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2. Introduction/Review. Community-Wide Design GuidelinesPreferred Development PatternOverlay Districts- 2 or 3?Historic Downtown Core Area (HDC)Historic Downtown Transition Area (HDT)Historic Downtown Residential Area (HDR). 3. Historic Downtown Pompano Beach Demonstration Area. . . Atlantic Blvd.
1. Historic Downtown Pompano BeachDraft Overlay Districts Community Forum Presentation
City of Pompano Beach, Broward County, Florida
Monday, April 2, 2007
2. 2 Introduction/Review
Community-Wide Design Guidelines
Preferred Development Pattern
Overlay Districts- 2 or 3?
Historic Downtown Core Area (HDC)
Historic Downtown Transition Area (HDT)
Historic Downtown Residential Area (HDR)
3. 3 Historic Downtown Pompano Beach Demonstration Area
4. 4 Existing Zoning
5. 5 Development Patterns 1 & 2
6. 6 Historic Downtown General Format of Overlay Districts Intent and Purpose
Permitted Uses
Prohibited Uses
Development Regulations
Design Theme
Sign Regulations
Non-conforming Uses
7. 7 Historic Downtown Core Area Intent and Purpose
Permitted Uses - Commercial
Prohibited Uses
8. 8 Historic Downtown Core Area Development Regulations
Underground utilities
Rehabilitation Defined
Height – 35’
Parking –
To the rear or side of building
None required for rehabilitation2 spaces/1,000 SF for new construction
Placement and Coverage
Maintain existing setbacks
100% coverage
9. 9 Historic Downtown Core Area Development Regulations
6’ paved clear pedestrian area
5’ for street trees, lights, furniture etc.
Trees to be in grates
Area between trees – permeable paver
Standard pavers, street lights etc. to be determined
10. 10 Historic Downtown Core Area Development Regulations
First Floor
11. 11 Historic Downtown Core Area Design Theme – consistent with existing development.
Sign Regulations-Protect against over-signage, keep signs consistent with district
Non-conforming Uses – Provide for an orderly transition
12. 12 Historic Downtown Transition Area Intent and Purpose
Permitted Uses - Commercial and Residential
Prohibited Uses
13. 13 Historic Downtown Transition Area Development Regulations
Underground utilities
Rehabilitation Defined
Height – 45’
Parking –
To the rear or side of building
1.2 per unit (<=2BR) or 2 per unit >2BR2 spaces/1,000 SF for commercial
Placement and Coverage
“Zero lot line”
100% coverage
14. 14 Historic Downtown Transition Area Development Regulations
6’ paved clear pedestrian area
5’ for street trees, lights, furniture etc.
Trees to be in grates
Area between trees – permeable paver
Standard pavers, street lights etc. to be determined
15. 15 Historic Downtown Transition Area Development Regulations
First Floor
16. 16 Historic Downtown Transition Area Design Theme – compatible with existing development.
17. 17 Historic Downtown Transition Area G. Sign Regulations-Protect against over-signage, keep signs consistent with district
H. Non-conforming Uses – Provide for an orderly transition
18. 18 Historic Downtown Residential Area Intent and Purpose
Permitted Uses - Residential Only
Prohibited Uses
19. 19 Historic Downtown Residential Area Development Regulations
Underground utilities
Rehabilitation Defined
Height – 45’
Parking –
To the rear or side of building
1.2 per unit (<=2BR) or 2 per unit >2BR
Placement and Coverage
“Zero lot line”
100% coverage
20. 20 Historic Downtown Residential Area Development Regulations
6’ paved clear pedestrian area
5’ for street trees, lights, furniture etc.
Trees to be in grates
Area between trees – permeable paver
Standard pavers, street lights etc. to be determined
First Floor
21. 21 Historic Downtown Residential Area Design Theme – compatible with existing development.
Sign Regulations-Protect against over-signage, keep signs consistent with district
Non-conforming Uses – Provide for an orderly transition
22. 22 Historic Downtown Overlay Visualization – Plan View
23. 23 Historic Downtown Overlay Visualization – Isometric View
24. 24 Historic Downtown Overlay Visualization – Looking West down NE 1st Street
25. 25 Historic Downtown Overlay Visualization – Looking West down NE 3rd Street
26. 26 Next Steps
Community Comments on Draft Ordinance
Refinement of Draft – Planning and Zoning Board
Design Theme
Public Space Improvements
Ordinance Presented to Pompano Beach City Commission
27. 27 Existing Zoning