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GINKO BILOBA. RESEARCH QUESTION:. How to revive the old part of the town Karlovac also known as Zvijezda ( eng . Star)?. ASSUMPTION :. Karlovac is a city of parks , therefore there should be a plant species interesting for visitors of Zvijezda.
RESEARCH QUESTION: How to revivethe old partofthe town Karlovac alsoknown as Zvijezda (eng. Star)?
ASSUMPTION: Karlovac is a city ofparks, thereforethereshouldbe a plantspeciesinteresting for visitorsof Zvijezda.
Vrbanić’s park is locatedinthesouth-easternpartofthe town betweentheriver Korana and Zvijezda. It wasestablishedin 1886. by Josip Vrbanić, mayorof Karlovac.
Researching data aboutplantspeciesgrowingintheVrbanić’s park andincooperationwith Zelenilo d.o.o. wecame to theunderstandingthatGinkgotreesgrowthere.
GOAL: SupstantiatetheevidenceaboutGingkotreegrowinginthe park Presentthe project inourschoolandour city SuggestthatGinkgobecomes one ofthetouristattractionofour town
WORK METHODS: Studentsphotographed thetreesandmeasured it’s hightanddiameterusingthe Globe protocol.
Studentsmade fan-shapedleaves, wrotetheinformationaboutthefounding site, growth, reproductionand health benefitsintheleaveswhichtheyglued on thethreeafterwards.
INTERESTING FACTS: • There is a differencebetween male andfemaleginkotree • It canberecognizedby fan-shapedleaves • Resistant to lowtemperatures (-30° C) • Toleratedpollutedatmosphere • Used as a culinary suplement • Leavesandseeds are usedin medicine to treatdepressionandasthma • Ginkohasslightlychangedinthelast 200 millionyears • The first seedsbrought to Europe weretheonesbrought to England • It is contemporary to dinosaurs • Used for it’s therapeuticbenefitsin China 2800 years BC
The 8th grade studentsfound one male and one femaleGinkgotreeintheVrbanić’s park.
Project waspresented to otherstudentsandtheparticipantsoftheDayoftheOpenEventsinourschool- primaryschool Banija.
CONCLUSION The old partofour town needs to berevivedthereforewehopetheGinkotreesstudentsfoundwillbeincluded as one ofthe city’s attraction.