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The first Gifted Education Center in Romania Invest in discovering the potential of every child. Gifted Education Center. Agenda. First Center for Gifted Education Turning ideas into facts IRSCA Gifted Education as sound partner for an innovative growth’s pattern
The first Gifted Education Center in Romania Invest in discovering the potential of every child Gifted EducationCenter
Agenda • First Center for Gifted Education • Turning ideas into facts • IRSCA Gifted Education as sound partner for an innovative growth’s pattern • An innovative approach in education • Set-up plan • Contacts Gifted EducationCenter
The first Ever Gifted Education Center, a non-profit, private and independentinstitution to support gifted and talented children with early quality childhood education Mission Statement The first Center: • To offer exceptional quality of education • To offer top-talent personnel in a top quality educational environment and a high quality relationship with parents (parenting, consulting) • To discover, to promote and to develop the natural abilities and potential of children through gifted education methodologies • To support gifted and talented children to be authentically happy • To support parents to live as fulfilled balanced human beings Gifted EducationCenter
An exceptional project • A unique project to answer a high social demand for an early childhood education of excellence • Gifted Education is proved to have high results with all categories of children • Gifted Education is Early Quality Childhood Education. Research proves that every child at 3 years old is gifted: with high abilities of attention, concentration, creativity, intelligence, motivation, capacity to learn, humor and sense of right • Furthermore, research shows that intelligence and creativity forms 95-98% at early ages (10 to 12 years old) • Quality Day Care, Early, Is Tied to Achievements as an Adult • Early quality education can develop the intelligence and creativity of children: The Abecedarian project in the US proves this result (1999). More evidence: Jeff Bezos – Amazon, Larry Page – Google, Sergey Brin – Googlecredit Montessori education for their succes (Going to a Montessori school is where they learned to be self-directed and self-starters. They said that Montessori education allowed them to learn to think for themselves and gave them freedom to pursue their own interests) Gifted EducationCenter
Invest in gifted children, invest in the values of society, invest in our national future! “No nation, no society can allow herslef to neglect gifted children and youth with highest potential of her people. The most talented are the nation’s wealth.” Klaus Urban Prof. Dr., ex president of World Council for Gifted and Talented Children "Gifted education respects and promotes the divine nature of the human being and not a merchandised human being, the human being forconsumption. We promote the human being who is a creator, the human being capable to develop her potentials." - Florian Colceag, president, IRSCA Gifted Education. Gifted EducationCenter
Gifted Children: Have special needs They waste Most of the them are underachivers (50% according to research) Get cornered in the society They risk alienation and grow to become antisocial And they are a Nation’s WEALTH!!!!!!!!!!? Gifted EducationCenter
International Recommendations “I heard about plans to establish a kindergarten for gifted children and take this opportunity to strongly support this promising endeavour, which not only gives necessary developmental input to the individual children, but is a big step forward to a gifted education, dealing with differentiation in heterogeneity, from which finally all children and lastly the society will get profit…. • Dr Klaus Urban, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Sonderpädagogik, past president, World Council for Gifted and Talented – most important gifted education international organization Gifted EducationCenter
International Laws Supporting the education of gifted children RECOMMENDATION 1248 (1994) of the Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly states: “Gifted children should be able to benefit from appropriate educational conditions that would allow them to develop fully their abilities, for their own benefit and for the benefit of society as a whole. No country can indeed afford to waste talents and it would be a waste of human resources not to identify in good time any intellectual or other potentialities. Adequate tools are needed for this purpose” ”The ordinary school system should be made flexible enough to enable the needs of high performers or talented students to be met” Council of Europe, Reply from the Committee of Ministers In 2003, the Committee of Ministers stated in two official replies (September and December) that: Gifted children form a category of persons with special needs; they face “certain specific problems in the regular education system for ordinary children”[1] and because of that, they require proper provision within a different education system. If proper care is not taken, on one hand, “the high potential of these children for creativity is lost, and on the other hand, there is the risk of alienation, drop-out and antisocial behaviour”[2]. Gifted EducationCenter
World Conferences on Inclusive Education Salamanca World Conference on Special Needs Education, 1994: “… Schools should accommodate all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions. This should include disabled and gifted children, street and working children, children from remote or nomadic populations, children from linguistic, ethnic or cultural minorities and children from other disadvantaged or marginalised areas or groups.” Dakar World Education Forum, 2000: “... Education systems must be inclusive, actively seeking out children who are not enrolled, and responding flexibly to the circumstances and needs of all learners...” Gifted EducationCenter
Romanian Law 17/2007 on the education of gifted and talented Art.3 - According to the Human Rights Charter, Lisbon case, the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Recommendation 1248/1994 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, students with special needs, among whom gifted students can be mentioned, shall be provided with an adequate educational environment which allows them to fully exploit their potential for their own, as well as for the society’s benefit. Art.4 - In accordance with the regulations of Law of Education no.84/1995 and Government Emergency Ordinance no. 36/1997, this law is intended to promote and guarantee the right to differentiated education, setting a legal and technical-logistic framework for professional elites in all fields, through: a) Differentiated education as a set of formal, non-formal and informal educational programs adapted for the development of the gifted students population segment characterized by special needs; b) Education of gifted and talented students in public or private specialized centers through specialized classes, week-end schools, training camps, summers schools, distance education programs, and other methods; c) The differentiated curriculum as method of adapting the objectives, contents, educational and teaching strategies, study, evaluation, special capabilities, to the ability capacity, the level of cognitive, emotional and motric capacities, to the learning style and rhythm of the gifted students; d) Public-private partnerships between public institutions and organizations with competence in the field of gifted and talented students’ education. Gifted EducationCenter
A highly benefic social project for society The center represents: • First Private Center on Gifted Education at a national level • National and international visibility for the project of education of excellence • Recognition and high reputation by supporting one of the most visionary projects in education in Romania: supporting the development of Romanian intelligence and talent • A highly modern education establishment, a green technological infrastructure Gifted EducationCenter
The objective need • The future shows a high need for top talent human resources • Only quality education can shape the future • High baby boom • 10,000 places shortage in kindergartens (Bucharest) Gifted EducationCenter
World Partners • WCGTC- World Council for Gifted and Talented Children • Asia - Pacific Federation of World Council for Gifted & Talented Children • ECHA - The European Council for High Ability • NAGTY - National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, UK • NAGC - National Association for Gifted Children, SUA • College of William and Marry, SUA • London Center for Gifted and Talented, Marea Britanie • NEAG Center for Gifted and Talented, SUA • The University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia Gifted EducationCenter
Board of Trustees • Presidentof the Board Florian Colceag, president of EDUGATE, IRSCA GIFTED EDUCATION, Member of the Club ofRome, Member of WCGTC; ECHA; NYEX; Asia-Pacific Federation of the WCGTC; AUSTEGA; British Columbia Federation, Founding member of the international network of policy makers gifted edu, and the EU Consortium to support children with special needs Honorary Members: • Academician Ionel Haiduc, President of the Romanian Academy • Mircea Miclea, Presidential Councellor on Education • Calin Georgescu, Gen Secretaryof the Association of th Clube of Rome Gifted EducationCenter
Board of Trustees Members: Monica Gheorghiu, MBA, Project Manager, IRSCA Gifted Education Adina Tulbure, economist, învăţătoare, Colegiul National de artă Regina Maria, Constanţa Director Cercetare Tehnologii Didactice Inovative, IRSCA Gifted Education Ramona Padurau, Director Proiecte Internationale, IRSCA Gifted Education Cristina Ceucă, profesor B.P. Hasdeu, Buzau Kristof Lajos, Ambasadorul copiilor cu potenţial înalt aflaţi în situaţie de risc social din Sistemul de Protecţie a Copilului, Membru de excelenţă IRSCA Gifted Education, Director editorial Revista EXCELENŢA Nicolae Drăgulanescu, Universitatea Politehnică din Bucureşti, Visiting Professor - Chung Ang University of Seoul; auditor al calităţii - DGQ/ TŰV, Asesor - EFQM, PRC „J. M. JURAN”, secretar general - Fundaţia Română pentru Promovarea Calităţii, preşedinte - Liga de Cooperare Cultural-Ştiinţifică România-Franţa Liviu Dragomirescu, Conf. Dr, Catedra de Ecologie, Facultatea de Biologie a Universităţii Bucureşti Florinte Catargiu, Prof., expert IRSCA Gifted Education Marian Staş, MPA, PhD, Presedinte, Fundatia CODECS pentru Leadership, membru Aspen Ştefan Vlaston, Presedintele Asociatiei EDU CER, Profesor Gr.I, Liceul Petru Poni, Bucuresti Cristina Pupăză, Profesor de limba engleza la Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Nr.2 “Petru Comarnescu, Gura Humorului, Jud. Suceava Marilena Leurzeanu, Director Dezvoltare Programe, IRSCA Gifted Education, profesor metodist Casa Corpului Didactic Brasov Director Dezvoltare Mariana Zamfir-Străuţ, Director Cercetare Gifted Education, Regiunea Vest, Dir Programe Fundatia Noi Orizonturi Lupeni Mihaela Christi, cercetator universitar, scriitor, traducator, Fundatia Universitatii Banat Dorina Julecăţean, Prof Lupeni Flaviu Rădulescu, CEO Hostway Romania Theodor McCann, Partner, Constantinovici, McCann & Associates. International Investments, Investment Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Project Finance, Real Estate Bogdan Diaconu, PhD., Senior CSR Consultant Responsible Management Romania Cristian Nen, Transition & Transformation Manager HP Gifted EducationCenter
Identification of Children Gifted and Talented Children shall be identified by a specialized Committee of Evaluation and Identification (EDUGATE members) according to the methodologies of Law 17/2007 and the methodologies of application of Law 17/200 available here: http://www.supradotati.ro/resurse/metodologia.doc Gifted EducationCenter
IRSCA Gifted Education assound partner for an innovative growth’s pattern
Who is IRSCA Gifted Education • Non-profit with the mission to discover and to develop the potential of every child and young person • UNESCO partner • Member of a large international network on gifted education: • ECHA- European Council for High Ability • WCGTC- World Council for Gifted and Talented Children • The Asia Pacific of the WCGTC • Initiator and founder ofEDUGATE– The Romanian Consortium for the Education of Gifted and Talented Children and Youth with more than 60 members • Initiator of the National Program in Gifted Education, National Institute in Gifted Education, First Conference in Gifted Education, National Campus Initiative • Initiator of the Law on the education of gifted, capable of high performance youth – today Law 17/2007 Gifted EducationCenter
Leader in developing gifted education, a high quality education
IRSCA Gifted Education resources Our Gifted Education Know-how • International and national network of collaboration in gifted education including World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, US • Psihologysts qualified in evaluating the abilities of children and recommending a tailored curricula and approach • Educators trained in gifted education • Experience and new didactic technologies adapted to personalities and styles of learning of gifted children • Testing • International competitional education • High professionalism and competence for psycho-didactic implementation • Organizational knowledge in developing gifted education in Australia • Specific experience in the field • Competence to develop it to the level of an active educational network in the country Gifted EducationCenter
IRSCA Gifted Education resources ..development plan, support, reputation, network of collaboration, relationships… • IRSCA Gifted Education, the most active Romanian non-profit in Gifted Education offers entrepreneurial and human resources and know-how: consulting, start-up, organizational support, a great knowledge base • Gifted Education: due to our efforts the name is associated with the education ef excellence • Development plan for implementation Gifted EducationCenter
Team Project writing and implementation: • Gifted Education Consultant: Dr. Florian Colceag, President of IRSCA Gifted Education - Post-graduate studies in gifted education in USA (MA in Gifted Education, Utah State Univ., US) • Project Manager: Monica Gheorghiu, MBA, CEU & Weatherhead School of Management Marketing Manager, IRSCA Gifted Education • Adina Tulbure, Director of Innovative Didactic Strategies, IRSCA Gifted Education • Consultant on Creative Projects: Cristina Irian • Psychologist trained in Gifted Education, Arts and Creativity Director, IRSCA Gifted Education, Consultant: Gratiela Albisor Gifted EducationCenter
Team Who is involved in project development: • Valentin Radu- General Manager, ETCETERA Advertising company • Lucica Ciulei, support for kindergarten accreditation • Adina Tulbure Educator trained in gifted education • Camelia Radu, Ana Bogdea, Gratiela Albisor, Psychologists trained in Gifted Education • Alexandru Bordea, InfoSpeed,www.infospeed.ro, creative works and trainers • Adriana Crisan, inventor, CUB Angello- creative didactic material • Monica Tatanoiu, Executive Director, www.casaretro.ro, intuitive and creative didactic material • And many more EDUGATE is our partner in recruting and supplying the project with human resources. Gifted EducationCenter
Gifted education is Leading in High Quality Education • Best education practices from all over the world • Core concept: “nature and nurture” = education according to the each individual’s developmental & learning needs and learning style • The education of excellence deals with discovering, promoting and developing the natural potential of all categories of people • A form of mass education with specific gifted education programs • Unique value versus other differentiated education establishments (Waldorf, Montessori): gifted education involves the latest research and best practices in the education for human intelligence and creativity at a worldwide level, which develops dinamically on the coordinates of time, the societal needs or human needs. • Open to all ends, with no discrimination on age, sex, race, culture, social status, material status, geographic area or any other criteria Gifted EducationCenter
Early quality education is proved to develop the intelligence and creativity of children Gifted Education is proved to have high results with all categories of individuals - research proves that every child when 3 years old is gifted on all areas of attention, concetration, creativity, intelligence, motivation, capacity to learn, to have humor and the sense of right Research also shows that intelligence and creativity forms 95-98% at early ages (10 to 12 years old) Quality Day Care, Early, Is Tied to Achievements as an Adult Early quality education can develop the intelligence and creativity of children: The Abecedarian project in the US proves this result (1999). More evidence: Jeff Bezos – Amazon, Larry Page – Google, Sergey Brin – Googlecredit Montessori education for their succes (Going to a Montessori school is where they learned to be self-directed and self-starters. They said that Montessori education allowed them to learn to think for themselves and gave them freedom to pursue their own interests) Gifted EducationCenter
Gifted education Aims at: • Creating a harmonious environment for the development of • Multi-intelligence (see Howard Gartner) • Human creativity and • Self-realization • Upbringing and educating individuals for the application of their creative potential • Supporting the continuity of strong family ties • Reinforcing the social moral foundations in order to protect and restore the human and nature bondage Gifted EducationCenter
Why gifted education? • The gifted education program is an international program to cover specific education programs on all levels, from a kindergarten up to a post-phD level • North Americans initiated the gifted program in 1984 by intimately correlating it with regional development objectives: the program is able to form highly competent and motivated human resources with superior intellectual and moral abilities • A program oriented towards intellectual endowmentand human emancipation Gifted EducationCenter
Where can we find gifted education establishments? • Basically, all over the world. • Serbia, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, Finland, China, Australia, The USA, Canada, Turkey, etc • Dunham Academy (UK), Belin-Blank International Center for GiftedEducation and Talent Development (US), Carnegie Mellon Institute for TalentedElementary Students (US), Center for Talent Development (US), public schools in China, the Netherlands, especially Finland. • In the USA and in Australia in every state or county, stressing on identifying them and providing specific training for their intellectual profile • Gifted education programs have reached and have been implemented in the majority of schools in the world. Gifted EducationCenter
Gifted education in the World • Worldwide organizations: WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, The Asia-Pacific Federation of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children 2. Continental organizations: Europe - ECHA- European Council for High Ability • Regional centers: NAGC- National Association for Gifted Children, the US; NAGTY - National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, UK; • Centers of Excellence, magnet schools, charter centers as well as pilot centers to implement new learning technologies, universities and collaborative networks, colleges, schools and kindergartens as well as specialized departments at the levels of ministries of education and governments of numerous countries around the world Gifted EducationCenter
Gifted education in the World • Recently, during the past 10 years, Turkey, the Arabian Emirates, Oman, the Republic of South Africa, Brunei and other countries have started developing the system, an aspect positively correlated with their political and economic stability, as well. Such centers are currently being developed in other countries in the Middle East, Africa, South America, which have not been integrated in the first spreading wave. Europe is almost completely integrated in the system. • A significant example in the former communist block is the center headed by Shi Jiannong from The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences that dedicates its activity to the psychological research of gifted children, who are also trained in special programs. Gifted EducationCenter
The set-up plan • Legal entity set-up: No necessity for a new legal entity- Gifted Education Center as Education Establishment - lucrative body under IRSCA Gifted Education (non-profit). Example: Preasfanta Fecioara Maria Foundation has the network of “Arc-en-ciel” Kindergartens and a school affiliated • Authorization & in 3 years Accreditation from Ministry of Education: File submitted to Accreditation body “Consiliul National de Evaluare si Acreditare a Invatamintului Preuniversitar” Gifted EducationCenter
The Construction plan (sketch) • Kindergarten: up to 80 children • After-school: 45 children • Max 12 children/group • Total Land: min 2000 sqm • 815 sqm constructed space Gifted EducationCenter
The Construction plan 815 sq meters Space Distribution • Classrooms, Medical Cabinet, Kitchen • Eating rooms, Dorm, Events Hall • Sport room, Office space, Green Space • Playing ground, Sports room • Center of Professional Training in Gifted Edu for teachers and parents • Center of Gifted EduCurricula • Center of Councelling and Vocational Councelling parents and kids • Center of testing and identification gifted & talented • Center of Research in Gifted Edu Gifted EducationCenter
I Get Involved. Supporting. Paying forward. Helping a child. www.giftededu.org Gifted EducationCenter
What’s next? Support Talent and Intelligence! Gifted EducationCenter
What’s next? Let yourself be inspired by the children! Every child has a personal Godly gift, a potential. Invest in children, discover their potential. Early childhood Education of excellence is the foremost step to offer a chance to every child to develop harmoniously and fully. Help our children! They are the best we have. It is our obligation to offer the next generations the best we can. Gifted EducationCenter
Thank you! Contact: Project Manager Monica Gheorghiu Mgheorghiu@supradotati.ro Monica.Gheorghiu@gmail.com +4 0729.029.484 Gifted EducationCenter