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Earth’s Surface: Unit 1. The Big Idea: Continuous processes on Earth’s surface result in the formation and destruction of landforms and the formation of soil. Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres. What on Earth?.
Earth’s Surface: Unit 1 The Big Idea: Continuous processes on Earth’s surface result in the formation and destruction of landforms and the formation of soil.
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres What on Earth? • Earth systems- all of the matter, energy, and processes within Earth’s boundary. http://www.isws.illinois.edu/nitro/images/biggraph.jpg http://www.eduweb.com/portfolio/earthsystems/images/print_main_icon.jpg
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres Geosphere • Geosphere- mostly solid, rock part of Earth. It extends from the center to the surface of Earth. • Layers of Geosphere • Crust • Mantle • Core
Layers of the Geosphere • Crust - 5-10 km (ocean) 35-70 km (continental), made of silicates, LEAST DENSE • Mantle-about 2900 km thick, very slow flowing, solid rock, made of silicate minerals that are denser than the crust. • Core- Outer : liquid layer 3500 km thick Inner: solid, dense core made of Fe & Ni MOST DENSE
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres Got Water? • Hydrosphere- liquid water including oceans, lakes, rivers, marshes, streams, swamps, ground water, rain & water droplets in clouds. • 97% of all water on Earth is the saltwater found in oceans. • Oceans cover 71% of Earth. http://earth.rice.edu/mtpe/hydro/hydrosphere/why_images/folsom_dam.jpg
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres http://www.earth-prints.org/image/criopic.jpg Ice, Ice Baby • Cryosphere- made up of all the frozen water on Earth. All the ice, sea ice, glaciers, ice shelves, icebergs, & permafrost. http://www.eduweb.com/portfolio/earthsystems/cryosphere/images/bargraph.gif
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres What a Gas! • Atmosphere- made of invisible gases that surround Earth. The atmosphere is about • 78% Nitrogen • 21% Oxygen • 1% many other gases (Ar, CO2, & water vapor). http://spaceguard.rm.iasf.cnr.it/NScience/neo/images/AtmosGraph.gif
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres Living Together • Biosphere- made up of living things and the areas of Earth where they are found. http://www.uwphoto.net/content/si/wp_large/si04-666.jpg http://creationwiki.org/Symbiosis
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Earth’s Spheres What’s the Matter? Energy Budget- formed with movement of energy through Earth’s system. • All of the five spheres of Earth interact as matter & energy change & cycle through the system. (Think of the water, nitrogen & carbon cycles) • Trace the flow of energy through Earth’s system.
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Weathering Break It Down • Weathering- breakdown of rock material by physical and chemical processes. Types of Weathering 1. Physical 2. Chemical http://www.geol.umd.edu/~piccoli/10http://shetzers.com/photo-galleries-and-images/utah-pictures/0/Image67.jpg http://shetzers.com/photo-galleries-and-images/utah-pictures/
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Weathering Physical weathering • process by which rock is broken down into smaller pieces by physical changes, but does NOT change composition. • Ice wedging (frost wedging)- crack growth • Exfoliation • Animals-mix soil, air & drainage • Plants-reason crack growth • Wind-moves sediment • Abrasion
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Weathering http://nondot.org/sabre/pics/2001-12-16-India-Trip/2002-01-01/02%20-%20On%20the%20Road%20Again/thumbs/75%20-%20Falling%20rocks.jpg Physical Weathering Water • Abrasion -breaking down & wearing away of rock material by the mechanical action of other rocks. http://www.eeo.ed.ac.uk/undergraduate/field/peasebay/pebbles.jpg Wind Gravity http://schools-wikipedia.org/images/922/92219.jpg
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Weathering Chemical Weathering • breakdown of rocks by chemical reactions which changes composition & appearance. • Oxidation-chemicals in rock combine with oxygen in the air or in water, sometimes indicated by color change. • Acid precipitation-occurs when strong acids fall to Earth as rain, sleet, or snow. http://www.photosfan.com/images/caves-stalactites-and-stalagmites.jpg http://www.washingtonpublishers.com/YesResorts/utah.jpg
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Erosion & Deposition Go with the Flow • Erosionprocess by which sediment & other materials are moved from one place to another. • Depositionprocess by which eroded material is dropped. http://www.chartiersgreenway.net/hydrology.htm
Floodplain –flat area; fertile Meander –curves & bends Oxbow–a meander that is cut off Delta- fan shaped pattern of deposited sediment Shoreline- place where land & water meet Groundwater-water below Earth’s surface
http://www.ndsu.edu/fargo_geology/mass_wasting/creep&flow.htmhttp://www.ndsu.edu/fargo_geology/mass_wasting/creep&flow.htm Unit 1 Lesson 4 BY Wind, Ice, & Gravity Alluvial fan- fan shaped deposit that forms on dry land Creep-extremely slow movement of material downslope. Mudflow-rapid movement of a large mass of mud due to lots of rain
Unit 1 Lesson 4 BY Wind, Ice, & Gravity Shaping the Earth • Glacial drift -general term for all materials carried & deposited by a glacier. • Alpine glaciers- cause U shaped valleys & rugged landscapes. • Continental glaciers - form flat landscapes http://glaciers1011r1.wikispaces.com/Alpine+Glacier http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0311164/contglac.htm
Unit 1 Lesson5 Soil Formation • Soil- loose mixture of rock fragments, organic matter, water, and air that can support the growth of vegetation. • Soil profile - vertical section of soil that shows all the different layers. • Soil horizon - Each layer in the soil profile that has different physical properties. http://www.hutton.ac.uk/research/groups/environmental-and-biochemical-sciences/soil-chemistry-and-mineralogy http://www.keywordpicture.com/keyword/chernozem%20soil%20profile/
Unit 1 Lesson 5 Soil Formation Soil Horizons • A horizon - topmost layer of soil, often referred to as topsoil. It contains the most humus. • B horizon -has less humus. Water carries material from the A to the B horizon, in a process called leaching. “Zone of accumulation” • C horizon -lies below the B horizon and directly above the parent rock. It contains the largest rock fragments and usually no organic matter.
Unit 1 Lesson 5 Soil Formation What it takes for soil to form: • Parent rock - determines soil type • Climate-faster in warm, wet rather cold & dry. • Topography- (slope of the land) faster on flatlands • Plants and animals- add organic material by breaking down remains • Time- longer it has, the better the soil
Unit 1 Lesson 5 Soil Formation Soil properties are used to classify different soils • Soil texture • Color • Pore space • Fertility • Chemistry (pH-acid/base)
pH scale -measure of how acidic or basic a substance is. Acids and bases are on opposite ends of a measuring tool, the pH scale. At the center of the scale is the neutral zone. This scale receives extensive use in testing soil for farmers, gardeners and environmentalists. http://www.downsizingamerica.com/images/ph_scale.gif