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Bulletin 118 Statewide Assessments and Practices April 2011 Provide effective administration of state assessments Test Security is the key to effective administration of all state assessments
Bulletin 118Statewide Assessments and Practices April 2011 • Provide effective administration of state assessments • Test Security is the key to effective administration of all state assessments • Clarify the responsibilities of all school and district personnel involved in state assessment (Bulletin 118 many be found at www.louisianaschools.net ) Go to BESE, look under policies
Lafayette Parish School System Test Security Policy March 2011 Effectiveness?
Test Security UpdateSpring and Summer 2011 AdministrationBESEAcademic Goals and Instructional CommitteeOctober 18, 2011 Spring, Summer 20ll - Plagiarism None from Lafayette Parish!
Test Security UpdateSpring and Summer 2011 Administration BESE Academic Goals and Instructional CommitteeOctober 18, 2011 Spring 20ll – Erasure Analysis None from Lafayette Parish!
Test Security UpdateSpring and Summer 2011 Administration BESE Academic Goals and Instructional CommitteeOctober 18, 2011 Spring 20ll – District Voids Violations of Test Security, including Administrative Errors One iLEAP from Lafayette Parish!
Test Security UpdateSpring and Summer 2011 Administration Spring and Summer 20ll – Administrative Errors None from Lafayette Parish!
TEST SECURITY All personnel involved in assessment must read and be familiar with the Lafayette Parish Test Security Policy and procedures. Test Security Outline for Personnel
I. Definitions Access– access to secure test materials by school personnel means physically handling the materials, not reading, reviewing, or analyzing test items, either before or after testing. Secure Materials –test materials that contain test items or student responses and to which access is restricted. Secure test materials include: 1. student test booklets; 2. student answer documents; 3. any other materials that contain test items or student responses as defined by the publishing company. Testing Irregularity – any incident in test handling or administration that leads to a question regarding the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data.
II. Violations of Test Security C. 1. It shall be a violation of test security for any person to do any of the following: a. Administer tests in a manner that is inconsistent with the administrative instructions provided by the Louisiana Department of Education which would give students/examinees anunfair advantage or disadvantage.
b. Give students/examinees access to test questions prior to testing. c. examine any test item at any time (except for the student/examinee during the test or the school test administrator while providing the accommodations “Tests Read Aloud” or “Communication Assistance,” “Braille,” Transferred Answers” or “Answers Recorded” for students/examinees determined to be eligible for those accommodations); d. at any time, copy, reproduce, record, store electronically, discuss or use in any manner inconsistent with test regulations, all or part of any secure test booklet, answer document or supplementary secure materials (e.g. writing prompts, science tasks).
e. Coach students/examinees in any manner during testing or alter or interfere with students/examinees responses in any manner; f. Provide answers to students/examinees in any manner, during the test including provision of cues, clues, hints and/or actual answers in any form: i. written; ii. printed; iii. verbal; or iv. nonverbal;
g. administer published parallel, previously administered, or current forms of any statewide assessment [e.g., Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP), Integrated LEAP (iLEAP), Graduation Exit Examination (GEE ), Old Graduation Exit Exam (“Old” GEE), LEAP Alternate Assessment ( LAA 1, LAA 2), the English Language Development Assessment (ELDA), End of Course Tests (EOCT), online assessments or Form K, L, M, A and B and all new forms of IOWA Tests as a practice test or study guide];
h. fail to follow security regulations for distribution and return of secure test booklets, answer documents, supplementary secure materials, (e.g. writing prompts, science tasks) as well as overages as directed or fail to account for and secure test materials before, during or after testing. ALL SECURE MATERIALS MUST BE KEPT IN LOCKED STORAGE AND/OR UNDER PROPER SUPERVISION.
i. conduct testing in environments that differ from the usual classroom environment as stated in Bulletin 741 without prior written permission (32 days before testing) from the Louisiana Department of Education, Division of Student Standards and Assessments. • K – 3 (no more than 26) • 4 – 12 (no more than 33)
j. fail to report any testing irregularities to the District Test Coordinator, ( a “testing irregularity” is any incident in test handling or administration that leads to a question regarding the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data) who must report such incidents to the LDE, Division of Student Standards and Assessments; k. participate in, direct, aid, counsel, assist in, encourage or fail to report any of the acts prohibited in this section.
III. Oath of Security All test administrators (TAs) and proctors must sign the Oath of Security and return it to the STC to keep on file for three years. The STC and principal must sign the Oath of Security and return it to the DTC to be kept on file at the LPSS for three years.
IV. Accountability Rosters Principals and STCs must use Pre-grid Accountability Rosters for tracking students who have left the school; register the appropriate accountability code for students who won’t be testing at the school; Verify the Alternate Assessment student’s information…
V. Hand Coded Documents It is imperative that the following demographic information be hand coded completely ( no blanks) and match exactly on all answer documents for accurate student results. Date of Birth First Name LastName Social Security Number/State ID Number Gender Race/Ethnicity
LEAPweb System Student Test History Completed Mergers
VI. Procedures in Test Manual • All test materials must be kept in locked, secure storage area… • TAs access only on the days of testing • All materials must be accounted for every day • Any discrepancies must be reported… • Missing materials, testing irregularities, breaches of test security - notify DTC • All personnel must be trained in test security & administration. • Testing conducted in class-size groups except with permission from LDEthirty days prior to testing. • Principal/STC submit documentation for students unable to test due to illness
Individual Student Data Protected Password protected and not for public use LEAP data Query System LEAP web Reporting System EOCT EAGLE Not in Test Security Policy but also password protected Infinite Campus Campus View LEADS
VIII. Investigating Missing Materials, Testing Irregularity, Improprieties Location examined and personnel with access identified Interviews conducted with principal, STC, TA, Proctor(s) Interviews with students (if applicable) Provide written report on letterhead (pg. 11)
IX. Investigating A Violation by a student as observed by TA The test administrator must notify the school test coordinator about any suspected incident of cheating and provide a written account of the incident. (LPSS Test Irregularities Reporting Form should be used.) Answer documents in such cases should be processed like all other answer documents. The school test coordinator must then convene a school-level test security meeting consisting at a minimum of the principal, the school test coordinator, and the test administrator to determine whether a test should be voided.
c. If it is deemed necessary to void the test, the school test coordinator must notify the district test coordinator of the void request in a letter written on school letterhead, signed and dated by the school principal and the school test coordinator. The original account of the incident written by the test administrator must be enclosed. (LPSS Test Irregularities Reporting Form) d. the district test coordinator must then fax a completed void form from the LDE, Division of Student Standards and Assessments as directed in the District and School Test Coordinators Manual.
X. Breaches of Test Security Investigative Committee 1. Review of Irregularity with no action taken 2. A documented conference with individual(s) involved in the reported irregularity. 3. A written letter of reprimand will be placed in the individual’s personnel file. 4: A suspension without pay for not less than one (1) day and not to exceed five (5) days. 5: A letter of termination following Lafayette Parish School System procedures.
XI. Handling Administrative Errors which results in test void 1. DTC sends void notification to LDE 2. LPSS requests opportunity to retest prior to next testing session 3. LDE will notify LPSS of arrangements to retest and LPSS must provide a corrective plan of action 4. The vendor will assess LPSS a fee for each test and LDE will provide a report of retests to BESE
XII. Emergencies During Testing Pg. 18 of the Test Security Policy should be reviewed prior to testing. A copy of this page should be placed in the back of each TAs manual. XIII. Cell Phone Policy Must be in the off position while test booklets and answer documents are in the vicinity.
XIV. Principals Responsibilities Pages 26 – 28 of Policy, 1 – 30 Especially Important: • Read Test Security Policy & Manuals • Provide staff training & responsible for adherence to all policies and procedures • Accountability Coding • Coordinate/monitor hand coded answer documents • Verify classrooms have been prepared for testing • Monitor testing & maintain conducive testing environment • Report test irregularities
XV.SchoolTest Coordinator Responsibilities Pages 28 – 30 of Policy, 1 – 35 Especially Important: • Read Test Security Policy & Manuals • Supervise testing procedures & materials control at school level • Compile list of students approved for accommodations • Submit permission form for testing in environments different from usual classroom setting 32 days prior to testing • Ensure security of testing materials & verify counts • Assign TA numbers • Coordinate & monitor completion of hand coded documents for accuracy • Report test irregularities
XVI. TA Responsibilities Page 31 of Policy, 1 – 13 Especially Important: • Read Test Security Policy & TA Manual • Attend stafftraining & adhere to all policies and procedures • Follow testing schedule • Read & perform directions exactly, word for word • Make certain all cellphones & computers are off • Provide appropriate, approved accommodations • Perform activemonitoring • Report any testirregularities