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FRT. FRT. tet. pIJ782. oriT. P1. P2. FRT. FRT. aac(3)IV. pIJ773. oriT. P1. P2. aac(3)IV. pIJ799. oriT. bla. bla. loxP. loxP. aac(3)IV. pIJ774. FRT. FRT. oriT. P1. P2. aac(3)IV. oriT. tipAp. P2. P1. aac(3)IV. pIJ775. FRT. FRT. aac(3)IV. egfp. P2. oriT. P1.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FRT FRT tet pIJ782 oriT P1 P2 FRT FRT aac(3)IV pIJ773 oriT P1 P2 aac(3)IV pIJ799 oriT bla bla loxP loxP aac(3)IV pIJ774 FRT FRT oriT P1 P2 aac(3)IV oriT tipAp P2 P1 aac(3)IV pIJ775 FRT FRT aac(3)IV egfp P2 oriT P1 pIJ786 oriT P1 P2 FRT FRT neo int tet pIJ776 pIJ787 oriT P1 P2 oriT bla bla attP int tet pIJ788 FRT FRT neo oriT bla bla attP pIJ777 P1 P2 FRT FRT aadA pIJ779 aac(3)IV P1 P2 pIJ789 neo neo FRT FRT aadA pIJ778 oriT P1 P2 aac(3)IV pIJ794 oriT neo neo vph pIJ795 oriT neo neo aadA FRT FRT pIJ796 vph neo oriT neo pIJ780 oriT P1 P2 FRT FRT hyg pIJ10700 oriT P1 P2 FRT FRT vph vph pIJ781 P1 P2 hyg pIJ10701 oriT bla bla REDIRECT templates SwaI SwaI * - increased carb extension holmology * ** ** hyg promoter is apramycin promoter ** pIJ785

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