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Lesson5 (Word Study). view. Unit 2. cam-pus. ( camp us) ( n ) the land which a school, college or university is located on. The library is located in the centre of the campus. That university has got several campuses. * How many campuses has KFU got?. con-sid-er.

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  1. Lesson5 (Word Study) view Unit 2

  2. cam-pus • (camp us) (n) the land which a school, college or university is located on. The library is located in the centre of the campus. That university has got several campuses. * How many campuses has KFU got?

  3. con-sid-er • con-sid-er(con sid er) (vt-reg) think about something: think something about a person or a thing. He considered the problem very carefully, but he could not solve it. He is considered to be a very good worker.

  4. ec-o-nom-ics • ec-o-nom-ics(eco nom ics) (n) the study of how money and goods are producted and distributed. Faisal is going to study economics at university. To become a businessperson or a manager you need to study economics .

  5. hu-man-i-ties • hu-man-i-ties.(hu man ities) (n) the study of subjects such as language and literature, but not science. He is studying the humanities at Oxford University. * Name one Saudi university where you can study the humanities.

  6. in-tel-li-gent • in-tel-li-gent (in tel ligent)(adj) quick understand something. Ahmad was so intelligent that he got his school-leaving certificate and went to univeristy when he was twelve years old.

  7. keep on • keep on (keep on) (v-irreg: kept on) continue She kept on until it was finished. They kept on dirving until they reached a filling station. *What must you do if you do not succeed at first? ________ trying.

  8. phar-ma-col-o-gy • phar-ma-col-o-gy(pharma col ogy) (n) the scientific study of medicines and their effects. He is studying pharmacology. The pharmacology department at the hospital can tell you what that medicine contains. *Where can you study pharmacology in Saudi Arabia?

  9. pit-y • pit-y (pit y) (n) a feeling of being sorry for someone else. • We felt pity for him. What a pity? • How terrible ! I feel sad that this has happened.

  10. so-cial sci-enc-es • so-cial sci-enc-es ( so cial sci ences) (n) The study of people in society. * Complete this sentence: He is studying social sciences at university in Saudi Arabia.

  11. so-ci-e-ty • so-ci-e-ty (so ci ety)(n) 1. all the people in the world considered as a whole. That man is a danger to society. • 2. a group of people considered as a whole. Islamic society ; western society.

  12. so-ci-e-ty 3. a group of people who join together for a purpose or activity, a club The Society of Middle Eastern Engineers ; a model plane society. *Do you have any societies in your school? Can you name them?

  13. cam-pus • straight-a-way (straight a way)(adv) immediately. Do it straight away ! He felt a pain and went to the doctor straight away.

  14. vet-e-ri-nary sci-ences • vet-e-ri-nary sci-ences (vet erinary sci ences) (n) the study of animal medicine; the study of how to treat sick animals. You must study veterinary sciences to become a veterinary surgeon (or vet).

  15. vet-e-ri-na-ry sur-geon • vet-e-ri-na-ry sur-geon (vet erinary sur geon)(n) (also a vet or veterinarian) a doctor for animals. * At which Saudi university can you study to become a veterinary surgeon?

  16. End Lesson Start Exit

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