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„Trenddel a trendek ellen”

„Trenddel a trendek ellen”. XXIII . Vezérigazgatói Találkozó 2012 . április 18-20. Szabó Eszter Kommunkációs és Public Affairs igazgató , Közép-Kelet Európa. CSIS - 7 Global trends. source: http://csis.org/program/seven-revolutions. GE C orporate Citizenship. 1 5 0 + countries.

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„Trenddel a trendek ellen”

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  1. „Trenddel a trendek ellen” XXIII. Vezérigazgatói Találkozó 2012. április 18-20. Szabó Eszter Kommunkációsés Public Affairs igazgató, Közép-KeletEurópa

  2. CSIS - 7 Global trends source: http://csis.org/program/seven-revolutions

  3. GE Corporate Citizenship 150+ countries 5 million $147 billion (’11) 290 thousand Sustainability, growth

  4. GE in Central and Eastern Europe • Lithuania • Poland • Czech Republic • Slovakia • Hungary • Slovenia • Croatia • Serbia • Romania • Montenegro • Bosnia-Herzegovina • Macedonia • Kosovo • Bulgaria • Moldova • Albania • Greece • Cyprus • Malta GE revenues in CEE • GE presence: employer, citizen • Since 1989 • 26 000+ employees • 5 business technology centers • 3 regional business headquarters • 3 banks • 18 plants • 2011turnover: $4,5Bn • Infr. Modern. & Innovation – sustainability • Export 2011: $5Bn • Signature philantrophy projects Opportunity Europe’s growth region

  5. Focus on Europe • 19 countries from Lithuania down to • Cyprus • Population: 135 million • Estimated GDP 2012 : $1.9trillion after 90’ - WEST before 90’ - EAST What if together?

  6. 2006 Warsaw Stakeholder DialogueGlobal Challenges, Mega Trends and Regional Answers • Event • CSIS – Think-Tank, Washington D.C. - to introduce global challenges/revolutions • Jeff Immelt – a global company’s best practice to address challenges • Roundtable to find local/regional answers facilitated by Chief Editor of Polish Forbes • Closing remarks by Minister of Construction • Media brief • Goals • Pilot a high-level multi-stakeholder discussions • Promote technology as the key factor to sustainability and competitiveness • Create a regional stakeholder network • Partners: • Honorary patron: Polish Prime Minister • Results • Established network of attendees: 9 government representatives, 5 NGOs, 50+ CEOs, 25 key GE customers, 2 universities, 12 media (6 regional) • Regional topics: Energy & Innovation “This conference is an unique opportunity for the people of business, government and NGOs to meet and discuss important issues of global changing environment. It lets us better understand each other and profit from different points of view. Today’s meeting is a great opening of whole program, I hope. If it is being continued I would like to participate again and hopefully donate more to the panel discussions in matters of construction and housing.” AntoniJaszczak, Minister of Construction, Republic of Poland

  7. ’07 Budapest 1st regional Energy ForumToday’s Needs – Sustainable Business Answers to Global Energy Challenges in CEE CEE faces a number of short and long term energy related challenges, including sustainability and renewable energy, that threaten the stability and competitiveness of the region. The First Regional Energy Forum aims to introduce a new approach by bringing together the stakeholders from CEE including the business community, the public and NGO sectors for an open and constructive dialogue. Our goal is to identify potential areas of regional cooperation to turn this threat into a mutually beneficial opportunity. Initiating partner: GE Sponsors: MOL, SSD, E.ON

  8. ’08 Budapest Second Regional Energy Forum Global Challenges – Regional Actions The First Regional Energy Forum concluded that energy challenges, if addressed jointly, present the region with a unique opportunity to generate a "leapfrog effect" in the competitiveness of the region. The Second Regional Energy Forum seek to promote a more unified, collaborative approach and a common vision for the region’s future and identify tangible actions we can start working on. This year AmCham Bulgaria has also joined the partners from CEE driving SREF. REC will mobilize the NGO sector while GKI Energy Research provides scientific background. The Hungarian Minister of Economy will have his counterparts responsible for energy to participate in a roundtable discussion on the second day of the event.

  9. 2009 Prepairing for after crisisRegional dialogue organised by Polish Senate Jeff Immeltin the Polish Senate June, 2009 „New world economic order” Consultation with Polish Senate and ministers and opposition leaders of other CE countries

  10. 2010 Policy shaping on EU-levelStructural fund priorities beyond 2014 Krynica Economic Forum Plennary Creating EU Financial Perspective 2014-2020 Innovation or Infrastructure? Francis Bailly, Janusz Lewandowski, Polish EU Commissioner, Gyorgy Szaparyadvisor to PM Dialogue in the European Parliament Contribution of regional policy to growth and innovation in the Polish economyLeslaw Kuzaj, Danuta Huebner, MEPhosted debate

  11. 2011 Building on EU PresidenciesInfluence structural fund priorities set durning HU/PL terms Dialogue in the EP Modernising infrastructures in Central and Eastern Europe – What role for EU regional policy? Nani Beccalli Danuta Huebnerand Laszlo Surjan MEPs as hosts Krynica Economic Forum EU 2020 for CEE: a Catalyst to Empower the CEE Region? Between Reality and Wishful Thinking Nani Beccalli Innovation Barometer Polish Edition Event at the European Parliament Danuta Huebner as host, Janusz LewandowskiPolish EU Commissioner, Leslaw Kuzaj, Magda Nizik

  12. ReaganCentennialCelebrationGE as presenting sponsor Events in Warsaw, Prague, Budapest and London

  13. LEADER kontra MANAGER • Leaders • have followers • charismatic, transformational style • People focus • Seek risk • Managers • Have subordinates • authoritarian, transactional style • Work focus • Seek comfort

  14. GE Foundation Scholar-Leader Program Fostering a network of future leaders in CEE • Regional best practice • Hungary(since ’03)Poland (since ’04)Czech Republic (since ‘05)Romania (since ’07) Selection from 5 universities in each country Scholarship and summer seminars with GE Leadership training • Unique philantrophy program to help develop the next generation of internationally competitive leaders in the region: • $1.7+ million investment, 430 students • GE, a dedicated investor andgood corporate citizen – Employer of choice • Partners • Institute of International Education, GE Foundation, GE Volunteers, GE businesses

  15. Building bridges: GE for CEE Blog

  16. ...YOUR PREFERENCE? ? source: http://www.surfing-waves.com

  17. Questions ?

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