 6046892832 postal_code: V6B1B6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 300 WATER ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: WATER ST. CAFE issue_date: JanJan/FriFri/19881988 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 125761 geohash: c2b2qeft1w9n latitude: 49.284189 longitude: -123.109294 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576567

  18. expiry_date: 2014-12-31 licensee: PHNOM PENH RESTAURANTS (1996) LTD. phone_number: 6046825777 postal_code: V6A1Z7 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 244 E GEORGIA ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: PHNOM PENH "A" RESTAURANT issue_date: JanJan/SunSun/19891989 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 125975 geohash: c2b2qff6zgj3 latitude: 49.278290 longitude: -123.098377 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576569

  19. expiry_date: 2014-12-31 licensee: Chow, Leo Chih Hwa phone_number: 6046898645 postal_code: V6A2V7 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 730 Main St establishment_type: Cabaret establishment_name: Brickhouse at Hogan's Alley issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19921992 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 003682 geohash: c2b2qfcb41g2 latitude: 49.277811 longitude: -123.099313 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576571

  20. expiry_date: 2014-08-31 licensee: KIROS, MENASBO ASFAN phone_number: 6046822646 postal_code: V6B2N3 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 324 CAMBIE ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: AFRO-CANADIAN RESTAURANT issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19921992 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 159790 geohash: c2b2qeen9rqm latitude: 49.283077 longitude: -123.108611 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576573

  21. expiry_date: 2015-03-31 licensee: WIN LOK ENTERPRISES LTD. phone_number: 6046883877 postal_code: V6A1T6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 2ND FL 127 E PENDER establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: GARDEN VILLA SEAFOOD RESTAURANT issue_date: JanJan/SunSun/19951995 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 166875 geohash: c2b2qg20f9sw latitude: 49.280686 longitude: -123.101693 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576577

  22. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: Quarterdeck Brewing Co. Ltd. phone_number: 6046831882 postal_code: V6B5C6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 375 Water Street establishment_type: Public House - Neighbourhood establishment_name: Steamworks issue_date: JanJan/SunSun/19951995 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 167010 geohash: c2b2qs160w79 latitude: 49.285045 longitude: -123.111050 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576579

  23. expiry_date: 2015-04-30 licensee: JB Foods Ltd. phone_number: 6046888694 postal_code: V6A2R4 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 103 Columbia St establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Incendio issue_date: JanJan/MonMon/19961996 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 096693 geohash: c2b2qexx6936 latitude: 49.283173 longitude: -123.102384 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576581

  24. expiry_date: 2014-11-30 licensee: NO. 26 GREAT PROJECTS LTD. phone_number: 7788832258 postal_code: V6A1P1 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 258 E HASTINGS ST establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: SAVOY HOTEL issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19971997 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 005543 geohash: c2b2qg6dsn2x latitude: 49.281012 longitude: -123.098201 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576583

  25. expiry_date: 2014-08-31 licensee: RB GELERA ENTERPRISES INC. phone_number: 6046081188 postal_code: V6A1G4 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 342 POWELL ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: ARISTOCRAT RESTAURANT issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/19971997 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 178634 geohash: c2b2qgev5vk2 latitude: 49.282808 longitude: -123.096490 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576585

  26. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: 364 Water Street (Entertainment) Ltd. phone_number: 6046812114 postal_code: V6B1B6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 364 Water St establishment_type: Cabaret establishment_name: Shine issue_date: JanJan/SatSat/20002000 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 010087 geohash: c2b2qeft1w9n latitude: 49.284189 longitude: -123.109294 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576589

  27. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: Kim, Se Chan & Kim, Se Jun phone_number: 6046837632 postal_code: V6B5C6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 375 WATER ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Mo-Mo Sushi issue_date: JanJan/SatSat/20002000 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 119982 geohash: c2b2qs160w79 latitude: 49.285045 longitude: -123.111050 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576591

  28. expiry_date: 2014-12-31 third_party_operator: LAUNHARDT HOTEL/ PUB LTD. licensee: GOLDEN SOUND HOLDINGS LTD. phone_number: 6046849596 postal_code: V6A2W1 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 1038 Main St establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: Ivanhoe Hotel issue_date: JanJan/TueTue/20022002 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 003148 geohash: c2b2qf3trrkj latitude: 49.275996 longitude: -123.099430 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576593

  29. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: VANCOUVER FILM SCHOOL LIMITED phone_number: 6046313023 postal_code: V6B1K6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 390 West Hastings St establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Web Cafe issue_date: JanJan/TueTue/20022002 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 174493 geohash: c2b2qe9qjt98 latitude: 49.282981 longitude: -123.110838 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576595

  30. expiry_date: 2014-08-31 licensee: Pub 340 Cambie Holdings Inc. phone_number: 6046020644 postal_code: V6B2N3 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 340 Cambie Street establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: Cambie 340 issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/20032003 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 118051 geohash: c2b2qeen9rqm latitude: 49.283077 longitude: -123.108611 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:50 id: 576597

  31. expiry_date: 2014-08-31 licensee: Kitanoya Marketing Corp. phone_number: 6046858682 postal_code: V6B5C6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 105-375 WATER ST establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Kitanoya Guu in Gastown issue_date: JanJan/WedWed/20032003 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 300658 geohash: c2b2qs160w79 latitude: 49.285045 longitude: -123.111050 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576599

  32. expiry_date: 2014-08-31 licensee: Chambar Restaurant Corp. phone_number: 6047715022 postal_code: V6B2L3 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 562 Beatty Street establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Chambar Restaurant issue_date: JanJan/ThuThu/20042004 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 301105 geohash: c2b2qe4kkxvb latitude: 49.279946 longitude: -123.109502 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576601

  33. expiry_date: 2015-03-31 licensee: 0721415 B.C. Ltd. phone_number: 6046020527 postal_code: V6B2M8 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 108 Cambie Street establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Black Frog Eatery issue_date: JanJan/SatSat/20052005 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 181521 geohash: c2b2qegp3cv4 latitude: 49.284549 longitude: -123.108591 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576603

  34. expiry_date: 2015-04-30 licensee: Brioche Urban Baking Ltd. phone_number: 6046824037 postal_code: V6B1E5 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 401 West Cordova St. establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Brioche Urban Baking issue_date: JanJan/SatSat/20052005 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 301439 geohash: c2b2qecyef0s latitude: 49.284422 longitude: -123.110228 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576605

  35. expiry_date: 2014-10-31 licensee: Ripe Red Restaurants Inc. phone_number: 6046694991 postal_code: V6B1E5 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 307 W. Cordova St. establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: The Greedy Pig issue_date: JanJan/SatSat/20052005 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 301743 geohash: c2b2qecyef0s latitude: 49.284422 longitude: -123.110228 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576607

  36. expiry_date: 2014-07-31 licensee: Six Acres Cafe Ltd. phone_number: 6047672087 postal_code: V6B2J2 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 203 Carrall St. establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Six Acres Cafe issue_date: JanJan/SunSun/20062006 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 178152 geohash: c2b2qewjdphv latitude: 49.282904 longitude: -123.104461 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576609

  37. expiry_date: 2015-05-31 licensee: Salt Tasting Room Ltd. phone_number: 7788968840 postal_code: V6B2J2 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 46 Trounce Alley establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Salt issue_date: JanJan/SunSun/20062006 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 302068 geohash: c2b2qewjdphv latitude: 49.282904 longitude: -123.104461 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576615

  38. expiry_date: 2014-12-31 licensee: 0880355 B.C. LTD. phone_number: 6043278297 postal_code: V6A1T6 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 137 Pender Street East establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Jade Dynasty Restaurant issue_date: JanJan/ThuThu/20062006 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 301847 geohash: c2b2qg20f9sw latitude: 49.280686 longitude: -123.101693 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576617

  39. expiry_date: 2014-07-31 licensee: L'ami Jules Holdings Ltd. phone_number: 6046690033 postal_code: V6B2K8 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 210 Abbott Street establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Jules issue_date: JanJan/MonMon/20072007 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 130331 geohash: c2b2qeu9j49c latitude: 49.283480 longitude: -123.106396 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576621

  40. expiry_date: 2014-09-30 licensee: La Casita Del Marino Mexican Restaurants Ltd. phone_number: 6046462444 postal_code: V6B1E1 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 101 W Cordova St establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: La Casita - Gastown issue_date: JanJan/MonMon/20072007 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 178750 geohash: c2b2qeg1sdwd latitude: 49.283566 longitude: -123.108471 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576623

  41. expiry_date: 2014-12-31 licensee: 0828946 BC Ltd. phone_number: 6044846018 postal_code: V6A2W1 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 1020 / 1022 Main St establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Campagnolo Restaurant issue_date: JanJan/TueTue/20082008 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 097414 geohash: c2b2qf3trrkj latitude: 49.275996 longitude: -123.099430 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576625

  42. expiry_date: 2014-08-31 licensee: The Cambie Malone's Corporation phone_number: 6046880055 postal_code: V6B2N3 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 314 CAMBIE ST establishment_type: Hotel establishment_name: CAMBIE HOTEL issue_date: JanJan/TueTue/20082008 licence_type: Liquor Primary licence_number: 024168 geohash: c2b2qeen9rqm latitude: 49.283077 longitude: -123.108611 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576627

  43. expiry_date: 2014-07-31 licensee: Revel Room Entertainment Ltd. phone_number: 6046874088 postal_code: V6B2K8 province: BC city: VANCOUVER address_1: 238 Abbott St establishment_type: Dining Establishment establishment_name: Revel Room issue_date: JanJan/TueTue/20082008 licence_type: Food Primary licence_number: 160915 geohash: c2b2qeu9j49c latitude: 49.283480 longitude: -123.106396 created: 2014-07-20 21:20:51 id: 576629

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