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Global Initiative: International CML Awareness Day - 9/22

Join the CML community as we raise awareness on the International CML Awareness Day, September 22. Encouraging unity to promote timely access to diagnosis, treatment, and care for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Learn more at www.cmladvocates.net/cmlawarenessday.

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Global Initiative: International CML Awareness Day - 9/22

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  1. To speak with a united voice, the CML community proclaims SEPTEMBER 22 as the annual International CML Awareness Day Encouraging patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, government and industry, as well as the wider community, to join together to raise awareness about CML and the need for timely access to diagnosis, treatment and care

  2. 9/22 represents CML and September 22 • International CML Awareness Day initiated by patients • Goal =joint campaigning for patients needs on timely access to diagnosis, treatment and care in CML • Supported by CML Advocates Network, The Max Foundation, Alianza Latina, International CML Foundation • 1065 patients and physicians from 49 countries signed the proclamation • 110 photos of "Faces of CML" submitted

  3. Join the initiative and sign the proclamation today • http://www.cmladvocates.net//cmlawarenessday

  4. 9/22 = International CML Awareness Day,an annual initiative run by national patient organisations, supported by the CML Advocates Network, The Max Foundation, Alianza Latina, International CML Foundation on a global level. 9/22 represents: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia & September 22

  5. Broad support for International CML Awareness Day To speak with a united voice, the CML community proclaims SEPTEMBER 22 as the annual International CML Awareness Day. It encourages patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, government and industry, as well as the wider community, to join working together to raise awareness about CML and the need for timely access to diagnosis, treatment and care. 1065signatures49countries (as of 13 Sept 2011, check up to date number here)

  6. What patients world-wide said about proclaiming Int'l CML Awareness Day • For a long time we were dreaming to rise CML awareness worldwide. • Awareness on 9/22 should be global. • This is an amazing initiative and effort to bring forth a just cause. • Together we stand. For patients, survivors and loved ones. • You are not alone in this world. Let us make the world know. • Being a CML survivor, I am very proud to be a part of this initiative • The dates are unique and belong to none other than those breathing each moment alongside CML! • All survivors, caregivers and medical professionals: let us keep the fight on we will win. • CML patients around the world are one family. We love, respect and help each other • This will help improve the quality of life of CML patients around the world. • Life can be smooth with CML!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!! • Honored to be a part of this drive. It is lovely to be part of this wonderful group • This will definitely increase the awareness about CML in patients, physicians and caregivers. • Its timely. • A problem shared is a problem half solved. We will get there. Lets all join hands. • Many lives depend on us, lets create awareness as much as we can. • More power to the group. God bless. • On 9/22, we, all CML patients, caregivers and advocates, should stand united together and make sure each patient at any spot on earth, gets the chance to live! • Our duty is to keep the hope alive for every day... the hope is always the first answer

  7. CML has different faces Different Faces of CML patients from all across the world http://cmladvocates.net/facesofcml

  8. CML Awareness Day:History & Concept • 9/22: date represents the genetic change of chromosomes 9 and 22 which causes CML. • CML Awareness Day initiated on national level by CML Society of Canada in 2008 • 2011 will be the first year where organisations will collaborate on"International CML Awareness Day" across borders • Awareness raising events will take place in each participating country.

  9. Goal of International CML Awareness Day • Encourage patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, government and industry, as well as the wider community, to work together to raise awareness about CML and the need for timely access to diagnosis, treatment and care.

  10. Who can take part in International CML Awareness Day? • Individuals, patients, patient organisations, health professionals, researchers, industry, public health authorities - the more, the better!

  11. Patient Organisation's activitieson CML Awareness Day 2011 (1) • During its General Assembly on 26 Feb 2011, LMC France proposed the idea of creating a world-wide Awareness Day on  9/22. International CML Awareness Day will be celebrated in hospitals throughout France with conferences and patients' meetings. September 23 will see the award ceremony of LMC France's photo competition "All united, all unique". This will be followed by a concert given by LMC France's patron. On Sept 25, the festivities will end with LMC France's race. All profits from the concert and race will be given to medical research. In addition, LMC France produces a video with statements of support from patient advocates all across the world. • The CML Society of Canada is celebrating a weekend with gourmet food, first class blues and a cruise up to Quebec City and back to raise awareness about CML and raise funds for patient advocacy issues. More activities are in preparation. • The National CML Society (USA) is planning a number of activities and will be asking the US congressional leaders this year  for a resolution recognizing this day across the United States. More activities are in preparation. • The Macedonian Association for help in treatment of patients with CML will hold a press conference on 22 Sept to inform the Macedonian public about CML and will invite its members, representatives of the government (Minister of Health, Director of the Fund and Director of the Bureau for drags), and representatives of various non-governmental humanitarian organizations and Associations of other patients.

  12. Patient Organisation's activitieson CML Awareness Day 2011 (2) • The Israeli CML patient's Organization is celebrating the International CML Awareness Day in few events, e.g. active role in the national hematologists convention from Sep 21-24. It will announce this day on a patients advocacy session on 22/9. On Sep 20, special lab tours in 2 big hospitals in Tel Aviv/Haifa to educate patients about monitoring CML. • Vivre avec le LMC (France) will hold the the associations’ day in the North of France on September 10 emphasizing 9/22, and a potluck dinner will be held on September 24 with all the members and friends of Vivre avec la LMC. • Alianza Latina, the Latin-American Alliance of Organizations Supporting People Living with Blood Diseases, is joining International CML Awareness Day by signing the proclamation and making its members aware about the initiative (web: http://alianzalatinahemo.org/esp/nt.asp?nt=282, facebook http://www.facebook.com/red.alianzalatina) • CML organisation AMAL from Morocco will organize make activities at an historic place in Marrakech on that day • The Russian CML Online Forum cml-stop.ru will change publish LMC France's video for its russian members, and will change the design of the forum to represent CML Awareness Day. It has issued a press release on CML Awareness Day which was published on multiple web sites. • Leukaemie-Online Germany will issue press events on 22/9, together with CML experts and researchers, to inform the public about CML as a model and success story for personalized medicine. • The International CML Foundation (iCMLf) will celebrate International CML Awareness Day at the opening of the iCMLf-ESH meeting in Portugal on 22/9 • ASAPHE (Venezuela) will give interviews with the media with the participation of doctors, Asaphe board of directors and lab representatives, will hold a conference on 17 September, will meet the Venezuelan Society of Haematology to request their support of CML Awareness Day

  13. Join CML patientsworldwide to celebrate

  14. Join CML patientsworldwide on 9/22 to celebrate

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