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Chapter 7 Natural Resources. Mineral Resources: Metallic: Au, Ag, Al, Cu, etc Non-metallic: S, quartz. Natural Resources: Air, water, land, nutrients, rocks and minerals. Ore-mineral deposits from which metals or non-metals may be removed for profit Ore metal Hematite Fe
Mineral Resources: • Metallic: Au, Ag, Al, Cu, etc • Non-metallic: S, quartz
Natural Resources: • Air, water, land, nutrients, rocks and minerals
Ore-mineral deposits from which metals or non-metals may be removed for profit • Ore metal • Hematite Fe • Bauxite Al • Cinnabar Cr
Uses of Mineral: • Mineral Use • Galena car batteries • Copper wire • Zinc steel • Graphite pencil, paint, battery • Calcite cement • Halite food • Kaolinite ceramics • Quartz glass • Sulfur gunpowder, medicine • Gypsum plaster
Gemstones—rare minerals , very hard, valuable----diamond, ruby, emerald • Alloy---solid or liquid mixture of two or more metals • Bronze -----Cu, Sn, Pb • Steel----Fe C
Types of mining: • A) subsurface----very deep underground (coal)May form sink holes • B) surface-----”strip”mining—mineral very close to the surface • C) placer----a mining method in which large buckets are attached to a floating barge and the mineral is brought to surface • D) undersea---”nodules” with minerals are brought up from deep under the sea(expensive)
Non-Renewable Resource: one that is used up faster than it can be replaced: • Minerals • Fe, Al, Ag, Au, Ni, Cu, etc ( native elements)
2) fossil fuels----from dead organic matter a) coal b) oil c) gasoline d) natural gas All petroleum products
Fossil fuels are made of “H” and “C” / hydrocarbons • Fossil fuel burns—energy + H2O + CO2 • Fossil fuels produce “greenhouse” gases which will cause the Earth to get too hot
Coal most commonly burned F.F.\ • Carbonization: process of decomposed plant material in swamp becomes mud. • Coal stage: • Peat • Lignite • Bituminous • Anthracite
Petroleum---dead organic matter at the bottom of oceans that have been under high heat and pressure • Natural Gas---- a mixture of hydrocarbons • Oil---made of liquid H-C
Crude oil used to make: • Plastic • Synthetic fabric (nylon, spandex) • Medicine • Wax • Rubber • Insecticide, fertilizer,detergent, shampoo,etc
Coal is most abundant fossil fuel in world • U.S., Russia, China --66% of coal • Most coal -discovered Most natural gas reserves – NOT discovered • Oil Shale –abundant—expensive
Renewable Resources: • Resources that can be replaced in a human life span • Wool, wood, cotton, oxygen, water, air
1) Geothermal ---” energy from the heat of Earth’s interior” • Ht energy turns turbines • San Francisco uses geothermal E. • Iceland---powers 85% of homes because it rests over a mid-ocean ridge that releases lots of geothermal energy
2. Solar energy---energy from the sun • 15 min of sun—energy to power world 1 yr • Two system: • Passive system: no moving parts ( home getting sun through the windows) • Active system: moving parts • Have collectors ---box with glass top (usually on top of a building, ht warms water which ht the area)
Advantage: • No fossil fuel • No pollution • Renewable
Disadvantage: • Expensive • Some places do not get enough sunlight • Storage is difficult
3. Hydroelectric : ( one of the oldest ways) • U.S. --11% of power uses water • Uses moving water over a dam • Water turns a turbine • Turbine runs a generator • Generator makes electricity
Disadvantage of Water: • Destruction of the habitat from flooding a river by a dam
Tides: • Rising and falling of the sea level can be controlled to have water make electricity
4. Biomass: • Plant material, manure, sawdust , vegetable oil, and paper are being used to make fuel • Developing countries use a lot of biomass for fuel
Ethanol , a liquid fuel, can be made by bacteria action on biomass
5. Wind— • Movement of air over Earth’s surface • Wind “farms” using high technology wind mills produce lots of energy to make electricy • Disadvantage: • not every place has lots of wind • no good storage method
6.Nuclear Energy: • Nuclear fission: process of splitting heavy atoms into smaller atoms • Neutron—hits atom= energy + newly released neutron • Chain reaction occurs
Nuclear fission use U-235 • 1.Energy 2. water pumped around fuel rods • 3. steam 4. steam turns a turbine • 5. turbine runs a generator 6. electricity
Disadvantage to Nuclear Power: • Dangerous • radioactive ( toxic) wastes
Nuclear Fusion: • Atoms of “H” fuse to form “He” atoms releasing high energy • No safe “fusion reactor” exist yet • Advantage: no pollution and no weapon abilities
Advantages of N. P. • Burn no fossil fuel • no air pollution
Reuse: Au, Ag, Al, • Restore: replant trees • Use less: conserve the energy we have, by using less cut lights off, car pool, cut thermostats up in summer and down in winter, etc
Conservation: • Coal may last about 200 yr • Oil supply will be 50% gone in 20 yr We must learn to : reuse—renew--reduce
Conservation: • The preservation and wise use of natural resources • Recycle: process of recovering valuable materials from waste or scrap
Freshwater: natural resource that we can recycle with rain, but we must try and keep our fresh water sources clean and safe to use • Label the water cycle: • Radiation---evaporation---condensation— • Precipitation---transpiration---runoff and ground water
Impact of mining: • Air pollution • Noise pollution • Water pollution • Wildlife habitat destruction • Fires • Sinkholes
Impact of fossil fuels on Environment global warming---puts greenhouse gases into the atmosphere • mining can pollute the soil
Vocab: • Desertification---drying of land • over grazing livestock can cause this • Prevention: • Rotate the crops • Reduce over grazing • Plant trees and shrubs to hold on to topsoil
Bedrock---unweathered parent rock • Quarries---large holes in Earth from which rock is extracted • Aggregrates: natural resource that mixture of gravel, sand, crushed stone. Va has lots of this resource • Iron ore –most common ore • Gangue---part of ore left after valuable portion is gone
Pollution: environment is changed in a harmful way • Natural sources of pollution: • Forest fire • Volcano • Dust from soil • Salt from sea • Smog----fog + pollution
Radon gas----radioactive gas –pollution from decay of U-235 • Thermal pollution----water getting too hot from the waste of an industry. This depletes the O from the water • Salinization: occurs when salt water evaporates and leaves behind large deposits of salt.
Desalination---taking salt out of water • Hard water---has minerals like Fe, Mg, Ca, P • difficult to use soap • Toxic waste---poisonous waste • Salinity---amount of salt in water • Eutrophication----damaging a lake by accidently adding too much fertilizer
Soil depletion----extreme loss of nutrients from soil • Mineral reserves---all known mineral deposits • Photosynthesis: process of a GREEN plant using sunlight and carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll to make oxygen and sugar
Acid rain: rain that falls through polluted air • Nodule: lump of minerals on the deep-ocean floor • Lode: mineral deposit made up of many thick mineral veins in a roc
Crude oil: unrefined petroleum • Placer deposit: valuable mineral at the bottom of the oean
Reclamation: mined land is returned to its original condition • Conservation: preservation and wise use of natural resources
Respiration— O2 + sugar => CO2 + H2O • Environment: all your surroundings • Soil fertility: ability of soil to grow plants • Crude oil---fossil fuel made of liquid H-C
Lode---mineral deposit within a rock formation • Reclamation---mined land is returned to its original condition after mining is complete
Examples of reclamation of mined land: • Grass over a landfill • Catfish farm put in after sand and gravel are removed • Cattle pasture cover strip mining areas
Page 176-177 • 2-15, 33-35