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名古屋大学大学院国際 言語文化 研究科・日本 言語文化専攻 研究科プロジェクト経費 第 32 回 日本語教育学講座 講演会. The time course of orthography and phonology defined by neural correlates .
名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科・日本言語文化専攻 研究科プロジェクト経費 第32回日本語教育学講座講演会名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科・日本言語文化専攻 研究科プロジェクト経費 第32回日本語教育学講座講演会 The time course of orthographyand phonology defined by neural correlates With both behavioral and electroencephalography (EEG) measures the on-line time course of reading (aloud) is investigated in first, second, and cross-language situation. The behavioral results of the studies revealed that target words (e.g., CARPET) were read aloud faster when preceded by phonologically onset-related primes (e.g., kettle) but not orthographically onset-related primes (e.g., circus). The phonological priming effect was present in the native language, the second language, and from second to first language (e.g., phone – FIETS). The event-related potentials (ERPs) revealed both orthographic and phonological activation peak around 150 milliseconds after target presentation. Thus, even if we have an accent in a second language, the phonological code is activated similarly to a native speaker. In addition, though not visible in the behavioral responses, ERPs revealed early activation of orthography and phonology for Persian word reading (with unmarked vowels) and for silent reading. This suggests that reading starts with same processes – whether silent or aloud or in different scripts. To conclude, this thesis favors computational models assuming early conversion of orthography-to-phonology and models should extend their horizon to accommodate bilinguals 講演者: Dr. Kalinka Timmer(ライデン大学・ポスドク研究員) • 日程:2013年11月28日(木曜日)午後6時15分~午後7時45分 • (6コマ目の授業時間帯)場所:名古屋大学全学教育棟・北棟405号室 <参加自由・無料> 連絡先:名古屋大学 玉岡賀津雄(たまおか かつお)ktamaoka@lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp