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Simple Disease Spread Models and Schematics

Simple Disease Spread Models and Schematics . ADED – Oct 16, 2007 Bruce McNab DVM PhD Office of the Chief Veterinarian Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food & Rural Affairs, Guelph, Ontario, Canada bruce.mcnab@ontario.ca. OCVO, OMAFRA pg 1. Session Outline .

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Simple Disease Spread Models and Schematics

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  1. Simple Disease Spread Modelsand Schematics ADED – Oct 16, 2007 Bruce McNab DVM PhD Office of the Chief Veterinarian Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food & Rural Affairs, Guelph, Ontario, Canada bruce.mcnab@ontario.ca OCVO, OMAFRA pg 1

  2. Session Outline • Background to this session • Schematics of disease-spread-concepts for NAADSM • Reproductive ratio R • Key factors influencing R for NAADSM • NAADSM examples • Take-Home-Message for producers OCVO, OMAFRA pg 2

  3. Background - NAADSM • Canada / US joint project working on the development of theNorth American Animal Disease Spread Model (NAADSM) • NAADSM is a stochastic disease-state-transition computer simulation model developed to study spread and control of incursions of highly contagious infectious diseases, between livestock farms. (e.g. FMD, AI, HC) • www.NAADSM.org to down-load Windows based model and full documentation • Harvey et al 2007 The North American animal disease spread model: A simulation model to assist in decision making in • evaluating animal disease incursions Prev. Vet. Med. (in press) OCVO, OMAFRA pg 3

  4. Background - Simple Models • Needed simple models and schematics to communicate principles to producers and policy-decision-makers (and anyone else who wants to understand the concepts) • McNab & Dube, 2007, Simple models to assist in communicating key principles of animal disease control Veterinaria Italiana 43:317-326 • ie. The core of this presentation feel free to use the information to assist you in communicating principles of disease spread and control OCVO, OMAFRA pg 4

  5. Schematics of Principles of Disease Spread Consider spread of a cold if each infected person spreads it to two new people The “reproductive ratio” (R) = number of secondary cases generated per existing case (in this example R= 2 new cases generated per existing case) significance of R < 1 outbreak contracts vs. R > 1 outbreak expands OCVO, OMAFRA pg 5

  6. An “easy-to-see” Schematic vs. Reality 20 21 22 23 24 25 In this ordered, consistent schematic, its easy to see R = 2 But it is not always that easy….. OCVO, OMAFRA pg 6

  7. Usually R Changes Over Time and Is Not Consistent Between “Contemporary” Cases OCVO, OMAFRA pg 7

  8. H Hubs Can Have Great Influence With H R = 1.6 Without H R = 0.9 (understanding “networks” is important) OCVO, OMAFRA pg 8

  9. Overlapping Generations – Known & Unknown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OCVO, OMAFRA pg 9

  10. Overlapping Generations – Known & UnknownWhat’s R new/old ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OCVO, OMAFRA pg 10

  11. a) 100 % 100 100 20 20 100 40 10 5 20 90 90 90 b) 73 % c) 0.8 % d) 0.2 % Every Little Bit Helps OCVO, OMAFRA pg 11

  12. 5 40 10 Every Little Bit Helps - Exponentially 60% 40% • Spread AND Control are “exponential” in nature • importance of blocking or preventing spread (biosecurity) • often not aware of “saves”…. difficult to prove value OCVO, OMAFRA pg 12

  13. Disease Response Consider: - Detection of FAD but not aware of other cases OCVO, OMAFRA pg 13

  14. Disease Response • Consider: • Detection • Controlling spread from detected * OCVO, OMAFRA pg 14

  15. Disease Response • Consider: • Detection • Controlling spread from detected • Trace forward * OCVO, OMAFRA pg 15

  16. Disease Response • Consider: • Detection • Controlling spread from detected • Trace forward, trace back * OCVO, OMAFRA pg 16

  17. Disease Response • Consider: • Detection • Controlling spread from detected • Trace forward, trace back and forward again * OCVO, OMAFRA pg 17

  18. Earlier Detection & Response • Consider: • More rapid detection • Better tracing • Controlling spread from detected (when fast enough) * OCVO, OMAFRA pg 18

  19. PREVENTION, Detection, response 1) @ 2 new/case, poor detctn & rspns 2) @ 2 new/case, reasonable detctn & rspns * * aware of 1, but 62 more (and spreading) aware of 15, but 25 more (some spreading) 4) @ 1.2 new/case, reasonable detctn & rspns 3) @ 1.2 new/case, poor detctn & rspns * * aware of 1, but 11 more (some spreading) aware of 7, but 1 more (little or no spreading) OCVO, OMAFRA pg 19

  20. @ 2 new / case New Total 1 1 2 3 4 7 8 15 * 16 31 32 63 Total number of cases incubation @ new cases per case number 1.25 1.5 2 5 8 13 31 10 33 113 1023 earlier detection implement controls when fewer cases * increased biosecurity barriers increased control decreased # new cases / case PREVENTION, Detection, response Disease Spread AND Control are Inherently Exponential Examples where improved biosecurity, early detection and rapid effective response resulted in fewer cases Avian Influenza in BC 2004: 53 prem. vs. 2005: 2 prem. Foot and Mouth Disease 2001UK: 2030 prem. vs. Holland: 26 prem. Collectively, we must address the biology OCVO, OMAFRA pg 20

  21. A B D C Evolving, Unknown Situations Can Look The Same =known negative =known positive =unknown negative =unknown positive =known unit unknown positive • Which Is It ? • Not sig. • Economic sig. • Pblc Hlth sig. • Reprtabl. hot or cool • Emerging hot or cool • Need • Information • Communication • Appropriate Action OCVO, OMAFRA pg 21

  22. ii) i) Utility of ID, Tracing, Compartmentalization …. i) Unknown, unstructured movements, among unknown units v.s.ii) Known structured movements among known, compartmentalized units If you were CEO…..If you were CVO ? OCVO, OMAFRA pg 22

  23. “Formula” for (factors influencing) R Reproductive Ratio…..R (i.e. factors influencing to how many people I “give” my cold) d = duration available as infectious e.g. 5 days c = contact frequency e.g. 5 contacts per day t = transmission probability per contacte.g. 20% of contacts s = susceptibility probability per transmission e.g. 40% susceptible R = d x c x t x s R = 5 days/casex 5 cntct/day x .2 trns/cntct x .4 (susp) cases/trns R = 2 cases/case R = 2 If R > 1 the epidemic expands, if R < 1 it slows and burns out OCVO, OMAFRA pg 23

  24. Formula for R • What factors influence R ? • R = dx c x t x s • d = duration available as infectious • stay home • early diagnosis (call veterinarian, lab diagnosis, surveillance) • depopulation • pre-emptive slaughter of contacts (while latent or sub-clinical) • c = contact frequency • avoid meetings • avoid unnecessary livestock movements and contacts • farm premises security • livestock movement restrictions OCVO, OMAFRA pg 24

  25. Formula for R • What factors influence R ?(continued) • R = dx c x t x s • t = transmission probability per contact stay home • wash hands, don’t shake hands / kiss at greeting • clean coveralls / boots • clean and disinfect • shower-in / shower-out • s = susceptibility probability per transmission • s = [1 - (inftd % + vacc imn % + missing %)] • s = [ 1 – (.2 infct + .3 vac + .1miss)] • s = .4 • (R will decrease on own as “i” increases c.p.) OCVO, OMAFRA pg 25

  26. Examples NAADSM Model Inputs Influencing R R = duration infc.x contact freq.x trans. P.x susp. • Disease parameters • latent, sub-clin, clinical, immune • Contact rates • frequency of direct contact …of indirect contact • Probability of transmission • ….direct and indirect • Controls • detection, movement restrictions, destruction, vaccination But Variability & Uncertainty Monte-Carlo (other session) OCVO, OMAFRA pg 26

  27. Example Application of NAADSM – Relative Comparisons • Varying Input Variables Influencing R (in NAADSM course) • Early reporting ( decrease duration infectious d ) • Improved biosecurity ( decrease p. of trans. t) • Combinations (e.g. BiosSec, Early Rpt, Better Trace, Improve Destrct., Reduced Mvmnt) • Do NOT Interpret Numbers Literally !!! OCVO, OMAFRA pg 27

  28. One slide, brief “taste” of NAADSM outputs illustrating disease spread & control concepts OCVO, OMAFRA pg 28

  29. Bugs / toxins do not read or act with intent; spread is mostly passive; mostly, they move where you buy, carry or let them ride in. • Spread and control are “exponential”, so every little bit helps and little things matter. • Decision makers need to know what and how much is at risk, where and when vs. “who” is contaminated with what, where and when, AND how things flow, so can trace and anticipate. • Peacetime holistic bio-security and system-design that facilitate prevention of spread, early detection, rapid aggressive investigation / tracing / response; pays exponential biological dividends (often unknown). • Industry workers, physically addressing the biology is what matters; your/their routine daily actions influence your animal disease future far more than you may have thought. This is empowering. Take Home Message To Industry OCVO, OMAFRA pg 29

  30. Session Outline • Background to this presentation • Schematics of disease-spread-concepts for NAADSM • Reproductive ratio R • Key factors influencing R for NAADSM • NAADSM examples • Take-Home-Message for producers • QUESTIONS ? OCVO, OMAFRA pg 30

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