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Region 4. Region 4. Region 10. Public Health Strengthening in Guyana Implemented by the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) in partnership with the Guyanese Ministry of Health Canadian International Development Agency investment 5.5 million CN$. Region 6. Region 6. Guyana.
Region 4 Region 4 Region 10 Public HealthStrengthening in Guyana Implemented by the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) in partnership with the Guyanese Ministry of Health Canadian International Development Agency investment 5.5 million CN$ Region 6 Region 6 Guyana Guyana Poster Abstract Public Health Strengthening in Guyana is a capacity development intervention focused on improving and maintaining the health of Guyana’s population. One major component of the Project focuses on improving the National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) by providing technical and administrative support for the NTP Unit, developing and implementing national diagnosis and treatment guidelines and, developing implementation strategies for directly observed therapy short-course (DOTS) using WHO standard treatment. To ensure the success of the project, organization and necessary procurement to introduce AFB laboratory diagnosis have been instituted. TB and bio-safety training sessions and laboratory manual development are completed. Mentorship, training and provision of motorbikes to DOTS workers have further ensured that great strides were made to improve level of patient plus family care. In 2001, there were 787 TB cases nationwide in Guyana. The TB detection rate was 54% for 2000. Moreover, the incidence of TB had increased by 10-20% annually between 1994 and 1999. In many cases, the extent of the problems was impossible to define because of the lack of diagnostic capacities, relevant expertise, and adequate staffing. Furthermore, many of the gains made from public health interventions, such as childhood immunization programs, have been eroded by the consequences of the increasing burden of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and co-infections. By supporting an integral approach to disease, prevention, diagnosis, management and care at the National and district/community levels, this project will result in overall improvement in health of the Guyanese. • TB in Guyana • •590 TB reported cases nationwide (2003) • TB detection rate is 54% • DOTS (Directly Observed Therapy) coverage is only 12% of the total population • Annual rate of infection : 3.2 (estimated) • Annual risk of infection : 0.92 • TB infection : 14% (105,000 – estimated) • Current prevalence : 0.3% (2,400 active cases) • Annual incidence : 79/100,000 (reported) • Mortality Rate (reported) : 3.25 • Key Project Components: • Expanding and Strengthening the Prevention, Management and Care of STIs/HIV/AIDS • Improving National Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program • Strengthening the Health Information System • Community Health Development and Care Notified Cases 1988 - 2003 TB COMPONENT • Project Goals • Support the National Tb Program (NTP) • Developed National Guidelines for prevention and control of Tb • Developed guidelines for treating people co-infected with HIV/AIDS • Implement and expand DOTS (Directly Observed Therapy Short course) • Strengthen Laboratories • Strengthen the Capacity of Educational Institutions Age and Gender Distribution 2003 DOTS Achievements 2003-2004 Cases • Project Achievements • Key persons trained on a study tour to Canada. • Vehicle and administrative support provided for the NTP • Completed final draft of National TB Manual and TB Laboratory Manual • Eleven new DOTS workers trained, mentored and provided with motorbikes • Central Lab equipped and trained for TB culturing and fluorescent microscopy • Continuing Education sessions for medical technologists • The NGO Guyana Chest Society, re-activated and now member of the IUATLD • First National TB conference held in collaboration with MOH and the Chest Society Treatment Outcomes -2003 Launch of DOTS expansion in region 10 Consultation at Chest Clinic with NTP Director, Nurse and CSIHexpert Computer and database training at Chest Clinic with CSIH NetCorps intern Minister Ramsammy on a new DOTS bike provided by CSIH Chief technologist and CSIH expert at new PHSG-funded laboratory A CSIH consultant delivers a lecture at UG First National TB conference in Guyana, Oct. 2004 CSIH Ottawa office: Roumyana Benedict Project Director Tel: (613) 241-5785 Ext.307 rbenedict@csih.org CSIH Guyana office: Suzanne Marquis Project Field Manager Tel: (592) 227 3673 csih@guyanapsu.org.gy www.csih.org/what/guyana/indexguyana.html Authors and Affiliations : Dr. Earl Hershfield, Tb expert consultant; Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, National Tuberculosis Officer Guyana; Ms. Roumyana Benedict, Project Director; Ms. Josée Levesque